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PTE52: Playstation Vita - Two Years On

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    I saw an ad for Vita the other night which was the first in a very long time, its the lack of support from Sony itself that I find most staggering. It's clear that third parties, bar one or two japanese companies, are steering clear but Sony's approach makes Nintendo look proactive with the WiiU. Next year I think there's only Project Diva F2 I want and I'll have to import that.


      Sony managed to block CFW with VIta, and in doing so they ensured poor hardware sales.


        I think Vita was sold on a slight loss so doubt people buying just the console and pirating games would have helped much.


          Probably already been mentioned but the magic Gate/stick memory cards was the dumbest move ever and still prevents me getting a Vita at the mo. The machine is quite reasonable but I'll have to buy x2 16GB or above cards for Japanese and U.K SEN accounts and will prob cost near the same as the machine itself, which is just crazy. I really want a Vita as would love to play PSOne classics and some games on it plus my PS4 Remote play.


            The whole memory card thing has been awful since day one, they certainly haven't tried hard enough to address it either. That said, looking at the poll results, I didn't think there was such a high ratio of Vita owners on here


              I have recently bought one. Amazing system. Just get a 32gb card as Vitas are reduced anyhow. Got mine for a bargain price (Argos)


                Apparently Vita sales 60% up since PS4, still not much in terms of real numbers probably.


                  It's nice to see something give the format a lift but I'm assuming it won't last long,plus it feels like a fairly damning thought that Sony is now effectively selling the handheld as a PS4 accessory. I'm assuming the revised Vita will hit by summer in the West, ideally they'll do so with an aggressive price and a bundled memory card and new major game release.


                    They won't bundle it with a memory card as it has 1GB storage built-in. Nobody can complain that they can't play games out of the box now, but you still have to spend fortunes eventually. Great business plan there.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      It's a shame, I suppose if the hardware doesn't make much profit it's no use but even an affordable Vita with an 8GB card and 12 month Plus sub would be amazing value.


                        To be honest, if all the Vita ends up being is remote play for the PS4, then I'd probably be cool with that.

                        I rarely take handhelds out of the house, as I have my Xperia Play for gaming, and can't be carrying two devices around.

                        The way Sony have been pushing the remote play as a primary feature, then I think this might be in the back of their mind too.

                        We'll probably see more focus on Indie titles and ports in the future, rather than specific games made for the machine. Although if every now and again we get a Tearaway, that would be sweet too.


                          Stop with this primary feature nonsense. It's scientifically impossible to be a primary feature. Just say feature.
                          Kept you waiting, huh?


                            Ah, the science of primary features. Remote play is currently the primary feature of my Vita.


                              It isn't.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Look, Joe, I don't mean to be an asshole about this, but since you keep bringing it up, and having a go at people for it, I feel you do need putting in your place a little.

                                You seem extremely confused as to what a primary feature actually constitutes. Perhaps you don't fully understand the word primary itself?

                                For your information, and to choose just a few of the many definitions:

                                Primary Feature:
                                1. First or highest in rank, quality, or importance; principal.
                                2. Being or standing first in a list, series, or sequence.
                                3. Serving as or being an essential component, as of a system; basic.

                                By your warped logic, to use an example of a Blu Ray player; a Blu Ray player's primary feature could not be playing Blu Rays as I have to purchase a Blu Ray disc separately. Additionally, if an AV cable of some sort is not included in the box, then a primary feature of a Blu Ray player can therefore not be watching Blu Rays, as I have to purchase extra equipment.

                                It is clear that from the small amount of the many definitions I have highlighted above, something that is described as Primary can used to describe a number of different things in a number of different. You are not wrong to suggest a Primary Feature is one that is essential and included with the system, but you are wrong to dismiss everybody elses suggestions that remote play cannot be considered a primary feature given the other definitions. This is especially true given Sony's strong focus on remote play in both the Vita's and PS4's literature. It is obvious they consider it as a primary feature.

                                Hopefully this puts an end to it. This is the last I will say on it.

