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PTE52: Playstation Vita - Two Years On

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    Lol, this isn't an argument that'll ever be won by logic. If Shu were to make a statement that Remote Play was now Vita's primary feature that wouldn't shut J0e up; likewise if Shu were to state that Remote Play is not a primary feature and never will be, it wouldn't stop me using it as the (current) primary feature of my Vita. The back and forth shouldn't be taken too seriously :-)


      Originally posted by 25.05.2005 View Post
      Look, Joe, I don't mean to be an asshole about this, but since you keep bringing it up, and having a go at people for it, I feel you do need putting in your place a little.

      You seem extremely confused as to what a primary feature actually constitutes. Perhaps you don't fully understand the word primary itself?

      For your information, and to choose just a few of the many definitions:

      Primary Feature:
      1. First or highest in rank, quality, or importance; principal.
      2. Being or standing first in a list, series, or sequence.
      3. Serving as or being an essential component, as of a system; basic.

      By your warped logic, to use an example of a Blu Ray player; a Blu Ray player's primary feature could not be playing Blu Rays as I have to purchase a Blu Ray disc separately. Additionally, if an AV cable of some sort is not included in the box, then a primary feature of a Blu Ray player can therefore not be watching Blu Rays, as I have to purchase extra equipment.

      It is clear that from the small amount of the many definitions I have highlighted above, something that is described as Primary can used to describe a number of different things in a number of different. You are not wrong to suggest a Primary Feature is one that is essential and included with the system, but you are wrong to dismiss everybody elses suggestions that remote play cannot be considered a primary feature given the other definitions. This is especially true given Sony's strong focus on remote play in both the Vita's and PS4's literature. It is obvious they consider it as a primary feature.

      Hopefully this puts an end to it. This is the last I will say on it.
      What an epic failure that post was. You are clearly confused between the words feature and function. Considering I do words for a living, and I do the words for this very site, I feel I have enough knowledge to advise on the matter in hand.

      A Blu-Ray player's primary function is to play Blu-Ray discs. A feature would be if it had built-in Wi-Fi for instance.

      The PS Vita's primary function is to play PS Vita games. It's primary features are things like the touch screen and the camera. Remote Play is a secondary feature. It cannot happen in the first instance, so it can never be primary.
      Last edited by J0e Musashi; 23-12-2013, 11:42.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        As I said, not interested in getting into an argument with a megalomaniac such as yourself, so I won't be responding further to your drivel.


          You just did.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            lol, I can't believe you guys spend this much time of your precious lives debating things that are actually tertiary features. [/fan]


              As we're all being ridiculously pedantic here, a primary function can change over time depending on how people use the device and how the creator decides to mould the experience on feedback.

              An iPhone is a mobile phone, but it's become so much more. You can argue it's still a phone but it's used in so many different ways by different people, it's primary function is subjective for every individual. In my eyes an iPhone is my portable computer, it's primary function is not a phone.

              If a PS Vita is a remote play machine for someone, you can't argue it's meant to play PS Vita games. For that person, it's a remote play machine.


                Jaja. Very good Charles. Meanwhile.

                Kept you waiting, huh?


                  Size 10 though. I need 11. And wider feet.


                    Originally posted by Wools View Post
                    As we're all being ridiculously pedantic here, a primary function can change over time depending on how people use the device and how the creator decides to mould the experience on feedback.

                    An iPhone is a mobile phone, but it's become so much more. You can argue it's still a phone but it's used in so many different ways by different people, it's primary function is subjective for every individual. In my eyes an iPhone is my portable computer, it's primary function is not a phone.

                    If a PS Vita is a remote play machine for someone, you can't argue it's meant to play PS Vita games. For that person, it's a remote play machine.
                    An iPhone is designed as a phone, the same way a PS Vita is designed as a games machine. Not using an iPhone as a phone is just not using it for its intended purpose, which is its primary function. It's not called an iPortable Computer after all.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                      Size 10 though. I need 11. And wider feet.
                      Every size except 11. Unlucky Meng.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        Is the PAL version of SOTN on the PSN store any good? Not gimped at 50Hz or borders or anything like that?


                          It's 50Hz, but you can lose the borders with the screen zoom.
                          Kept you waiting, huh?


                            The speed is the issue. It's hardly fast on NTSC.


                              Sounds piss poor, gone for Guacamelee instead to get my Metroidvania fix.


                                The only Vita thread I could find was pretty old, so thought it best to post this here - Sony's doing a new issue of the Vita with new colours:

                                I think that apart from the colours, it's just the same unit.

                                Seems weird; I thought they'd ditched it.

                                Personally I'd still go for the Lime Green/White unit from a few years back.

