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Resident Evil Revelations 2

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    It's had quite good reviews. 7s and 8s across the board. The pay to respawn thing is only in raid mode which every review says is really detailed. Everyone hates Moira though.


      Originally posted by chopemon View Post
      It's had quite good reviews. 7s and 8s across the board. The pay to respawn thing is only in raid mode which every review says is really detailed. Everyone hates Moira though.
      I'm looking forward this tbh with you,especially as I have two days off work
      I can feel an all nighter coming on


        Heh, I'm jealous of the people who are playing this now but I'm waiting for the boxed version in a month's time. Cannot understand the decision to split this into episodes and make us wait a month for the box.


          Sod it, pre-ordered the digital version full season.

          I loved the first one in Raid mode, more than happy with some more of that TBH.


            Originally posted by chopemon View Post
            It's had quite good reviews. 7s and 8s across the board. The pay to respawn thing is only in raid mode which every review says is really detailed. Everyone hates Moira though.
            Eurogamer like Moira!

            I'm going to pick this up I think...the first suffered from poor controls on the 3DS (IMO) so playing with a proper controller will be more enjoyable. Will wait for the disk tho as I am busy with Apotheon and Wolf Among Us at the mo.

            *edit* Didn't realise the season pass is only ?20 quid...bought the digital version. I've grown to like these episodic games tbh.
            Last edited by BaronSqwelch; 24-02-2015, 20:49.


              Xbox One version better than PS4 version shock horror. Not so sure why the One version looks darker than the others.

              Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is one of the stranger releases we've covered in some time - an episodic, multi-platform s…


                Is this cross buy in the UK or just the US?

