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*Official* iPod thread - all iPod discussion in here

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    Well the current ones only work with OSX or Win 2000 so it's nothing new...


      Has anyone tried the new "in-ear" headphones yet?


        Didn't notice a difference in sound quality. Probably only of use if you work out with your iPod on and the buds fall out frequently.
        I didn't feel this alone warranted the ?30 that they cost in Blighty.


          does anyone have any suggestions as to which headphones to buy for use with ipod which have good sound quality and which are also suitable for running and other sports


            I actually quite like the standard earbuds too.
            I've tried others, but...they just sound wrong on my ipod.
            They're great on everything else. Plus, I like wearing my white earbuds.
            One set that I did like were by Schure. Can't remember the model #.
            They're actually more like earplugs with headphones in them.
            They block out ALL outside noise. It's pretty freaky tho.
            And I guess a little uncomfortable if you don't like stuff in your ears.

            It's fun to walk around and spot other iPod listeners.
            We can exchange a polite smile & a nod: "hey, you have one too!"


              anyone got any tips for mix music? Anyway to get my beloved ipod to not leave a 1 sec gap on these particular mp3s?


                In a word, no.
                In iTunes you can turn the crossfade on so the end of one song overlaps the start of another, however this option isn't available in iPod.
                Maybe you could burn the songs as one really long song, but this would probably cause problems in the long run.

                Other than that, listen to proper music



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                  Guess I will just have to live with the gaps.... the majority of music I listen to is not mix music, its just for the gym.... this sux thou!


                    I use a MP3 joiner program to join the mp3s from my mixtapes into one large continuous file, and place onto my Ipod. Works perfectly, with little to no noticeable switch between songs at all.


                      linkage? i might just do that...... not the greatest for me but i suppose i can always use FF if i need to!


                        Originally posted by AllYourBase
                        anyone got any tips for mix music? Anyway to get my beloved ipod to not leave a 1 sec gap on these particular mp3s?
                        If you use eac then you can rip the cd as one complete file.

                        This obviously wont give you the track names but you wont get any of those annoying little gaps.


                          anyone got any tips for mix music? Anyway to get my beloved ipod to not leave a 1 sec gap on these particular mp3s?
                          In iTunes you can join songs together to form 1 long song, it'll still give you the name of the track when it switches from 1 to another, but no gap.
                          You need to do it whilst importing a CD and it's under the "advanced" menu. Then take it over to your iPod.


                            Problem is I have a lot of mp3s of old scratching mixes that are too rare to find the CDs off..... I am gonna have to bodge the mp3s to make them into one continious track

                            this tool looks ok

                            I might be wrong but I think it I can get all the dead tracks removed we'll be in business! 8)


                              Originally posted by Firsty
                              It's fun to walk around and spot other iPod listeners.
                              We can exchange a polite smile & a nod: "hey, you have one too!"
                              Someone started ranting and raving about his ipod on the train when he saw me wearing the white headphones. I like my time to myself in the morning so I had to tell him I didn't care etc.

                              I find it disturbing that people who all own the same music player think they're automatically my friend.

                              The next day I bought those seinheissers people have been recommending.


                                Should of got the Fontopias mate IMO, Ive used the top of the range in-ear seinheissers myself and whilst they are nice, they cannot compare to the sound quality and comfortableness of the Sony headphones. They are a cheaper option though.

