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Reasons to own a PS3, game wise?

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    Reasons to own a PS3, game wise?

    Right. I am seriously considering buying a PS3, but fear that I may be doing it for the wrong reasons (i.e just because I can) rather than because of the games that are due out for it.

    Now I am deffo getting a Wii, because the style and genre of games pending for that console suit me down to the ground.

    I like fun, arcade style games, or action/adventures/rpgs with character and depth like Zelda, Okami, Resi 4, DMC, the first and third MGS. Obviously I am a sucker for anything 2D as well, am obsessed to near mental illness by fighters, and enjoy a bit of Pro Evo and tennis/golf games.

    Apart from Dead Rising and Table Tennis which both raised my interest a little, there has been nothing released for the 360 that has sparked a stirring in my gaming loins. I don't like FPS and war sims, and hate most driving games.

    The PS3 seems as though it is going to be served by similar style games, or is it?

    DMC/MGS 4 aside, what else can I look forward to, and is this the console for me? Would the likes of Fall Of Man convert my sceptical ass to playing FPS?

    What games have been confirmed? help me!!!

    Heavenly Sword, Lair, Virtua Fighter 5 & Motor Storm, all of which should be landing in March. Apparently.


      What Bleeders said.

      Oblivion is confirmed for the PS3 in early 2007, which is game of the year for 2006 (unless something mindblowing, a la Twilight Princess, is released from now until the end of December). If you're into your adventure and RPG games then you're doing yourself a disservice by not giving it a try.


        And then theres the slightly anticipated Final Fantasy XIII ;-)


          Oblivion is indeed a fantastic game. I really don't like RPG's very much at all in general, but I gave Oblivion a go and it sucked me and I couldn't put it down at all. If you have a PS3 and don't get Oblivion when it's released, you'll be missing out big time!


            I'll be picking up a jpn PS3 as soon as Capcom, Konami and Namco get something rolling. I'll probably wait until there are 4/5 games I can't live without.

            I've never played a DMC game properly before so I'm really looking forward to starting with DMC4.

            MGS can GTF, years and years of hype for 20hrs of sneaking around, peh.


              I don't get on with RPG's myself, but I really enjoyed Oblivion - until I hit the bug that stopped my curing Vampirism.


                Concept he can play 2006 game of the year on 360 right now for a LOT less money.

                Pro Evo 6 is 360 exclusive for now so that answers that part.

                Golf - Tiger Woods is out now on 360.

                Tennis - TopSpin2 out now with VirtuaTennis to follow (as I undertsand it only the 360 version will feature online play and judging by current x-platform posts be the better version)

                I seriously doubt Resistance will turn you onto FPS - the framerate is locked at 30fps which for a next gen fps is an absolute joke. I'd hazard COD2 is a far better single player game and COD3 a far better mulitplayer game.

                Then there's gears of war.

                Sorry to sound 360 fanboyish but being somebody who when I was a bit younger thought nowt of throwing down ?600 for an N64 with 2 cartridges I just don't see anything to justify the PS3 insanity on this forum at the minute. Especially when 360 is here, so much cheaper and offering so, so much more.


                  Some of these sound intriguing. What games are actually confirmed for release, and soon? Have Capcom and Namco offered anything yet, DMC aside?


                    I'd have paid ?1,000 for Mario64 and still not felt ripped off. But now I'm going off topic....

                    Originally posted by seany1979
                    Some of these sound intriguing. What games are actually confirmed for release, and soon? Have Capcom and Namco offered anything yet, DMC aside?
                    Not much I don't think, I'm expecting a better E3 next year though. It'll probably be this time next year before I get a console. Too much to play before then.

                    BTW, how was the Dam?


                      This isn't a not buy a PS3 thread, Yoshi. :P He's looking for reasons in the for camp, even if they are a little thin on the ground presently.

                      It's the PS2's first year again. Things will probably be looking much healthier on the software front in October/November of next year.

                      The main games for the 360 over the next year (Lost Planet, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyessy, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Crackdown, Forza 2, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Halo 3) don't fall into many of the genres Seany seems to be interested in.

                      Anyway, there are some interesting titles on the distance for the PS3. Heavy Rain, for example, looks intriguing. And as soon as Team ICO reveal what they're working on a PS3 is bought, simple as that for me.


                        Yes I'm not trying to just trying to be objective this PS3 area of the forum has become very strange indeed - Lots of members I've never seen in the 2 years I've been here talking about the machine but avoiding questions about things that should be important.

                        How's the online side ?
                        What are the current games like ?
                        How is the pad ?
                        Does it really look like a foremans grill sitting on your tv stand ?
                        Is tilt as gimmicky and tacked on as it seems ?

                        All the things I consider very important are just ignored and you're labelled a friggin' troll for pointing it out.

                        Vent over - I'll leave now



                          Perhaps i will wait, then. When we start seeing 2D fighters, shooters, katamari Damacys and crazy rhythm action stuff and cooking games, then I will get a PS3. For now, maybe I will wait? At least until I can get one for under ?500.

                          Oh and Dave - the Dam was awesome.


                            Originally posted by Concept
                            Anyway, there are some interesting titles on the distance for the PS3. Heavy Rain, for example, looks intriguing.
                            Not exclusive


                              I don't think we're going to see many 2D fighters on it mate. and even if we do they're all **** thesedays anyway.

                              It really does just come down to what Namco, Konami and Capcom can keep exclusive for my interest to stick... and of course Sega when it comes to VF5, even if I'm just going to play training mode forever and the occasional vs. match with Greg when I see him.

