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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Yeah mine came with the cd. As for the pictures being mixed up that happens all the time, read an average issue of edge or pc gamer or whatever and most of the pictures are either just stock footage or the accompanying text has nothing to do with the picture.

    I always remember when PCG reviewed Tiberian Sun they had a box out on the GDI structures and nearly every one was wrongly marked. There doesn't seem to be any mistakes when it comes to timings and stuff so I guess that's all that really matters. I kind of wish they referred to moves by their motion though rather than their actual name since when it says a combo like "lp, mp followed by ex tsumuji" i usually have to flick back to the previous page to find out what that actually is.


      I've had that book a while.

      I wouldn't say it's very good at all if you're wanting to improve your SF Anniversary skills...


        Originally posted by phillai
        I've had that book a while.

        I wouldn't say it's very good at all if you're wanting to improve your SF Anniversary skills...
        Thanks for this insightful comment. Any chance you'd actually elaborate?


          yeah phil. elaborate

          tbh, i learned the most sf by playing on the arcades back when sf2ce/turbo first came out, but since then i never find anyone to play it against. thanks to live, my game has improved ten-fold, but as i don't use the headset (feels too weird, also magicbox doesn't support headset), i can't ask people how they just kicked my butt. so the books like that are the next best thing to sitting down with someone and actually learning...


            I've picked up loads of stuff from other players on LIVE. The only other source i've used to emulate/pinch ideas and moves is the gigs of 3S vids i've amassed.

            They're invaluable ^_^

            I'm curious to learn the unbelivable shoulder crush keep up game Urien has in the corner. I've figured the timing of getting a 2nd crush in after the 1st but it never connects even if it touches the other sprite...mmm.


              forget that - how the heck do they do ryu's super fireball in ssf2t and suddenly start jumping behind it to start comboing while the fireball hits???? i'm talking about the guys btw


                GGs sandcastle.

                loved all the taunts, some real laugh out loud moments.

                your makoto and ibuki are really good now.
                Last edited by Fuddle; 08-05-2005, 20:32.


                  Yep, great fun. Been getting back into this recently after a month or so of not really playing.
                  Just learning with ibuki really, the great thing about Live is that you can see what other people do with the characters and copy them. I loved your jumpy kick thing into knife throw (PS I don't know the proper move names ) I've never seen that before.

                  I had a few games with firsty the other day too, really enjoyed those as well. I always seem to have great games when I play people from this forum


                    Ho Ho Ho HooOOOOOOOOOOOF >_<

                    Uncle Q has come along to teach us about the trappings of tier whoring with some Super Battle Opera 3.

                    It's the most GRIM of tales, watch it unfold below.

                    SBO 3 3rd Strike - Justin Wong (Chun Li) & Ricky Ortiz (Ken) vs Kuroda (Q) / Hayao (Hugo)

                    You must be registerd (cost nowt) to dl the vid, but i'm telling you, this is mind games CITY, the hard face cheek and disgust on show is unparalleled.

                    You have to watch this, it's beautiful.



                      That video is great! The ending, lol, so dignified in his win! Looks at Wongs face at the end XD lol,

                      I wouldve done the same if i won in those circumstances. The mind games were present from the character select screen! Great Stuff.


                        Woah! Thats one of the best 3rd Strike video I've seen. Though Q was going to lose that final round. Wonder if he deliberately got thrown.


                          Very impressive. That Q player was just totally... cool. His whole performance was just really calm and collected, waiting for the right moment to rape his opponents little by little.

                          Wong and Ortiz are no slouches either.

                          Thanks for the heads-up, Shendy.


                            That SF Anniversary book at is now down to ?6.99 with 24 hour delivery (gits - i paid ?12 altogether). Get it while you can!


                              damn, i ordered that book the other week too.

                              i bet loads of people did the same, and they've realised theres a market for it, and got a load in now.


                                Wow that video was great. I loved that bit where Q was constantly doing his crouching mk just to take the piss out of Chun-Li

                                Originally posted by billy_dimashq
                                That SF Anniversary book at is now down to ?6.99 with 24 hour delivery (gits - i paid ?12 altogether). Get it while you can!
                                So you got it then? What do you think of it?

