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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Do you have a test on this shendy?


      its pretty amazing that it goes that far.
      i've had a fair few S ranks for single matches since posting in that thread. in the one player total rank thing, i think my best is A+, which i got with chun li. it still seems so rubbish though.
      although i cant remember seeing anybody online get more than an SS against me...or maybe i wiped it from my memory


        Originally posted by Lyrical Donut
        I'll play you man!

        Sounds cool, drop me an invite it you ever see me online. I think you are already on my friends list.

        Be warned tho I will be crap.


          Originally posted by TheShend
          I stumbled on this thread over Now i thought the highest you could get was SS, best i've ever managed was A++ once.

          I get an A now and then, B's more frequent and usually C's but MSF! WTF, you must be a psychic ninja god to get that rank 0_0

          The ranks attainable are:
          My head just exploded >_<
          Thats for Single player arcade mode shendy, the highest you can get on VS is SS(+++ i think too.). Which i have got once 2 perfects with a fly kick sweep parry in round one, then a shinku hadoken in round 2 ^_^;;;

          MSF= Master Street Fighter btw

          Also, i wouldnt mind playing some Hyper SF too
          Last edited by jassi singh; 12-01-2005, 06:25.


            omfg I have BB back.

            I shall be back online to pwn you kids tomorrow! ROAR!


              Mr Dark!

              Absolutely ****ing class games there!

              Those Dudley matches were mental. Sorry I ended it at 20 games, but i've gotta be up early in the morning.

              GG's man


                Just a heads-up for TheShend:

                There's some crazy good Q action on some of the videos linked at Video Opera in their latest update. The Q vs Makoto match stands out for me - awesome stuff.


                  Whoo cheers man, always like to see Q matches.

                  Was the 3S update for the 12th grav0? I can only see for yesterdays, anyway, i'm dl'ing those now, there's loads ^^



                    Originally posted by Lyrical Donut
                    Mr Dark!

                    Absolutely ****ing class games there!

                    Those Dudley matches were mental. Sorry I ended it at 20 games, but i've gotta be up early in the morning.

                    GG's man
                    Those were the best matches I've had. Tried to mess you up with Hugo but got owned by your one. Decided to choose Dudley as he was my main player but it seemed that he was your main player as well. Luckily you quited as I was going to choose him until you picked someone else.

                    *Cross-counter* gets up *Cross-counter* gets up *Cross-counter*
                    Both taunt at the small time knocking roses together.


                      Originally posted by MrDark
                      Those were the best matches I've had. Tried to mess you up with Hugo but got owned by your one. Decided to choose Dudley as he was my main player but it seemed that he was your main player as well. Luckily you quited as I was going to choose him until you picked someone else.

                      *Cross-counter* gets up *Cross-counter* gets up *Cross-counter*
                      Both taunt at the small time knocking roses together.
                      Yeah, that particular cross-counter episode had me in stitches.

                      Dudley vs. Dudley is wicked when you've got 2 players near enough the same level, never gets old for me. He's got so many different ways of ****ing people up

                      Although I'm still way too much of a sucker for his HK sweep. Must stop attempting that when I no there's no hope of catching someone with it :P


                        Originally posted by TheShend
                        Was the 3S update for the 12th grav0?
                        Aye, the 12th. Some great action.

                        GGs tonight to Lyrical Donut, even though the connection kept getting worse and worse as we played. You've got a tricky Dudley there, mate.


                          That was a sick match with Q and Makoto. Complete and Total Destruction. Shame the sound was messed up for the rest.

                          I've stupidly started the 1.17G torrent for those 60 3S matches. >_<

                          They better be gone, only 95hrs left at 1kbps. XD


                            Thongboy Bebop's offering to host that, actually (at a reduced size, natch). Keep an eye on the 3S General Strategy forum on SRK.


                              Originally posted by TheShend
                              I've stupidly started the 1.17G torrent for those 60 3S matches. >_<

                              They better be gone, only 95hrs left at 1kbps. XD

                              You got a link?

                              Originally posted by Gravity0
                              GGs tonight to Lyrical Donut, even though the connection kept getting worse and worse as we played. You've got a tricky Dudley there, mate.
                              Same could be said for your Yun, man.. he is wrong

                              I just sucks that we can only seem to get 3/4 decent games in before it goes up the spout! Good games though.

                              Great games against Moodmon tonight too. Good mix of character selection there. It soon became evident that I need to RTFM for some chars though

                              That opening match (Alex vs Makoto IIRC) was an absolute cracker. Really close.
                              Last edited by Lyrical Donut; 13-01-2005, 21:32.


                                That Ibuki finish in the 1st round vs Akuma was nice. Liked that. I'd hate to get t the level where you have to play like you do in those vids tho. I found some of those annoying to watch was jsut a barrage of medium pecks to get them down because anything else that was throw got parried off and countered. Some really nice tricks in them tho.

                                btw Phil you ever use that 3 Taunt defense crap with Q on me and I'll snap yer magic box

