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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Hey kids, hes' back online!

    Add me if you haven't already. Beat Singho (arf) and Moody today


      Yeah, i'm back as well.

      feel free to add me to get some wins

      edit: yeah, got kicked in by t3h turbanator. thx for the introduction back into live
      Last edited by Siri; 15-01-2005, 17:51.


        I finally got my copy from, took almost 3 weeks to arrive . Anyway, just had my ass handed to me 1-9 against a Ryu player, but it's all good. I have always wanted a 2D fighter to have online play, it's something I used to dream about as a kid .

        Please add me to all your friends lists, or I'll be stuck facing Ryu and Ken till the end of time.


          Man, I want on last night post-pub. I can't remember who I was playing but I was fumbling like a mong XD

          Anyway, I'll be on today if anyone wants to play.


            GG's shendy >_<

            That double SA with Q and Makoto was awesome, there was that massive pause and....BOOM! We both went flying XD

            Also my Yun vs your Makoto was real fun, I thought I had you because I managed two full Genei-Jin combos on you but you pulled it back ;/


              Found a dropper. KillaH 2k4 Dunno where the hall of shame went to to post in tho.

              He dropped just as I got the last hit in in the final round of a 5 round match obviously to slow in quitting as my Yun shoulder uppers his Ryu to death. Then ended up with him again gave benefit of doubt and dropped as 2nd round went to me and it was obvious his Akuma was no match for my Alex...


                That Q vs Makoto SA business was excellent. Becuase Q landed on his feet and makoto hit the floor, i thought i "must win!!" and i lost instead XD

                The Yun vs Makoto was heavy tense, i was panicking everywhere o_0

                I would've had more matches man, but i've revision on, i shouldn't really've been on LIVE at all >_<

                I'll get you next time.


                  Singho got the better of me tonight. I think it ended 5-4 to him? Or was it 6-4? Whatever, GGs man! Your Ken is far too much for my Yun. Your Dudley got beasted, though.



                    ROFLMAO etc etc

                    first time it was 10-1 to you. second time it was 10-2 to you. see the pattern starting to emerge???

                    lol i gotta stop playing you pros as it's bad for my record

                    mind you, i find i have the best matches against grade E to C players in terms of win/lose ratios. I don't ever play people of grades R-P as i don't like droppers. I'm on grade L now. Slowly slowly...


                      Originally posted by gravity0
                      Singho got the better of me tonight. I think it ended 5-4 to him? Or was it 6-4? Whatever, GGs man! Your Ken is far too much for my Yun. Your Dudley got beasted, though.
                      I wernt happy playing those games tbh When i was oro and i missed that Tengu stone setup...that would of been a instant death to ken. Missed it and i just thought "MEH CBA", just held back and ate sweeps of doom.

                      Best ever connection we had...almost flawless. Your Yun is great though btw dude

                      YUN > DUDLEY all the time...that was a beasting >_<;;;. But i thought again "MEH!!! KEN YOU GHEYER GET OVER HERE!" Selected him and got some payback back. Always good to play you Grav...especially under good network conditions like in the earlier set of games.

                      Also good games Teodi.

                      Also @BOOG

                      BWAHAHHAHAHAHAH MAKOTOWN3D!
                      Last edited by jassi singh; 17-01-2005, 22:07.


                        I still can't believe you're playing with a pad, man. That's just unbelievable.

                        "Mad props", to coin a cheesy Americanism.


                          Also @BOOG

                          BWAHAHHAHAHAHAH MAKOTOWN3D
                          Well, I makotowned you once, in first round ;p

                          Got a great little SA1 setup now. QCB+P into SA1. ROAR! Not quite as much damage as a standalone SA1 due to combo buffer penalties but still good, as it's 100% guaranteed to hit. Shame you only get 1 go at a SA1 :P


                            Yeah good games jassi. Would have joined you earlier on your invite but was having some good games vs that Kneelb4me fella. Smashed my pad into my tv remote earlier, near enough snapping it in 2, vs some scruffy shoto players (they get my blood going they do already destroyed 2 official PS2 pads, working on 3rd)

                            Think I won what? all of 1 game against you???

                            Some top matches against moodmon aswell. Nice comback after going, what, 8:1 down? Ended 13:8. The Ibuki:Ibuki double SA2 was funny I'd resigned to death and was like oh ****... not dead gah attack. Then you killed me. And omg could you have run away more on that 1st win with 12. Too funny.

                            Bad time with Yun Couldn't start a juggle for love nor money tonight.
                            Last edited by teodi; 17-01-2005, 23:06. Reason: Grammah


                              Some Evo 2K4 preliminary matches available for download here:

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                              Includes Daigo, Mester and Kokujin, amongst others.


                                I had some terrible lag at the start Teodi, but it was all at my end (idiot brother download crap again). Which is why I was using extremely defensive tactics after a few games. Hence the 12

                                The Ibuki Vs Ibuki games were good though. Loved the double SA2. "Wooo, I've super'd hi... Noooo I'm super'd... what, nothing? Nuts, he's attacking."

