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Final Fantasy XI 360 Beta

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    Originally posted by Ajay1986
    Got my new char sorted. im in Bastok and called Spudgun
    Dude I saw you earlier. I think I healed you actually.


      OMG just read back a few pages you and DavidFallows where on i wish id have know lol. Kept seeing you too all over the place. vbmenu_register("postmenu_709409", true);


        If you guys in Bastok are after a quick buck, get yourself 96 gil and buy a scroll of Dia from the magic shop in the Bastok Markets, then put it on the auction house.

        People are buying there for 400 gil.


          Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
          Is screen stretched for anyone else in 1280x720? It looks like it's running in 4:3 to me. I was under the impression all 360 games required a 16:9 mode?


            Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
            No problems here running in 720P over Component.


              I'm running in 1280x720 and it seems fine to mee


                The number of people I've seen without realising is staggering.

                I did hear Fallows last night though proclaiming he wanted to remove his pants


                  haha I just realised I saw fallows plenty of times last time and didn't even notice. At one point I think I was even taking his kills.


                    Originally posted by djtickle
                    Just whipped this up quick

                    Please send me the information missing and any more that ive missed out and you want adding

                    Will make it look better when i got some more time.
                    hi mate,

                    gamertag is AIMTrader, character name is Vorenus, race is Hume, job is warrior. i win the award for unoriginality.


                      Got home last night around 7.15, started installing the game & it finally finished around 9.30!!!!! I wasn't helped by the fact that I don't have a keyboard hooked up yet though.

                      Started in Bastock, character name is Broodwich & I'm a Hume Warrior.

                      Played about half an hour or so, it looks like it'll be quite good. Went outside & ran around for a bit till I got killed by a vicious worm thingy, then I accepted a mission from a guy by the gate to find someone in the mines. Went to the mine, got myself completely lost & ended up being killed by a giant aomeba ( sp? ) who started on me for no apparant reason, bastard!!

                      Will be on again tomorrow during the day, hope to see some of you around.


                        Definetly need a USB keyboard for this. Seems a bit slow at first though, but I'm determined to keep going.

                        Thanks for the help yesterday Silvergun

                        Edit: Anyone know if text size can be increased. Seems very small to me and have to keep squinting from 10 feet away.
                        Last edited by HaHaUK; 13-01-2006, 08:59.



                          Can you add me please, I am installing the game at the moent, will be on this evening. I am a total newb to MMORPG so any help is much appreciated. I will start in BASTOCK, and am thinking about being a HUME MNK/WAR. Other than that its all new to me. I am going to pick up a USB keyboard on the way home (hopefully).
                          Can you add me to the list please?
                          My online name for FF will be Trok REAPER, hopefully that has not been taken.

                          Looking forward to giving it a go tonight.

                          A newb guide would be very helpful as mentioned above.

                          Thanks All.
                          Last edited by Trok REAPER; 13-01-2006, 10:06. Reason: added HUME


                            Originally posted by Trok REAPER
                            My online name for FF will be Trok REAPER, hopefully that has not been taken.
                            Your name can only be a single word (i.e. no spaces), can contain only letters and is restricted to standard grammatical conventions so capital letter first, then all lower case afterwards.

                            That means you will not be able to use TROK Reaper. Closest you'd get is Trokreaper


                              Ok, thanks for that (told you I was a newb ;-) )
                              Trokreaper it is then. Just off to get a wireless mouse/keyboard combo from Dixons, should I get a microsoft one or does it not matter ?. I want to be able to use it with my 360 and my PC, with out having to keep swapping anything, is this possbile ?


                                Originally posted by Ajay1986
                                Got my new char sorted. im in Bastok and called Spudgun
                                argh there was no reason for me to start in sandoria was there >.<

