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Dead or Alive 4

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    Yea,will it did'nt fix the no vibration online glitch.Team Ninja can go sit on a spike!! ft:


      Just ran the update. All my save data is now corrupted. Cheers Team Ninja!

      :edit: Ignore me, being a muppet, thought when it asked me where to save my data it couldn't find the save file, but it picked it up just fine
      Last edited by Riskbreaker; 04-03-2006, 12:42.


        Thank God - I can keep my stats.....


          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
          Thank God - I can keep my stats.....
          Did'nt you reset your rank?? i'm so close to an S,there's no way i'm losing that.


            Great stuff last night yoshi.You were way on form.Your becoming very,very proficient at staggering,which in turn makes you very tricky 8)

            Sorry i went so soon.I wanted to get back my all my characters that were deleted by my own stupid mistake! I accidently deleted ALL my game saves,'cause i was trying to find a solution to this no vibration glitch(DOA).But alas i've managed to get back all the characters in DOA and i'm on my way to getting all my cars back in PGR3.


              Yeah man fantastic stuff on Saturday night - I was on fire for some reason

              Unfortunately that had left me by last night - managed a few wins against DCMK1 but there was some ****er called FATOS or something who only went the pink haired bird and proceeded to kick my muther****in' ass.

              Ended up switching it off in a huff


                Originally posted by Akira
                Did'nt you reset your rank?? i'm so close to an S,there's no way i'm losing that.
                Had a couple of mates round drinking Friday night and DOA4 was on - Woke up Saturday and had a record of 6 losses and 1 win ft:

                Pulled it back quick style on Saturday though - was well chuffed with myself was back to A- in about 20 fights (found a room with 1 S and 1 SS and hoovered the two of them)


                  Nicely done! handing out beatings to SS's is allways a pleasure.I'll be on later tonight if anybody's around


                    Oh yeah buddy I'll be there. Gonna play some CoD2 as well but holler and we'll get some bruising on the go !!!


                      Unfortunately that had left me by last night - managed a few wins against DCMK1 but there was some ****er called FATOS or something who only went the pink haired bird and proceeded to kick my muther****in' ass.
                      You always have a knack of beating me

                      that guy was a whore, beat him once or twice he was good, but it always winds me up when everyone is using random and some prat keep picking best characterft:


                        *apologies double post*
                        Last edited by dcmk; 06-03-2006, 13:26. Reason: being an idiot


                          Originally posted by dcmk
                          You always have a knack of beating me

                          that guy was a whore, beat him once or twice he was good, but it always winds me up when everyone is using random and some prat keep picking best characterft:
                          Absolutely - It was strange wasn't it ? He beat me, then you beat him, then I beat you etc etc.

                          Agreed - I can't stand that and he earned himself a place in my "avoid player" list - I mean, fair enough cos I was picking characters I'd consider my best (Hayate) and he was still doing me but you just know on Random he'd have been destroyed.

                          Most annoying thing was he wasn't even really that good - I just couldn't get the measure of him - Was really starting to wind me up.


                            Yeah I know what you mean, I got badly beaten by an C+ player yesterday, he only used Kokoro and he used about 2 moves all the goddamn time.... I got so upset that I almost pulled my hair... I had 5 losses in a row... that time I began to be faul mouthed (yeah, I just can't help it..) But I didn't want to quit without beating him atleast once, which after 6 lossed I did beat him twice and he quit... sucker !

                            The best DOA4 fights are with you guys ! it's fair and hard and good for a laugh, to bad I can't join this evening, I have to go for my work to school #@#$@#@.....

                            will see ya later this week (if I'm not playing GRAW!)


                              Is anybody else having problems with the DOA4 match records?

                              On Saturday I had a good session where I managed to go from about 60 wins up to 74, including a 9 wins in a row streak, and my rank was a C-.

                              The next time I came on my wins were down to 63 and I was a D+!! But it still said my best winning streak was 9!

                              No problems when I played it on Sunday, got back up to 70 wins.

                              I played for about ten minutes on Monday, and got up to 73 wins. Then I played a different game, went back to DOA4, and my wins had gone down to 72 and it had given me an extra disconnect to give me a total of 2! And I'd gone from C- to D+ again!

                              To my knowledge I've never disconnected in the middle of a match, so I don't even know why I had one disconnect, but now it seems to be taking away wins and making them disconnects instead!

                              I've only noticed this kind of thing happening since that latest patch a few days ago. Has anyone else had something like this happen to them?? It's hard enough for me to win that often anyway, without the game taking wins away from me!


                                Originally posted by TheForce
                                will see ya later this week (if I'm not playing GRAW!)
                                I think we'll all be playing GRAW

                                Human Energy: I have'nt across anything as strange as that.I've noticed my win was reset to 0 after the update but nothing as bad as what your saying.Don't really know how to help ya buddy.
                                Last edited by Akira; 07-03-2006, 01:28.

