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Dead or Alive 4

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    Sorry I missed your invite last night Yoshi. I just turned on the 360 to download the Blazing Angels demo and left it on while I watched telly. Hopefully I should be online tonight for some games of this or something else


      Is the demo live? Looks like it might be quite good.


        Dunno if it's a one player or multiplayer demo, I haven't played it yet, just let it download then I flopped into bed


          Might get it downloaded tonight then... still got Burnout demo to finish downloadin aswell.


            Originally posted by TheForce
            I'm still deeply ashamed that I lost with Kazumi from Yoshi playing with Bas....
            No shame in that buddy I've lost count of the number of times I've been done over by Bass - he's called that for a reason

            EDIT : Blazing Angels demo pretty smart !!


              Aye, the Blazing Angels demo is good; great Live potential in that one!

              Need to get back on DoA4 though, those few pastings I took from Yoshi and Hazuki the other night have given me the taste for it again.


                Managed a few with Gerry Helmet and Yoshi last night but wasn't on for long. Good fights with Gerry, think it finished 4-1 to me and then had an epic Hayate V Christie battle with Yoshi... both got characters we are solid with (Yoshi was Hayate, Me Christie) so it made for a superb battle which he won 3 rounds to 2. Seems we have saved our last 5 or so fights cause they have been so good.

                So many options for live play at the moment its really is great !!


                  Yesterday I had a great session of DOA4 ... I was playing with E, D, C and B players... it was great fun again. One of them only played with the ****ing hayabusa, he won one fight and starting to talk nonsense about great he was at this game... then flames came out of my ears and I kicked him all around the place and he dropped out like a dog with his tails between its legs
                  After that I had an even better session of PGR3, that was what racing was all about ! excellent !
                  Originally posted by Mardigan8
                  So many options for live play at the moment its really is great !!
                  yup that's so true mate. I'm working about 60h a week and have to give some attention to my girl and I HAVE TO play games... lately the single player games are put back on the 2nd place... there is always something going on online... DOA3, GRAW, PGR3...
                  And I'm planning to get Burnout:revenge tomorrow... were to get the time for all this ??!


                    Force look me up once you have Burnout - I'd like a few races with ya buddy

                    You, me and the walls


                      sure thing Yoshi, when I have it I'll make a special parking space for ya........
                      vertical against a nice looking pillar 8)


                        That's what I'm talking about buddy - I'm hoping to get online for a brief period (may be extended) if my other half will allow it so will be hunting for ya.




                          Be There - The room will be "NTSC-UK Only"

                          You're all getting a nice fight.

                          (Last comment changed as I will live to regret it)
                          Last edited by Yoshimax; 24-03-2006, 15:05.


                            lol, I feel you deserve a kicking from all us, after using pwned in a sentence


                              Edited - Because you're right DC


                                I'm getting it tomorrow so you better practice ..... next week you will be one with the scenery !! ........

