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Achievement Buddy Required

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    I have a few multiplayer achievements I need to get in Rainbow 6 Vegas before I sell it on ... anyone feel like a bit of online boosting?
    PS, I'm not looking to get ranking points here, I can live with not getting the Leiutenant/Elite achievements.
    Last edited by peeveen; 17-06-2007, 19:10.


      Looking for some homeboys to help me get some saints row online achievements unlocked.

      I know this is a old game so im not holding my breath but ya never know!


        Originally posted by RuBiQ View Post
        Looking for some homeboys to help me get some saints row online achievements unlocked.

        I know this is a old game so im not holding my breath but ya never know!
        I'd be up for knocking a few of these off. I finished pretty much everything in single player but never touched multi.

        Send me a FR. I'm off work all week aswell.


          I will be around tomorrow night if u fancy it then Gradius mate, ill PM you when i get home later, got 5aside and shadowrun planed for later, but deffo tomorrow.

          How long did it take you to complete all the single player achievements?


            it was a fairly long haul from what i remember (was around a year ago), nothing particularly difficult mind. It will always be a poor mans GTA.

            Tomorrow should be fine.


              Looking to get some help on bomberman and shadowrun and multi player in saints row sometime over the weekend if anyones about ?


                RuBiQ Saints Row is next up on my to-play list so once i'm into that i'll give you a hand. Unfortunately due to the pressures of wedding/honeymoon/new en-suite/new kitchen it might be a few weeks before i get the chance


                  no worries fella, im stiull workiing thro the single player saints row atm, 2 more gangs to take down yet..


                    Anyone want to get the poker millionaire achievement with me? I really cannot be bothered applying any thought to play-money poker ...


                      Me again ... Mutant Storm Empire has a couple of co-op achievements ... anyone wanna get 'em with peeveen?

                      Also just started Crackdown, if anyone wants to co-op some stuff on that.


                        Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                        Also just started Crackdown, if anyone wants to co-op some stuff on that.
                        I`ve actually never tried the co-op on Crackdown. I`m up for some of that if you haven`t finished it yet


                          Need someone to give me hand getting the slice and dice achievement on turtles arcade if anyone else needs it? i will of course return the favour and help you out on another game we both have


                            Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                            Me again ... Mutant Storm Empire has a couple of co-op achievements ... anyone wanna get 'em with peeveen?

                            Also just started Crackdown, if anyone wants to co-op some stuff on that.
                            Hi there, I'd be up for a shot on Mutant Storm Empire co-op - PM me if you see me on. I think, strangely you're already on my friends list, possibly from Chromehounds era!


                              Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
                              Hi there, I'd be up for a shot on Mutant Storm Empire co-op - PM me if you see me on. I think, strangely you're already on my friends list, possibly from Chromehounds era!
                              Cool! It's nigh-on impossible finding anyone to play this with.

                              I think the best way to get the 10x multiplier is in World 1, Zone 3, second area ... there are three green missile launchers, and you can basically just keep shooting them for points and multipliers until time runs out, so long as you don't shoot the orange thing that ends the level. After that, it's basically just a matter of staying alive long enough to rack up a decent score with the multiplier you've built up. Using that tactic I can usually get over 2 million points in solo mode, even on White Belt difficulty, so it should be possible to get 1 million in co-op mode, but if you've got a better tactic, let me know.

                              I'll give you a shout next time I see you online.


                                Originally posted by Margoos View Post
                                Need someone to give me hand getting the slice and dice achievement on turtles arcade if anyone else needs it? i will of course return the favour and help you out on another game we both have
                                If you still need it I can help you with that as I still need to finish the game in co-op to earn the Real Ultimate Power achievement. I already have Slice and Dice so I can just sit back and let you kill most of the enemies.

