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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by C'
    Moot has confirmed that he's not interested in doing an ENM so that rules me out.
    hmmm, okey-doke. Will just forget about ENM's for now then I think...


      NM select, of course. It may be worth scrounging for help with the mission boss at the same time then. The old 2 birds with one stone chestnut.

      That's sad to hear Rare - it's quite a treat when I get to party with the LS, especially when 3,000 EXP is on the cards.


        I'm sure other people on the LS would be happy to do an ENM.


          I am, especially if I can go as my rubbish red mage so I don't have to party with it. I'd be wary about going with Davi though in case we get dragged into the mission fight, lol. You can piss about to some extent with the ENMs (as witnessed by us winning with 5 people and a solo ninja tank) but you can't on the main events.


            LOL - yeah. I've heard some nasty stories concerning those mission bosses.


              I?m thinking of getting another round of garrison going, the lvl20 ones. Perhaps Saturday or Sunday mornings in the starter areas. I can pretty much use every job going (outside rdm,brd,pup,cor,blu,bst), I would be most likely via a nin for tanking or whm for healing. Drops being all the garrison equipment at lvl20 which is some nice stuff for that level, but im more in it for the fun so I?m likely to get fillers from the local cities if most of the ls can?t not be bothered like towards the end of the last the lot of garrison?s we did.

              As for CoP wedge you need to get cracking on the CS?s and a couple of us will help with uncapped NM, tonight with darwock (after couple of assaults) I?m gonna start farming the chips needed to make CCB?s for the 6.5 fight, we?ll be fighting lizards, spider thingy?s and mimic?s. We all need to have a CCB each so get cracking, either by farming chip or farming gill to buy. If everyone?s on to night we?ll discuss when to do the first dry runs for the fight to get at least the mammet part of the 6.5 fight down to a tee.


                Can I bring my pso'xja chest key? I hear the chests in there usually turn out to be mimics, so it will help me get the map too.

                Oh yeah so Davi if I'm helping on the dragon it'll either have to be before assault, between farming or after everything else ; ;

                How soon after 6pm ish will you be ready for it do you think?

                I've still got a small collection of garrison triggers in my storage.. I put them on my mantelpiece and stare at them longingly. Think they are mainly 40 and 50 cap triggers though. We never did try a 50.
                Last edited by Darwock; 13-07-2006, 10:36.


                  What are CCBs?

                  How much do they cost to buy (AH?). What level mobs drop the chips?

                  If the answers are a. Very Expensive and b. Very High then I would like to come and assist with a group chip farming session(s)!


                    it's an anima-style item, which was selling for 250K last time we discussed it. And the mobs for 2 of the chips are at least level 70 ish I think? (I already have a gray chip by the way)


                      The CCB polymer pumps are around 200k at the moment. To get one you need to trade 1 of each of the 3 chips you could use to get access for 3-5. I suspect it will be much faster to farm gil than the chips as drops rates aren't ace.

                      Mobs are lizards, chests and diremites in Pso'Xja.


                        I can get the Giddeus section out of the way pronto and make my way up to Horlais for 6pm on the dot if you like, and then crack on with all my quests afterwards. I should be home for 4pm so I'll quest in Sandoria until peeps are ready (need lvl.3 fame, that's #1 priority for me moreso than the Dragon).

                        That's if that time is ok with others of course.

                        Jesus - the Choco trek from Windurst to Sandoria will probably take half an hour.

                        I think it's really stupid how Selbina and Mhaura don't have Choco vendors.


                          Originally posted by Tobal
                          I?m thinking of getting another round of garrison going, the lvl20 ones. Perhaps Saturday or Sunday mornings in the starter areas. I can pretty much use every job going (outside rdm,brd,pup,cor,blu,bst), I would be most likely via a nin for tanking or whm for healing. Drops being all the garrison equipment at lvl20 which is some nice stuff for that level, but im more in it for the fun so I?m likely to get fillers from the local cities if most of the ls can?t not be bothered like towards the end of the last the lot of garrison?s we did.
                          I'll be up for some garrison. Never done it before. Is there a lvl cap?


                            lvl 20.


                              Anyone else having problems logging in today? Whenever I try and load my character into the game I get a server connection time out


                                Having huge problems at the moment, but I was putting it down to the curse of the rank 3 dragon...

                                Every time I do this thing something seems to screw up, happened tonight when just as Davi had entered the fight Tobal went afk - we chose to go ahead with our plan anyway as per the original idea... stupid f*&king eye does the one and only thing that could possible screw it up and puts me to sleep before I can hit the blood pact ><

                                Me & Davi die, HP and this is when my connection problems start.. took ages to get back to horlais peak to fight it again (easy win).. I'm still trying to get back on to go to Pso'Xja for this sodding farming too, d/cd about 4 times since then.

