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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Farming was a wash-out, but at least I got the map and a florid stone, no chips to be seen though. Went back to join in a besieged and found us losing badly, was lying next to the last general when he died then it only took about 10 minutes longer for them to get the astral candescence.


      Yeah - that sodding eye! lol!

      TBH, like I said shortly after, that's why I play this game. If I knew every mission was going to be a walk over I wouldn't be looking forward to anything. The sweat was literally rolling down my back on the run up that hill to meet the dragon and I had to take my top off. LOL.

      "Cure. Quick"

      It was so horrible being bound whilst watching Dar get owned - and then it turned it's sights on me before making it's way over as I was hopelessly running on the spot, the tickling sensation in my stomoch got worse and worse as it was getting closer and closer. Ownage ensued and I dropped a level as it put me out of my misery. I couldn't stop laughing out loud.

      Class stuff. Wish I'd taken some photos though.

      Big cheers to Darwock and Tobal.


      Bevan has offered to help with obtaining rank 4 but as long as I get a map for the tower I should be fine. If I make it to the top and there is no one there to help you me see me calling on LS chat though. hehehe.

      Also, Darwock: Bevan told me to tell you that has sent you some cash, Tobal: yours is on the way after Darwock has picked his up.


        Cool, I use that cash to buy my CCB, as farming was a total waste of time, but darwock somehow managed to get both door bracelets with out triggering the traps and get a map, and after numerous lizard beatings, chest whomping and spider slayings I couldn?t arsed no more.

        Also managed to get the west ron?s garrison item while waiting for dar/davi to come back.


          Ah nice, thanks for passing on the message.. I was expecting to be buying the final torque next but can't do that if I'm buying the CCB, I guess I'll just have to tell Bevan to list it on the AH after all.


            Well that's it all cuts done, I'm redy for the airship BC. All thats required now is to put together an evasion build. Is any kind soul out there able to lend me a scorpion harness for the fight?


              Wedge i need to confirm if you can make sunday night for dry run on CoP 6.5, still need you to complete the CS before the fight and i'll help with the uncapped nm you need to beat(quite easy).


                Sorry all, not going to be able to Sunday, got Superman tickets already booked for 8pm.


                  Been a very long time coming, but finally I've reached my goal:

                  Battle all over! Thanks for playing.
                  Last edited by Darwock; 15-07-2006, 18:40.


                    Last edited by mikewl; 16-07-2006, 04:05.


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      Been a very long time coming, but finally I've reached my goal:

                      Battle all over! Thanks for playing.
                      Congratulations D, your No.1 goal from as far back as I can remember complete. Now just need to get Lv75 and complete CoP and you'll be sorted.



                        Speaking of CoP, here's another pic - one of the last times these 6 people were ever seen in the same place at the same time, lol

                        And some others I looked out while waiting for Dynamis yesterday.

                        Typical day in Besieged

                        Trying to avoid aggro in Dynamis-Windurst

                        Finding out the truth...

                        Star Trek convention or something
                        Last edited by Darwock; 16-07-2006, 10:12.



                            Originally posted by Darwock
                            Thing is I don't just want to beat him, I want to hurt him! He's gonna be begging for mercy after two nukes, heheh! I actually hope he does hit me with Firaga III so I can get an extra boost from the sorcerors ring (I'm not foolish enough to risk starting this one with low hp).
                            I bit the bullet tonight and decided to finally take him on, my ice ring was active around 6pm giving me an extra 15 elemental skill - perfect chance. Nervous as hell though, I could have done it a week ago but put it off.. still had the dry mouth and shaky hands going in tonight lol.

                            Proud to report that it went as smoothly as it possibly could have. I opened with Flare which took 50% of his health straight off, he said "that's gonna hurt in the morning", and cast aspir (/panic). In the time it took me to switch gear for sleeping and use elemental seal he had used his manafont... then he was asleep. Switched back to my damage gear and cast Flood.. never got to see how much of his health that took because the fight was over the moment it landed! I was half kidding when I said 2 nukes but that's what happened.

                            Maat = pwned ^^

                            The record when I went in was 2:16, now it's 1:56 /cheer. I had ideally wanted to take some damage so the sorceror ring became active but the extra % wasn't even needed.

                            What a weekend.. my titles gone from 'heir of the new moon' to 'dynamis-san d'oria interloper' to 'maat masher' in the space of two days.


                              Really got into meriting this weekend. Since hitting lvl75 a few weeks ago and capping the EXP I've not really been motivated to earn merit points. The thought of more EXP didn't appeal at all. However, Friday evening me and Tobal were struggling to decide whether to ENM or EXP and eventually Tobal put a PT together (NIN, SAM, BRD, WHM, BLU and WAR) and headed to Bhaflau Thickets via Mamool Ja Staging Point where we spent a good few hours. Made some nice EXP and even managed Chain #33 before a mistake in half the melee targeting one Sea Puk and the other half targeting another broke our chain Still that brought me 3 more merit points, 2 of which I used to raise Max HP modification to level 2.

                              Then yesterday morning I got another invite in Caederva Mire (which I nearly missed due to being afk). This time fighting Heraldic Imps, Songilla Flies and Jnuns (Doomed type). I thought the setup was a mistake when I first saw it with NIN, MNK, RNG, WHM, BRD and BRD. Having 2 BRDs spoiled me rotten, as it gave me double Minuet (attack), double March (haste) as well as Haste from the WHM made us attack incredibly fast (my record with double attack processes was 12 hits none stop ). Have to say though this party, with all the members in god/abjuration gear made me fell totally gimp and my equipment isn't exactly cheap :/

                              Still it was another 2 merit points, which combined with the leftover point from Friday gave me enough to raise max HP modification to level 3. Now I just need to get another 34000 EXP for level 4 Max HP modification before moving on to another category. I can potentially go up to level 8 but in doing so, it prevents me ever merit Max MP and I can't rule out playing a casting job in the future.

                              Other events were more Assault in Lebros Cavern which got me enough points to purchase the Chivalrous Chain which is fantastic (STR+3, Accuracy+5, Store TP+1). Really should get a group together to clear Imperial Agent Rescue so I can work on getting the Pahluwan Seraweels.

                              Also completed the Like the Wind ENM with Tobal and Daragon. Another interesting and fun fight which we won bringing us 2000 EXP and 360,000 gil each in rewards. Was a hairy moment when I ate 2 Triple Attacks in a row dropping me down into double figures but cool heads prevailed.

                              Finally I spent some time camping Celeste-eyed Tozberry in the Den of Rancor but he never showed once again


                                Also, regarding my query from a few weeks back regarding classification of magic and breath damage. Seems the answer is pretty conclusive now as the Amir set of equipment (useable by WAR/PLD/DRK/SAM/DRG) earned via Assault points has a stat of "Reduces magic and breath damage" when wearing the whole set which confirms what you guys said.

