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    First katana trial completed.

    Only took 4+ hours of camping a worthless NM in Palborough Mines.


      Trial 2 completed. Had to kill Lumbering Lambert 3 times. Even got a Steelfleece pop although no shield drop.

      Next up is 3 kills of Deadly Dodo.


        Originally posted by Tobal View Post
        Now im just going to wait on other complete the VNM's bits to see how usefull the double attack stuff is, as either way it going to require killing Tier2 VNM's the basic DMG increase weapon.
        Been reading up on different options at places like BG.

        For G.K. I believe the consensus is that if the proc rate on Kurodachi (DMG:40+28 Delay:464 Occasionally attacks twice) is comparable to Joyeuse (approximately 45&#37 it will outparse Hagun. Radennotachi (DMG:79+10 Delay: 450) is thought to outperform Hagun but it's a minuscule difference (like less than 1%).

        Personally, I'm working on getting the max damage katana (Mozu - DMG:36+7 Delay 227) as soon as possible. I'm pretty certain the extra 5 DMG will outperform Crtical hit rate+6% on my current main hand. Should be able to get it up to the tier II VNM stage then need to keep my eye out for opportunities to get involved in kills. No drops needed for this path, just the kill.

        After that I'll look at the Occ. attacks twice katana (Isatu- DMG:34 Delay: 232 occasionally attacks twice) but the drops may be problematic for myself.

        I fully expect that Mozu/Isatu will be best non-relic NIN combintion from now on.
        Last edited by C'; 26-03-2010, 11:26.


          If you need VNM kills let me know and I'll let you know when SOU are killing to be par tof a kill I doubt they'd mind having you in.

          Tier 2s may be doable by Rargh but we'd need tobe on top form, if Skuld is anyhting to go by with its chainspelling every few seconds and we nuked it down to turn off the TP regen.


            Ok thanks. I'll post here whenever I get up to the appropriate stage. I don't expect to be ready for VNMs until next weekend though.

            Lottery pop NMs can be a right pain.


              well thats another set down

              Rng/Cor DMG+ gun trial 1,2,3 complete, now for 4,5,6 and 7 of NM hunting.


                Completed my fourth trial on katana. One more NM to camp then I'm onto VNM kills I think.

                EDIT - May be wrong. 2 more NM camps. Fortunately I'm 1/4 on next one already (Megalobugard). Should be a straightforward camp.
                Last edited by C'; 27-03-2010, 21:20.


                  Today odin!


                    I didn't get chance to take any pics as I was too busy concentrating on orders during the fight.

                    "Everyone run in NNNNAAAOOOOWWWW!!!!!""

                    "zOMG everyone RUN AWAY!!!!!!!"

                    But we do have cool new titles.

                    And got myself over 15000 ampoules of Therion Ichor so got my first reward. Finally using a belt of some worth.

                    Ritter Gorget next.


                      Hey, i wants in on that Odin action when i return!


                        well after we beat down Odin is was time for Mamool Leaders turn

                        the start

                        odin VS Juju

                        Close up


                          All my solo camps for Trial of the Magians are complete so now onto my first Tier II VNM where I need 6 kills of Jyeshtha.

                          Voidwalker Notorious Monster (Tier II) Spawned by resting less than 5 yalms away while in possession of a Colorful Abyssite. There is one spawn per zone and a 60 minute respawn timer after last kill. They are not linked in any way. If you're spawning this for Trial of the Magians, you can prevent Colorful Abyssite from changing colors by holding onto your Brown Abyssite after it changes. Buy a new Clear Abyssite and either upgrade it in a different zone or only go to spawns that say "The Brown A

                          He actually has a drop I'd like too, as if the latent effect is common enough it's probably the best Blade: Jin belt.

                          Not sure what kind of manpower you need or how I get triggers for this NM so need to look into it in more detail. I have read a couple of reports on BG about the NM being duoed by THF and RDM which is something I'd like to see more about.


                            Plan to have a go at soloing some of the tier I NMs this evening to hopefully get a tier 2 trigger sorted.


                              Sweet, whats the shell your all in? Seems pretty cool!


                                It's just our Einherjar LS that Shougi and Shypar run.

