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    Getting Bio Hazard first print with the metal plate is not easy these days and there's no way I'd be selling that as cheap as I did with the one above I own one myself and even had an offer of 6000 yen for it ! But I said no. the complete edition is the best version of Code Veronica but again it doesn't come that cheap compared to the original release. Still, like Commander Mark said, at least now he gets to play the game



      Originally posted by Yakumo
      Getting Bio Hazard first print with the metal plate is not easy these days and there's no way I'd be selling that as cheap as I did with the one above I own one myself and even had an offer of 6000 yen for it ! But I said no. the complete edition is the best version of Code Veronica but again it doesn't come that cheap compared to the original release. Still, like Commander Mark said, at least now he gets to play the game

      whats this about a metal plate?

      help please


        well you could get a sealed one for collection and minty copy for playing

        I've never understood this. Why you'd want to collect games you will never play, and never even open is beyond me. Plus it's removing one copy of that game from the marketplace where it could be enjoyed by someone else. I don't have the money (or space) to own two copies of everything.

        I'm all for making a bit of profit with my hobby, and God knows I've made plenty of cash over the past few years selling rare games, but these are ALWAYS games that I've collected to play first and foremost. The fact that I'm able to sell them on at either what I paid for them or a small profit is just a bonus.


          Originally posted by buster_broon
          whats this about a metal plate?

          help please
          You can see it (and the small box it comes in) on this page -

          Not that exciting.

          I'd rather have the 1st DC Biohazard than the Complete one. Much better design on the red cover and discs
          Last edited by mezzanine; 08-11-2005, 11:20.


            Originally posted by Commander Marklar
            /me waves at kubrick
            Grrr! Enjoy the game mate.

            I'll just console myself with the fact that this arrived. Doubt I'll ever be able to play it properly, but it was worth it for the beautiful picture book alone.


              Originally posted by Kubrick

              I'll just console myself with the fact that this arrived. Doubt I'll ever be able to play it properly, but it was worth it for the beautiful picture book alone
              what are you going to do with the stickers in the book

              put them up in your room


                Originally posted by Duddyroar
                Those two posts sum up retro gaming for me - there's the people who 'collect' and the people who 'play'. I know which side I'm on.

                What's the point in collecting if you never play...?
                You said it mate , What is the point if all you're going to do is keep it like some prised trophy . Game are ment to be played , other wise there's not point in them at all


                  If you don't understand the collecting for collecting's sake mentality, then you never will. But I'm afraid you'll just have to accept that there are people - and many of them - who like to collect things just for that reason.

                  And not just in the gaming world either - there are coin collectors who will never spend their coins, stamp collectors who will never write a letter, comic collectors who will never open their prized issue no.1, first edition book collectors who will never read the novels they own.

                  They are called 'collectors' for a reason.



                    Originally posted by buster_broon
                    what are you going to do with the stickers in the book

                    put them up in your room
                    Nah, leave them in the book


                      Originally posted by Tirian
                      If you don't understand the collecting for collecting's sake mentality, then you never will. But I'm afraid you'll just have to accept that there are people - and many of them - who like to collect things just for that reason.

                      And not just in the gaming world either - there are coin collectors who will never spend their coins, stamp collectors who will never write a letter, comic collectors who will never open their prized issue no.1, first edition book collectors who will never read the novels they own.

                      They are called 'collectors' for a reason.

                      True , thought I just don't see the point in it . I buy a CD or DVD to Listen or watch it , not to keep away in room never to be used , same goes for games.

                      I could understand keeping safe the very 1st Cart or CD game or the last game ever made for a particular system But as too worrying if its still factory sealed, or it as a spine card ect I just couldn?t give a toss .
                      I just worry if the game works , and if its any good


                        Originally posted by Tirian
                        If you don't understand the collecting for collecting's sake mentality, then you never will. But I'm afraid you'll just have to accept that there are people - and many of them - who like to collect things just for that reason.

                        And not just in the gaming world either - there are coin collectors who will never spend their coins, stamp collectors who will never write a letter, comic collectors who will never open their prized issue no.1, first edition book collectors who will never read the novels they own.

                        They are called 'collectors' for a reason.
                        So why videogames?

                        These folk are just in it for the money, if you ask me. Fair enough, I say. As long as they're not under some deluded opinion that its for some other reason beyond that.


                          They are called 'collectors' for a reason
                          Indeed. But as TA says, a game is a game, it's supposed to be played.
                          People collect stamps and coins and never use them for their intended purpose, true. But they mainly do this for the (sometimes quite stunning) artwork found on them. A stamp's artwork can be enjoyed regardless of whether or not it has been used. However 99% of the artwork that goes into a videogame can only be viewed when playing it, so what's the point in locking it away?


                            Let's continue this here.


                              Clever how you ignored the books ... which I deliberately chose as an example due to the similarities with game collectors.

                              Books are made to be read. Avid book collectors will not even open their prized first editions, never mind read them for much the same reason as an avid game collector will not open a sealed game. In fact, book collectors can be outrageously anal about their purchases, with a whole range of specific vocabulary simply to describe various minisculely differing conditions of the dust-jacket etc. etc.

                              But, as I said, if you are determined not to understand collecting for collecting's sake then of course you never will understand it. I don't think there's much more to be said really ... we return you to your normal programme of games, games and more games!



                                Well back on Topic I got Power Rangers and Cadillac & Dinosaurs for the Mega CD today for ?5 and Slipeheed II for ?2 (and it itsn't even worth that)

