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Radiant Silvergun = fun to play?

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    Radiant Silvergun = fun to play?

    I'm thinking about picking one up, to see what all the fuss is about.

    Have you played it, and besides being collectable, is it actually any fun?

    I have liked other Treasure shooters, if that makes any difference.

    So is worth getting? It would cost about 60 quid.

    I prefer it to Ikaruga ? it's a great game, not just one that fetches high prices because it's ?rare.?


      It is brilliant. If you're a fan of shooters or Treasure you owe it to yourself to at least try it out.


        It's crap! Well, not crap but not the best shooter on the Saturn by far as all make it out to be. To be honest it's far too complicated for a shooter so playing it like it "Should" be played is not fun at all. Just like Ikaruga really!



          It is a great game, but at the price I think it's really only worth getting if you're absolutely prepared to put the effort into learning it. I don't play it regularly enough for that, and I do have a kind of guilty feeling hanging over me for the fact that it's essentially 'going to waste' in my collection. I'm pretty much out of the shmup cycle I was in a few years back, and now I load it up maybe 4 or 5 times a year.


            For £60 you can't really lose. If you hate it, you can always sell it on, probably for a profit.

            For me it's the best shooter on the Saturn. Fun, playable, moderately challenging, and with an atmosphere all its own. There's something quite epic about it.


              You don't necessarily need to buy it to try - is the MAME / Saturn emulation any better than it used to be? I remember trying a Saturn emulator with my RS disc a few years ago and it worked pretty well on an old laptop, though I had to fiddle with the settings and turned some of the effects off to make it playable. Might have improved by now, but if you have MAME that may be better too. Last time I tried it things were not pretty but you know how quickly emus evolve - may be worth looking into.


                and a quick google later:

                but if you like it, buy it - stealing's bad!

                [edit: ignore that, it was an April's Fool joke. the link takes you to a Rick Astley video. woooo!]
                Last edited by sadat; 07-05-2008, 07:46.


                  I don't like it because it overcomplicates the genre. In fact, it's one of my least favourite shmups, and I love shmups!

                  You need to level up the weapons like in an RPG, and some bosses are impossible unless you use the right weapons/combinations/tactics. It's not as simple as avoiding fire and returning the shots. There's too much thinking involved, which makes it impossible to "zone out".

                  I prefer Dondonpachi and Ikaruga.


                    Originally posted by Szczepaniak View Post
                    I don't like it because it overcomplicates the genre. In fact, it's one of my least favourite shmups, and I love shmups!

                    You need to level up the weapons like in an RPG, and some bosses are impossible unless you use the right weapons/combinations/tactics. It's not as simple as avoiding fire and returning the shots. There's too much thinking involved, which makes it impossible to "zone out".

                    I prefer Dondonpachi and Ikaruga.
                    My sentiments exactly, plus I find the visual style ugly and the music lame.


                      another in the camp that doesnt think much of it

                      there are seriously better shooters on the Saturn at a fraction of the cost


                        I'd always recommend RSG, its an incredible piece of work. But "fun to play?", probably not, unless you're prepared to put a LOT into it. There are several more "fun to play" shmups on Saturn imo, and they're cheaper too.


                          Buy , Its F-ing Brilliant .

                          There's a few better shooters of the Saturn LS and the one and only Souky , but Boy is RSG a ride and a epic game (never mind shotter) . I get a hugh buzz when I see those rotating and swirling backgrounds , with bullets and ships absolutely everywhere... accompanied by one of the best soundtracks known to man ? its almost like there a Opera inside the Saturn in this game .

                          It?s the best showcase game ever For me a good shooter needs fast action and a pumping soundtrack, and this game as it in spades
                          Treasure at their very best


                            It is the f*cking bollocks my friend. Possibly even better than Dodonpachi... It's certainly much more grandeur.


                              Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
                              My sentiments exactly, plus I find the visual style ugly and the music lame.
                              C'mon mate, I'm not trying to flame you here but ugly & lame?!? I know RSG isn't everyone's cup of tea but c'mon, it's a visual and aural showcase for f*ck's sake!

