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Radiant Silvergun = fun to play?

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    Originally posted by kernow View Post
    I've only just got a dedicated vertical cab in the last few months, I have donpachi,, espgaluda, and dimahoo, out of the lot I think I like dimahoo the least, but I wouldn't say its bad one bit. The others are just so awesome I can't possibly choose which is better, its like asking me whats better kof98 or LB1. Just so different I couldn't bear to pick one over the other really.

    Enquiring about a ddp:doj pcb at present, woo. its refreshing getting out of neo homecarts and getting into another genre for once, I wasn't the biggest shooter fan before but I am certainly turning that way.
    Turn back while you still can
    *faint sound of bailiffs knocking*


      Originally posted by kernow View Post
      RSG is hardly expensive for a shooter , lol, or a rare videogame for that matter.
      Probably because it's not really rare ... there's bucketloads of copies of it about. I still don't really understand why it gets the price it does, imho it is neither rare enough nor good enough to command the kind of price it does.

      That's not to say it's common as muck, or no good at all ... just over-priced for what it really is.


        Why it gets such a price is because of the buyers willing to pay that amount. They set the average price with their crazy bids. Demand > supply.


          Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
          That sounds vague and a bit of a made up statistic. I'm pretty sure the original Dodonpachi is generally considered the best shooter of all time, with others like Armed Police Batrider and Battle Garegga runners up. I don't think RSG has ever made a top ten in the shmups annual poll. It really isn't a liked shooter among hardcore shooter fans.
          I said people who work in the game?s industry, not players. A mate of mine works for a Japanese game companies and awhile back they asked all the designers for shooters, what they believed the bester shooter was.

          All of them said Radiant Slivergun expect for the guy at Treasure who said Image Fighter. This poll included companies like G-Rev, Cave, Capcom etc? There is also a very interesting reason the guy at Treasure said Image Fighter.

          RSG is the best designed shooter out there, it is also the most original shooter out there. Dodonpachi really is just a run of the mill shooter that does what it does very nicely. It doesn?t however do anything original and new with the arcade shooter concept.

          Yes RSG may take you 5 minutes to figure out the scoring system, rather than just blow every thing up on screen and that is part of its genius. RSG is also one of the most skilfully shooters out there but when you die it always feels like it?s your fault. Unlike some shooters Dodonpachi, Mars Matrix, Ikaruga and many more beside you the player ends up feeling punished for daring to play the game.

          It the same reason I love Border Down also most just as much, but again it dares to play with the shooter format.

          Oddly enough I was never that impressed with Dodonpachi I can?t see what people rave about, Battle Garegga, Thunder Force V, Parodius and Sengoku Blade. Are much better shooter in my view, mind you in the end I guess it all comes down to preference.

          True Slivergun isn?t worth the price tag, but I don?t think any game really justify a price higher than ?40.

          But for me it's the number one shooter out there.


            Well Dodonpachi is most appreciated when being played on PCB or even mame, as they own the console ports. Its bullet hell, but I feel the game is never really unfair. It has a nice colourpalette, good explosions and smooth gameplay. For a shmup, its simply pretty good and frantic. Its also one of my favourite verts but I like the style of RSG more.

            Its just not thinking man like RSG. If RSG is more your kind, its very possible that you also like Border Down (both are on top of my list too). Its also pretty deep and different when compared to the average shmup. Sengoku blaede I would call fun but slightly overrated (its standard fare), personally I find Psikyo not all that hot except for Zero Gunner 2 which pretty much rocked imo.

            I do like Mars Matrix a lot though, its like RSG a pretty clever vert. Its also slower but very difficult to master.


              Originally posted by S3M View Post
              Dodonpachi really is just a run of the mill shooter that does what it does very nicely. It doesn?t however do anything original and new with the arcade shooter concept.
              ..apart from being the first true danmaku and launching a whole sub-genre

