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Radiant Silvergun = fun to play?

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    Bought it - sold it. Made £15 - result!


      Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
      My sentiments exactly, plus I find the visual style ugly and the music lame.
      As much as I utterly hate the gameplay, I actually love the visuals.

      I've got a serious thing for the Saturn's dodgy polygon output, with its scratchy textures. I dunno why, but that grainy look makes me feel really nostalgic, like when i see 16-bit sprites.

      RSG's poly models were quite lovely I thought. Too bad the gameplay was so wholly repellent.


        I'll join up with the people who like this game. Its just... I just like the overall design of this game. Yes, its too deep for a quick fix shmup but hell you're playing it from a console and not in an arcade. I have not much problems with it, using the right weapon at the right time became second nature quickly enough.

        This game got me close to 100 hours of gameplay, I dealt with the chain system (granted, its superior in Ika) and with the level system (which can hurt if you are not leveling properly). Basically, I get my kicks out of the fact I can already level an x amount in the first stage by making a long chain and a 100% boss kill. Then the dogs, I thought they were fun to find and they rack up your score.

        I also liked the fact that Treasure put lots of love in the conversion adding a whole new saturn mode with cutscenes and speech and they kept the arcade mode with Insert Coins!

        Boss designs are crazy, Ohtrigen rocks.

        I also own Dodon, Batsugun, Souky (now this ones overrated imo) and Garegga but I simply didn't reach 100 hrs of play with these games.


          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
          Souky (now this ones overrated imo)
          Good man, glad i'm not the only one.


            Regard as the best shooter of all time by most people in the industry.

            Only problem is it broke the mould and not every one likes that. To me all other shooters released come a pale second and I have yet to find a shooter I have enjoyed more.

            Mind you I was one of the lucky ones I only paid ?40 for it.


              Originally posted by S3M View Post
              Regard as the best shooter of all time by most people in the industry.
              That sounds vague and a bit of a made up statistic. I'm pretty sure the original Dodonpachi is generally considered the best shooter of all time, with others like Armed Police Batrider and Battle Garegga runners up. I don't think RSG has ever made a top ten in the shmups annual poll. It really isn't a liked shooter among hardcore shooter fans.


                Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                I also liked the fact that Treasure put lots of love in the conversion adding a whole new saturn mode with cutscenes and speech
                Thats Brainache material!

                I'm glad they didn't do that wih Karuga.


                  When translated its actually pretty good, lots of swearing too IIRC.

                  I don't really care about the cutscenes (which only happened at the start, and at the ending anyway) and speech either, but on the whole the Saturn mode is awesome since it has many extras thrown in. Its pretty much a different experience.

                  Ofcourse RSG isn't being liked by the so called hardcore fans, its too slow. But it doesn't matter, i'm not a hardcore shmup nut (although I can finish Dodonpachi with much more ease).


                    Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
                    That sounds vague and a bit of a made up statistic. I'm pretty sure the original Dodonpachi is generally considered the best shooter of all time, with others like Armed Police Batrider and Battle Garegga runners up. I don't think RSG has ever made a top ten in the shmups annual poll. It really isn't a liked shooter among hardcore shooter fans.

                    Not that it really matters but -


                      A lot of people prefer Donpachi over its sequel for the shooting play involved. I prefer Dodonpachi cause its just badass and has wailing guitars.


                        I own donpachi PCB and it roocckkks, but yeah, I think I still prefer DDP more from what I've played on rommage. Both are excellent though, I've never had any will to try out RSG because I've heard its overcomplicated and I don't really like the anime character designs from what I've seen. Plus, as someone else said I've never seen it in anyones list of top 10 shooters,... ever.

                        Sounds like mostly hype, I'm sure its a good game and all, but blech.

                        edit: ah, I didn't see those charts. ESP Galuda is just bloody awesome, the scoring system is so simple, probably my fave overall. It just has such a good feel and makes your eyes melt after a couple of plays.
                        Last edited by kernow; 12-05-2008, 11:51.


                          ESPGaluda is pretty good and has an upbeat soundtrack but I don't dig that gunbird ish style. I rather have planes just like in Dodonpachi.

                          Gradius V being 2nd place is to me a joke, though. I disliked that game, one of Treasures weaker work much like other project that were outsourced to them (Mcdonalds, dragon drive). As far as hori's go i'd rate Border Down, Delta and TFV higher. Even Einhander probably.


                            Quite a few people on this forum would disagree with that. I think Gradius V got a huuuuuge love-in on here when it was released.

                            I would put Einhander above it but that's because I absolutely loved it. Gradius V would still be in my top 3 hori's. (Number one being Omega Five, no joke with that at all)


                              I was never a big fan of Life Force etc (which is basically the same). Although I could actually 1cc Life force on the NES (back then I was still little and could only afford and thus play about 2 or 3 games a year, which made me a better gamer than I am now.. P).

                              Gradius V's probably being praised for its returning old school mechanics, but I am personally not a too big fan of the shoot the core bosses and dodging of environment and the like. Although I could beat Life Force Salamander on the NES with 1 life when I was young...

                              Those other hori's deal much lesser with that, and are faster paced.


                                People who hate on RSG always make me chuckle. Yes, it isn't your traditional shooter, but so what? There's room for a little variety in the genre. For me the RPG-style level up system works like a dream and certainly kept me playing the game for longer than I would normally with a shooting title.

                                Personally it's one of my all time favourite games, the visuals are timeless and the soundtrack (by the same guy who did Final Fantasy Tactics) is gorgeous.

                                I find a lot of people hate on it purely because it fetches such high prices.

