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Radiant Silvergun = fun to play?

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    Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post
    I find a lot of people hate on it purely because it fetches such high prices.
    On the other hand i find people seem to defend it to try and cover their investment


      Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
      On the other hand i find people seem to defend it to try and cover their investment

      Some people maybe, but not Duddy .

      I love the game to bits and paid ?40 for the game , its nothing to with price but the sheer buzz and adrenaline rush I get from playing the game , made all the more enjoyable by the jaw dropping rotating swirling backgrounds and the simply stunning music

      What does get me in when people say the game its too hard ( At least I can see the end unlike with ikaruga) or its not a Traditional shooter (because of the weapon system and leaning curve ) . Well Symphony of the Night isn?t your typical Castlevaia or Platform game thanks to the introduction of RPG elements , yet next to no one would knock the game for that , so why people do it for RSG I just do not know.

      Also like with SOTN, RSG soundtrack on its own helps make the game


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        ( At least I can see the end unlike with ikaruga)
        Play Ikaruga for 17 hours (IIRC) and you unlock unlimited continues. Just saying, like. The final couple of bosses are well worth a look, if you're into humiliation.


          Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
          On the other hand i find people seem to defend it to try and cover their investment
          This is what most say in defense, but its down to each owner. I don't care about my investment, I bought the game (for not that much as some did) because my friend had it and I played it there. We were addicted to it and I just wanted it myself too.

          I always had the impression a lot of the hate comes from the high prices it fetches. I say in my turn: its not the games fault nor does the quality change that people are willing to pay that price. Treasure could pump out more copies, but as a matter of fact the printrun of RSG wasn't really that limited at all. Thats also why its on ebay on a daily basis.

          Its still an exclusive, its within the genre an original game and -shock there- its probably widely considered to be a pretty good game after all. The reviews back in 1998 were not that crappy either.


            It's got a fantastic name, too.


              Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
              This is what most say in defense, but its down to each owner. I don't care about my investment
              i think i paid ?90 for it which is cheap compared to others

              but i've had more fun on plenty of other shooters about a fifth of the price

              i dont even think this would appear in my top 20


                RSG is hardly expensive for a shooter , lol, or a rare videogame for that matter.


                  Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                  When translated its actually pretty good, lots of swearing too IIRC.

                  Its the only real reason why I keep a Saturn. I could set the rest of the system's library on fire, but not RSG.


                    I don't actually own a copy anymore, so I have no reason to defend the game other than for my love of it.

                    For the record, I purchased it when it came out for £35.


                      Sure, but to say people hate it when its expensive, when in reality its not really *that* expensive. is .. hmm. I am not a fan because of the general anime'ish art style, those cutscenes are a perfect example really.


                        Nah, i've got some AES games which were about twice as expensive as RSG. But I like RSG better than them tbh

                        Hell, I've paid more for Final Fight Revenge than I did for RSG *kills himself*

                        Anyone else still got that SSM issue with the huge RSG coverage (Dracula X cover)? I do and its still a great read. Recommended to others fans of this game.
                        Last edited by saturn-gamer; 13-05-2008, 16:29.


                          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                          Anyone else still got that SSM issue with the huge RSG coverage (Dracula X cover)? I do and its still a great read. Recommended to others fans of this game.
                          That's the only copy of SSM that I still possess.

                          I love RSG; I love its complexity & it's pretty much the only disc that sees my Saturn turned on any more (must finish PD Saga at some point though.)


                            Originally posted by kernow View Post
                            RSG is hardly expensive for a shooter , lol, or a rare videogame for that matter.
                            its the most expensive shooter i own by a long shot - i think

                            i prefer simple shooters like in the hunt and twin cobra

                            even bullet hell shooters are fun for a while until the old eyes hurt


                              I've only just got a dedicated vertical cab in the last few months, I have donpachi,, espgaluda, and dimahoo, out of the lot I think I like dimahoo the least, but I wouldn't say its bad one bit. The others are just so awesome I can't possibly choose which is better, its like asking me whats better kof98 or LB1. Just so different I couldn't bear to pick one over the other really.

                              Enquiring about a ddp:doj pcb at present, woo. its refreshing getting out of neo homecarts and getting into another genre for once, I wasn't the biggest shooter fan before but I am certainly turning that way.
                              Last edited by kernow; 13-05-2008, 22:58.


                                I've had about an hour on this now in total. I wasn't too impressed by the visuals, but I suppose that was to be expected playing a Saturn game for the first time, whereas people who played it when it first came out likely appreciate it much more.

                                I didn't pay too much attention to the levelling-up of my weapons - in fact, it's only through reading about the game that I know for sure that this happens. I used the green weapon for most of my first play and then came to an abrupt halt when one of the bosses, to my horror, seemed totally unaffected by anything I shot him with. Eventually I ran out of credits. Second time round I tried to be more balanced, losing a few more lives on the way, but slowly but surely, I got the better of the boss.

                                I'm finding it very hard - perhaps I'm used to having more space to fly around in in shooters like Twin Cobra and Raiden. Even the Parodius games, which I love playing, don't seem to hem you into narrow corridors as much as this one. However, I'm enjoying the game and I'm determined to get better at it, to which end I'll be looking for some guides as to which weapons to start off with.

                                Thanks for your comments about the game.

