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How big is your collection?

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    Garou's music plays at completely the wrong speed on my xbox, like it's in slow-mo, and just ruins the game as it's so wrong. Music and SFX on the majority of PCE games is out, as well as terrible tearing.


      Originally posted by ikobo View Post
      Garou's music plays at completely the wrong speed on my xbox, like it's in slow-mo, and just ruins the game as it's so wrong. Music and SFX on the majority of PCE games is out, as well as terrible tearing.
      Using mednafin x for pcengine games, soldier blade runs perfectly; no screen tear, music & speech in sync (at 720p). Cd games play perfectly too from the drive. Ii tried sapphire and gates of thunder with perfect music syncing/no screen tear

      Using fbaxxx pro, garous music is at the right speed, no background screen, speech perfect, no glitches (at 720p)
      Last edited by dvdx2; 24-04-2013, 21:00.


        I have no trouble with my PC Eng Stuff on the XBox and almost all the Neo Geo games work fine on it and if the DC versions of Garou's is close then the XBox emu is near enough spot on for me.


          A lot of games for me to clear lying around across PS2, Wii, PS3, WiiU and digital games but the number is falling and falling fast. I used to have tons but the only one to benefit is the shelf maker. Long since given up on attaining or maintaining a big collection of rarely or never used games. In future it'll all be about new games and that refined small list of personal faves for me.


            Got quite a modest collection and reducing it all the time to just a few core games and a healthy collection of arcade conversions. Thing is arcade conversions necessitate space consuming add ons (Wheels, lightguns, arcade sticks etc) which is a problem. I'll end up with hardware just to play a few games eg, Gamecube to play F-zero, Super Monkey Ball, Beach Spikers and Mario Sunshine.

            Really interested in a Naomi Universal or a Candy Cab but having difficulty finding one at the minute. Then I can get rid of the CRT.


              Made a Backloggery before selling some of my collection, PS1 and PS2 where my largest collections.

              Used to collect PAL PS1 games and got it over 200 games, whilst trying to avoid the crap released on PS1 and peg down the better stuff. Also worth noting a LOT of my collection was bought from PS1 PAL launch until 2010.


                Thats about 90% of it, there is more dotted away but cant be bothered to get every last thing in lol. Never get bored on a weekend thats for damn sure

                Tonights delight is speccy stuff.

                Where the majority of my games live

                Cabinet o' stuff, allsorts of odd things reside in there.


                  Love the cabinet!!!


                    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                    Love the cabinet!!!
                    Me too. I wish I had the space (and similar contents) to have a cabinet like that.


                      Originally posted by Wools View Post
                      I think Spinpug is winning in the picture stakes!

                      If I won the lottery, I think I would build a house with a purpose built game room where I could have a wheel set up with Gran Turismo 5, all my favourite retro consoles connected up to a CRT and modern consoles connected up to a HD TV. Also I might sneak in a mint condition cabinet of Time Crisis!

                      The actual reality is that I won't ever be able to and if I get married, have kids and buy a house, then the main TV will be used by everyone. In some ways i like that, I never enjoyed gaming in a room on my own and always liked people watching, commentating or playing along with me, so I guess it's not too bad...

                      Still envy those of you with a dedicated room though!
                      If you look in the bottom left of the pic you can see a Mac. Ive a 24'' CRT Sony sitting beside it now. Along with a dedicated set up of retro consoles in addition to the main rig. This pic was taken a while ago on a mates iphone5 while I was still sorting it out, so it's changed abit since. I've a jamma cab in the garage as well, but no space for it in the room lol.


                        Chalk me up as another that loves that cabinet of goodies


                          For the people that want a closer peek heres a few pics of the shelves. A small guided tour.

                          In the basement we have a selection of gashapon figures, plus a few rolls of pepsi super mario tape & some monkey ball figures.

                          On the first floor is the pokemon mini department plus a stray super famicom game but my also most cherished one, hence it staying safe in my cabinet away from any damage.

                          Second floor is all the tat that club nintendo has sent to me after redeeming an obscene amount of points, been a member since it first started but nowdays i rarely bother as it seems to offer hardly anything anymore.

                          The third floor will eventually hold my keropla collection when i have finished building them, in the meantime Keroro & a few of his team have taken residence along with the remainder of my club N tat.

                          The penthouse contains all my limited edition handhelds along with my keitai sousakan 7 stuff plus some happy meal taiko figures that unlock stuff in the 3rd DS game.

                          And that concludes the tour, the giftshop is to your left as you leave


                            Wrong thread please Delete!
                            Last edited by Rider_on_the_Storm; 29-04-2013, 16:40. Reason: Wrong thread

