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    The ECW PPV was the best US televised PPV I have seen in many years. Let's just say there were many "mark-out" moments and some tremendous matches (although a few did run a little short). Vince really didn't bastardise the PPV like I suspected he would. For the most part, it was true ECW back to its very roots from the matches to the crowd to the promos. Loved it and can't wait to buy the DVD.


      Stopped up to watch it till 4am then watched it again in the morning at 9 with the missus.
      It was completely WWE free in terms of control so Vince should be given some credit for that.
      However what happened at the ppv might result in a few headaches for Vince. I wont spoil it but what was said by rvd and heyman in two separate, unscripted shoot promos might have repercussions.

      What struck me about it was how, as a result of the wwe backing away, unruly and out of control a few people were. It was great to see bischoff say 'go f**k yourself' to some guy in the crowd then have beer spat in his face. There was some real emotion on show. worryingly for Vince there was some real anger. Long standing tensions between people such as Bradshaw and the trainers were visible (check out dreamer when sandman and jbl were staring at each other). What Heyman said to edge is also another fault line opened. A truly great ppv and id imagine people like Funk and Douglas might feel a tiny bit sad that they opted out. It was ECW and rvd, Heyman and Dreamer should be given credit for that. Maybe even vince to some extent.

      line of the night
      Joey Styles'Oh look its Edge. Im glad i didnt bring my wife'
      Styles'Hes a wife stealer'


        Joey Styles'Oh look its Edge. Im glad i didnt bring my wife'
        Styles'Hes a wife stealer
        That is comedy gold, I can't wait to see this thing, from what I've read the Awsome/Tanaka match was the highlight of the show.


          what a amazing event!

          i watched it live on a poor quality live stream and am now currently downloading a divx quality rip.

          what a night!, as everyone said, it was great how outspoken some characters were!


            Yea, I got this Sky+'d at home, so will watch this when I get home.


              matt hardy's one night stand comments on his website......

              "What's up everyone? I got about 50 calls tonight from people buzzing me on the ECW crowd being all over Adam's @ss about me and the Paul E plug. After reading a couple of reviews of the show, it reminded me of why I loved ECW so much back in the day. Spontaneity. Controversy. Not being afraid to break from "the formula." A lot of truth and honesty rolled into the "entertainment" aspect of pro wrestling. Regardless of how predetermined or not Paul's two (or three) words were - "Matt frickin' Hardy," I respect him and thank him for going there. It popped me when I heard. Paul Heyman is a truly amazing individual when it comes down to him having his fingers on the pulse of the product. I respect his contributions to the business and wrestling mind greatly. I also respect the f*ck out of the New York fans--more specifically, the more educated, can't be insulted, we'll call you out on your feces fans. When it comes to performing, there's nowhere like NYC and the New Yorkers. As always, I thank everyone for their support--be well."

              + JBL being a tit again,! him and hardcore holly are dicks, if anyone reads about smackdown backstage politics, you'll know what i mean!

              WWE sources and people who attended the ECW PPV line confirmed that during the mass brawl at the end of the night, JBL went after the Blue Meanie, throwing several real punches and bloodying his face.

              Many superstars who saw JBL's actions looked visible angry at what he had done. Al Snow, who trained Meanie, was said to be most upset.

              There's no love lost between JBL and the Meanie with heat dating back to Meanie's day in WWE. JBL of course cut a promo on him a few weeks back on SmackDown! but it was edited out.


                Ive no problem with JBL or Holly. Its wreslting after all and bullying and backstage politics should and do go hand in hand. Of course jbl shouldnt have stiffed the meanie but then the meanie really shouldnt have run his mouth a few years back. These things often come back to haunt you.


                  I really liked the ECW PPV. Although I found JBLs actions highly unprofessional. He seems to have a history of getting away with doing things like this. In my eyes its a sacking offence.

                  Best line of the night for me was when Nova got whacked.

                  Styles "Thats got to hurt more than playing Simon Dean every week on Television.....I'm so fired."


                    I was at the Smackdown Tour in Glasgow this week & managed to get some decent photos, thought some of you might appreciate them.


                      Nice pics mate
                      I guess its hoping for too much when i ask did Austin slap cena at all?
                      and how could anyone flip the bird to a 'wrestling god'?


                        Unfortunately Cena didn't get the stunner but Austin did rip the piss out of him quite a bit, the pic at the bottom is Austin taking the piss of the whole "You can't see me" nonsense, plus Cena drinks beer just like The Rock i.e. one sip then spits the rest out,obviously can't hold his booze.

                        JBL was getting major heat thanks to some pretty funny put downs, he put himself over by stating he had Scottish blood in him only to say stuff like "Scotland is England's bitch" "I'm a real man/all Scottish men are gay" and he grabbed a flag from a crowd member that was half covered with the Saltire and half with the Stars & Stripes which he proceeded to wipe his arse with only to have John Cena grab his cowboy hat and wipe it on his arse.

                        I hadn't seen Smackdown in ages so half the guys I didn't even recognise, me and my mates went mainly to see Austin & he didn't dissapoint, I didn't enjoy it as much as the Raw tour a few years back(was a lot more drunk that time) but it was a good laugh all the same.


                          JBL is a top guy on the mic. Its a far cry from his acolyte days and his dodgy tache with Barry Windham. One of the best promo guys about now though id imagine he's had considerable training. Still that hasnt helped Batista.
                          Anyone keeping up with the wwe draft process? Its annoyingly vague (to allow the wwe room to move i guess) but since the wwe hasnt given the draft a clear process it just lacks credibility. I do hope cena stays on raw though if only for the inevitable burial by the 'cerebral assasin'. Still all the draft picks have been interesting so far.
                          Apparently Layfields punishment for walloping the blue meanie was a telling off by Vince. It pays to be mates with the boss it seems


                            JBL is best used as a heel world champion whenever they want to change the belt to someone new. For example, with the heat he has now with some of the ECW guys, it would make perfect sense for RVD to be given a push. He wouldn't be fighting Cena, so makes sense for Cena to drop the belt back to JBL and for RVD and an ECW faction to feud with JBL and his cronies. Cena is not good enough in the ring to be champion, and his promos are puerile and cheap. Triple H apparently has it in for him, too. The fans would mark absolutely bonkers for RVD as WWE Champ.


                              16 superstars have been released from the wwe in the last 24 hours and more to follow!

                              WWE has decided not to proceed with any renegotiations with Bubba and D-Von Dudley.
                              Also, World Wrestling Entertainment has come to agreements on the release of the following Superstars.
                              • Kenzo Suzuki
                              • Matt Morgan
                              • Charlie Haas
                              • Jackie Gayda
                              • Marty Jannetty
                              • Dawn Marie
                              • Mark Jindrak
                              • Maven
                              • Shannon Moore
                              • James Yun (Akio)
                              • David Heath (Gangrel)
                              • Billy Kidman
                              • Spike Dudley
                              • Kevin Fertig


                                the dudley's are gone?

                                eh i suppose there not as good as they used to be

                                check this out on
                                do you think this is for real?

                                July 6, 2005

                                WWE fans have not seen Brock Lesnar since his WrestleMania XX match against Goldberg. Shortly afterwards, the former WWE Champion left the sports-entertainment world in favor of pursuing an NFL career. Today, however, Lesnar has confirmed that he is scheduled to meet with Vince McMahon tomorrow to talk about a possible return to the ring.

                                ?I?m excited about getting my working boots on and getting back to business,? Lesnar told during a phone interview earlier this afternoon.

                                While Lesnar is excited about a return to the ring, he realizes that nothing is definite. ?I don?t know what?s going to happen tomorrow in the meeting,? said Lesnar. ?I don?t know if I?m returning to WWE, I really don?t. In order for this to happen, it has to work for both Vince and myself.?

                                A return to WWE may come as a shock to some fans, as the Internet has been buzzing recently about the rumors of a strained relationship between Lesnar and McMahon. ?We need to get on the same page,? admitted Lesnar, regarding their relationship. ?There?s some hard feelings on both ends of this. Sometimes it takes a little time to heal. We?ll know more tomorrow.?

                                The former WWE Superstar admits that some of the responsibility rests on him. ?I had some maturing to do. There comes a time in everybody?s life when you have to grow up,? said Lesnar. ?But professional wrestling is in my blood. I may have second guessed it in the past, but I know it now.?

                                Brock Lesnar has agreed to an in-depth interview when he arrives at WWE Headquarters later today (July 7). Be sure to check back then for what is promising to be a controversial conversation.
                                Last edited by crazylegs; 07-07-2005, 14:53.

