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Last night's Top Gear

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    Thoroughly enjoying tonights' episode.

    Jezza at the petrol station was hilarious! This challenge is really making me miss Japan though. Slightly annoyed by Richard & James' seeming ignorance of general etiquette whilst in another country (re: mobile phone on the train).

    Still, it's obvious that the GT-R is going to win, this isn't "Public Transport Gear" after all.


      Originally posted by NekoFever View Post
      I'm calling it now: I fully expect the bullet train option to be scuppered by several scenes of James and Hammond not being able to speak Japanese at someone behind a ticket desk or finding the only station in Japan without bilingual signs.
      The missus and I sat there watching them buyng their Shinkansen tickets and both said at the exact same time "why don't they press the button to change the language to English?"


        Ditto. They just do things like that for 'comedy'.

        Strange they didn't seem that keen on the car. Mirrors some other reviews I've seen that say it is technically good but maybe a bit soulless.


          I liked the drafting of the Gran Turismo design team for the GTRs in car display etc, looked ace, great race too


            a much better prog last night, the Alfa was great and hasn't been on 5th gear 4 months ago, the japanese challenge was decent too, massively contrived of course but you can forgive them that when its a good idea and entertaining.

            still skipped thru SIARPC as had an extra reason to this week, Kate Silverton was my mortal sworn enemy thru junior and infant school always beating me in tests so I don't feel the need to see her on tv razzing round the top gear track.


              Originally posted by Brats View Post
              Fifth Gear suffers badly in the editing, some scenes go on for far too long just to pad out the show.

              Top Gear however suffers from poor scripting. I watched last night's episodes laughing at some bits and genuinely embarressed by others - the calendars and 'crash' of the AR 75 being the particular low points as others have mentioned.

              But it didn't used to be this scripted. The best bits are still the spontaneous pats and it's so obvious which bits those are.
              I don't generally watch the show, but it happened to be on in the pub last night when I was there.

              I laughed out loud and almost spilled my drink when Jeremy compared Sarah Jessica Parker to a modern Ferrari (i.e. people say Ferrari's are good looking only because they're Ferraris even though they may be ugly, similarly people say SJP is good looking because of that awful show she popularised even though, to use Jeremy's words, she looks like "a boiled horse"). Classic!


                Thought last nights show was entertaining. Can`t wait to see the GTR on the track with The Stig in it


                  The music in top gear is great but as instrumentals its pretty hard to name it, anyone help? /long shot


                    I watched the race again. The whale songs were a dig I guess but funny. Jeremy also said he was HIV positive when attempting to buy some food
                    Jezza mimicking fussy Hammond was classic too.

                    Japan does have some great roads but as the film showed though a lot of the time you have some blind granny in a K-car (max 63 bhp) in front of you. That is frustrating as hell....Get the f¥¥k out of my way.
                    Last edited by Richard.John; 16-07-2008, 02:47.


                      Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                      Ditto. They just do things like that for 'comedy'.

                      Strange they didn't seem that keen on the car. Mirrors some other reviews I've seen that say it is technically good but maybe a bit soulless.
                      JC seems to like the 'Datsun' in his review over on the Times Online site though: 'Verdict Unfathomably good'.


                        Originally posted by Largo View Post
                        The music in top gear is great but as instrumentals its pretty hard to name it, anyone help? /long shot
                        UNKLE: Trouble In Paradise was on there. The one from the BMW ad. Top Gear use a lot of UNKLE.


                          And loads of Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards of Canada and other electronica. Whoever chooses it has great taste in music (obviously not Clarkson).


                            Originally posted by Largo View Post
                            The music in top gear is great but as instrumentals its pretty hard to name it, anyone help? /long shot
                            THIS is exactly what you need, you can thank me later


                              Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                              The missus and I sat there watching them buyng their Shinkansen tickets and both said at the exact same time "why don't they press the button to change the language to English?"
                              Definitely just for the lols. I saw it towards the end so missed the phone on the train, but yeah it made me miss Japan, too.

                              As for the English language option, c'mon man, that's for wimps! When I was in Japan and my mate pressed it it was so embarassing. The entire station rattled as the female voice bellowed "ALL INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN IN ENGLISH!!!!!!!!" or whatever she says.

                              The first few times it's tricky balancing the cool factor and the swathe of people behind you clamouring for a free machine, but once you suss it it's ok. It was only really problematic when we had to get the transfer tickets (my kanji's not brilliant).


                                Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                                The entire station rattled as the female voice bellowed "ALL INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN IN ENGLISH!!!!!!!!" or whatever she says.
                                lol. So true. Really embarrassing

