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    David - I wish they'd run out of flashbacks but I doubt they ever will.


      They should have a dvd extra where you can ignore the flashbacks

      though i have to say hurley's episode in series 1 still ranks as one of my favs


        Hurley's episode was one of my favourites at the time too but in a way, it illustrates one of the problems I feel the flashback device has brought up. In the early episodes, we were getting to know a large amount of characters. I felt the flashbacks were a pretty great way of showing us who these people once were. You could argue of course that it is who they are on the island that counts but I enjoyed the flashbacks very early on.

        Once we knew the characters, the flashbacks only seemed to serve two functions. The first was simply padding. The second, for the writers, was probably much more important. The flashbacks allowed them to explain acts that were seemingly out of character. They would come to a certain decision or act a certain way in an episode and the flashback in that episode would show us why they acted that way. Sometimes nicely drawing parallels between life on the island and their old lives. Sometimes simply justifying an act that, without it, would be completely out of character.

        Why the Hurley episode stuck in my head with regards to that is that the flashback of his old life and the conclusions he came to regarding his own 'curse' were pretty concrete. And yet, before that episode, we saw not one hint of this in action. Writers on most shows would have to think pretty hard to work this into the story in a believable way - and they could do it too. It just wouldn't be easy. The Lost writers, however, just write in a flashback to explain it. Unless things changed in the latter half of season 2, we would never see that curse in action again either. It was a one-off character trait that had little relevance that could be justified through flashback. Much like the one where Locke lost the use of his legs.

        It just so happened that the Hurley episode was particularly enjoyable, for me because of how well written the characters in his real life were. But it also highlighted the trick in the flashbacks.


          I'm wondering if they'll use the "others" for the flashbacks this season..

          Regarding the very last episode when they're on the pier and Walt/Michael are departing - Did anybody notice the sign on the pier "Pala Ferry" - I've been wondering about that......


            So now I know



              did anyone bother with the Persephone/Lost experience guff? anything of note come out of it?


                Think the lost experience came to an end with the explanation of what the numbers in lost actually mean.
                This was apparently lifted from the website taken from the documentary Rachel Blake AKA Persephone was doing as part of the lost experience site.
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                There are more on youtube if you search for her name including one where she interviews Alvar Hanso and its creepy if true or part of the lost story/mythos.
                Last edited by Family Fry; 03-10-2006, 19:31.


                  I just watched A Tale Of Survival - the Lost catch up that was aired in the US a few days ago.

                  Can't wait to see S3E1 now!!!! Isn't it starting tonight in US?


                    Tomorrow, or Thursday morning if you're in Europe.


                      Originally posted by buster_broon
                      Waits for Rossco to tell me i dont understand it and its the best evar
                      Why me!?
                      Are you implying I'm a fanboy!?

                      Gonna watch that catchup episode thing now I think.


                        Are ya'll ready for this!!!?

                        I'll be up at 10am sharp to watch this new episode!

                        I cant wait to be sorely disappointed as usual!!


                          I can't wait for this, hopefully the pacing will be much better this series


                            Hmmm tbh I dunno if im impressed with this one, started off just like season 2 ep 1 but then started to slowly drag

                            The start with them all in the small community reading books was fooking surreal I had no idea that it was the others at the start

                            Hopefully the next few episodes should pick up but this one had maybe 5-10 mins of worthwhile telly the rest was pointless flashbacks and timewasting

                            Oh well always next week


                              Meh. It's always next week.


                                Surely it's a parody of itself by now...
                                I mean, all this vague answering with endless open-ended questions?

