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Prison Break

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    Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
    No. I'm perfectly sane, or so I've been told. I suppose I should get checked up on the off chance though. I obviously just have a different opinion to you. I still enjoyed it for the most part but it didn't give me the same feeling as I had with previous season finales. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
    Ok, fair enough, what you said just seemed incredabley odd to me if you are a fan of the show, as I persoinaly thought it had everything that makes the show worth watching in this one episode, which made it harder to grasp what you said than you seem to think it should have been... very sorry.


      U guys sure its end of season3 and not a mid season break, they normally have 20+ episodes or have done previously

      good ep tho, i hope Tbag gets out of Sona and causes more mayhem


        Think it's a "Writers Strike Enduced Mid-Season Break" - so could be a many month one


          Season 4 starts in the USA on Monday and is on Sky One Tuesday (24 hours later) - and it's a double-bill to kick the season off


            Awesome, can't wait to see what happens. I assume it will kick off where S3 ended? IN fact, did Season 3 carry on as it was a short one? Not sure if I missed any of them? I recall

            dude boy escaping and driving off in a car

            ? I think... That it?
            Last edited by ezee ryder; 31-08-2008, 15:40.


              Yeah that was it


                So excited about this, but it's been a while. Is there a catch-up show planned or anything?


                  Nope, read the season three episode guides on for a swift reminder (as I did)


                    Watched last two episodes of Season 3 yesterday. And got todays 2 new episodes ready to watch. Unsure of what to expect though, the trailer doesn't really get me excited. And I'm beginning to think the whole story is just fizzling out and nowhere near as good as the first season when they actually break out of prison!


                      I watched last episode of Season 3 last night, was a great 45 minutes viewing, I too feel this new season could be quite "flat", depends how much they concentrate on those on the run and those in Sona. Fingers crossed it's good.


                        Yeeeehaaaaaaa Prison Break is BACKKKK!!

                        Brilliant episodes, straight into the action already, really enjoying the new story arc and where it's going. With a nice wee revelation at the end so you know what kinda task they have ahead of them now.

                        I'll wait til more people have watched it to discuss more in depth with spoilers etc.


                          Pleased to hear that, will watch with anticipation tonight.


                            I was gonna come on and moan that no-one else has watched this yet but your all prob watching it now on Sky 1 instead of downloading. I await the rush of posts at 11pm... hopefully!


                              Don't read unless you've seen the 2 new episodes.

                              Did kinda feel like the cheapened alot of the previous series in a matter of 2 episodes. Sarah's not dead now, wow. Spent the whole of last series worrying about Whistler only for them to kill him off just like that, same with Gretchan although I know she isn't actually dead yet, it didn't help. Also everyone getting simultaniously re-arrested heh. Things are moving very fast but I guess they wanted things set up for this series that they couldn't achieve with the last one 'cause of the writers strike messing with everything. Still enjoyed it loads, T-bag having some bad mexican was proper LOL. I love this character.

                              Last edited by Adam; 02-09-2008, 22:10.


                                T-Bag's brilliant. I can't imagine PB without him. He's like a cockroach, he just manages to survive no matter what.
                                I have to say, though, that 'digital black hole' mobile phone thingummy is now the most ridiculous thing I've seen this year (knocked Dark Knight's sonar phone off the top spot), it just defies belief

                                And that look of overwhelming disappointment on everyone's face when everything goes to pot has become a hallmark of the series. All that clicking teeth and rolling eyes, it's brilliant!

                                I hope they kill off Bellick, though, he's really annoying. Just keeps moaning about everything. Although his handbag snatch-and-grab was comedy gold

