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The Official 'Transformers' Live Action Movie Thread

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    Saw it today.......i thought this was excellent......really awesome action packed and moments that made me laugh........thats all i want from a film is to be entertained and this did the trick


      I just want to watch this on HD DVD so I can actually see what's going on, had to watch it from the front row in the theater because some bastards took our places .


        Originally posted by Sane View Post
        I just want to watch this on HD DVD so I can actually see what's going on, had to watch it from the front row in the theater because some bastards took our places .
        its just as confusing half way back it needs slowing down a bit far to much going on in some of the transformations.

        seen this twice now amazing special effects but a terrible story that Starts to grates the second time round, but as has been said its entetaining and its all just about the eye candy it was never going to be a cinema masterpiece now was it
        Last edited by Lebowski; 10-08-2007, 09:42.


          Just got back from watching this and man was it ****ing amazing or what. I thought Die Hard was top notch, but for me this is in a league of its own.


            Originally posted by Hasan Hadi View Post
            Just got back from watching this and man was it ****ing amazing or what. I thought Die Hard was top notch, but for me this is in a league of its own.
            Transformers takes the genre to another level for me!

            Watched this again last night and its still ****ing rocks!


              Originally posted by bash View Post
              Transformers takes the genre to another level for me!

              Watched this again last night and its still ****ing rocks!
              agree completly

              to be honest i am a transformers fan......but i didnt over analyse the film i just took it at face value and enjoyed what it did


                Originally posted by bash View Post
                Transformers takes the genre to another level for me!

                Watched this again last night and its still ****ing rocks!
                Definetly, everything seemed top notch. Was trying to look for a bad point in the movie and couldn't find one at all. The comedy didn't ruin it and disagree with what I read in (i think it was) Empire, which said to watch it as a comedy. The comedy seemed integral to the movie and didn't sidetrack the action.

                Can't wait to see this in hi-def.


                  I have watched this 3 times now and love it more every time I see it. The only part that grates for me on repeated viewings is the stuff where Turturos characters is all high and mighty, when he becomes just another scared human he is fine

                  The battles get better every time I see them though and I notice something different each time. The final 30 minutes of the film is the best series of set pieces I have ever seen, it just doesn't let up. And the fact that Prime and Megatron are at the centre of it all just make it untouchable. The only thing that is gonna make me feel the way I did when watching this is Transformers 2


                    I dont know how much money this movie has grossed but I hope its a ****load so they have a crazy ass budget for the next movie. Constructicons, dinobots, soundwave and a Transformer aircraft carrier sounds ****ing wicked!


                      Does anyone else think...

                      the fact the Decepticons are sent to the bottom of the ocean at the end of the film is a set-up for them having an underwater base like they did during G1 season 1??


                        I actually forgot they had one! If thats the case then I would have to agree with you, how else could they unleash a 2nd attack undetected? Also I forgot that Scorpinok eventually became leader of the decepticons so if they dont have Megatron becoming Galvatron eventually then Scorpinok could step in?

                        seeing as he's still alive somewhere in the desert!


                          Took wifey to see it on Wednesday and she loved it! I knew she would (I'd seen it with some friends when it came out)

                          She said that we have to get it when it comes out on Bluray


                            Your missus said Blu-ray... you hold onto that one mate


                              My wife bought me Optimus Prime protoform. He transforms into a sort of space train thing. Was that in the movie? It's quite cool - a complex transformation.


                                went to see this twice and my missus loved it as well

                                i've yarr'd it just so i can watch my favourite bits again, which i have done a few times

