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    it was a very obvious ending, but still excellent.
    cant wait for the next series. its going to be mental (I hope).


      I've only just started watching this after having it recommended by a friend. I steered clear of it for a while because it had that whole X-files vibe to it and I never liked the X-files. Having watched it I can now see that it is really a very different show and I'm really loving it. I took a while to warm to the characters, apart from John Noble who is brilliant. I though 'Pacey' was too cocky and sarcastic at the beginning and that Olivia was a bit too cold but I don't notice that anymore.

      I'm up to episode 15 of season one at the minute and it's great that I know there's plenty more to watch in order to catch-up. After The Observer episode I now notice him flashing past the camera at regular intervals in other episodes. I need to go back and watch the first few episodes again to see if I can spot him anywhere else.

      Without spoliering anything, does it stay as good in season 2?
      Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


        It does, I think it was only starting to warm up towards the end of series 1 and series 2 gets even cooler. In seasons 1 the characters took a while to develop as each episode seemed to be a little predictable in regards to it's setup for the first half.

        Series 2 is Very unpredictable for the most part with plenty of proper GASP moments.

        Reading what people have been saying about Lost and knowing a bit from watching the first couple of series, I feel like this is the Sci Fi sereies that JJ Abrams wanted Lost to be. He clearly has an obsession with Alternate Universes and time travel (Lost Star trek and Fringe!) but so far Fringe has kept things very simple as far as dealing with those subjects.

        It's such a great setup, they can literally make up any plot and it appears totally plausible within the world that the series is set.

        I'm interested to see how things pan out and I sincerely hope they don't drag out an inevitable end as I can't see how the series can continue in the format of the first 2 seasons for any longer than the Announced Season 3.


          Gah, want to read spoilers so bad but mustn't.

          Have to wait until next Tuesday to get my TV fix from the last 2 weeks.

          I have my theories regarding how this season is going to end but knowing Abrams I'll probably be under-guessing.

          Mrs Teddy reckons

          more than 2 universes


            Cheers for that Boris. I look forward to catching-up so I can have a good read through the rest of the thread. I'm a huge Lost fan and I'm always interested in what JJ Abrams does. I think the only project of his I never liked was Alias.
            Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


              Was this on last night? I did a search on Sky and it showed nothing. Also I had it on series link but have nothing showing in my planner. Did they miss a week or something?


                Same thing happened to me mate it must not have been on


                  Looks like it, again!
                  Incase you may have missed it the latest ep was the one with Peter and the Sheriff? (being vague without spoiler tagging it)
                  Looking on the online planner the newest ep Part 1 of 2 finale is due to be shown June 1st, 10pm sky1. Would assume Part 2 will be June 8th.
                  Sky have been really odd with the showing of Fringe, which has been annoying.


                    Ah cool, I've not missed anything then.


                      Saw the ending coming but it was still fantastic looking forward to the next series.

                      I think this and Chuck have been my favourite US tv shows this year (so far)


                        Yeah, the ending twist was shoved in your face so as not to confuse the SU audience but it was still ace. This and 24 finished now. What am I going to do?


                          Same with me - pretty obvious but still very good. I know - Lost, 24, True Blood, Fringe all finishing their runs or latest season all within a few weeks! Just to wait for Dexter Season 4 on FX now...


                            I only started watching Fringe about a month ago but have just finshed the end of season 2. I was tempted to try and pace out the episodes but whenever I had time I would often watch 3 or 4 episodes in one sitting. I haven't done that since the Sopranos. So it's a great show and Walter Bishop is one of the great TV characters.

                            BUT WTF was that sing-a-long episode all about near the end of season 2????!!?!?? Was it there for any particular reason? I honestly couldn't watch it and had to turn it off after 10 mins. I'm guessing it's non-canon and having watched the rest of the season, I don't think I missed anything important, but maybe I'm wrong? Please tell me no!

                            The only other criticisms I have of the show:
                            the reduction in running time in season 2 made quite a few of the stories fell unfleshed out and/or abruptly ended.
                            Mr Jones in season 1 was a brilliant character and felt like his ending was a bit too sudden and poorly done.
                            The way that some things just aren't explained. Like in season 2, the episode with Peter Weller (one of the best episodes ever IMO), why did he have his body filled with metal bits? Was that explained? Maybe I missed it?

                            Nothing that spoils the show but sometimes I wish the explanation for things wasn't 'it just is' that lets the writers get away with things simply because the show is about the unexplained.

                            Still, roll on season 3. It will be really interewsting to see where they go from here. Personally I'm betting on them recruting more Crotexifan(?) kids, training them-up at Massive Dynamic and turning them into a sort of X-Men team to go and kick-ass in the alternate universe.
                            Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                              Originally posted by figflair View Post
                              Like in season 2, the episode with Peter Weller (one of the best episodes ever IMO), why did he have his body filled with metal bits? Was that explained? Maybe I missed it?
                              How the hell could you have watched that and not known why he had a bunch of tech implanted in his body mate!? I can only imagine you did one of my tricks of watching TV too late and dozing off while it's on. If you have the opportunity to re-watch it then do so. If not then post here and I'll fill you in (with spoiler tags of course).
                              Last edited by Brad; 22-06-2010, 15:30.


                                The musical one was something to do with the Network - I think a number of their shows all did musical eps at the same time. I didn't enjoy that one at all personally.

