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    Na i thought it was boring and I didn't pay attention, there was a tidbit of something at the end though that vaguely related to what was happening.


      I loved the musical episode! Wasn't as good as when Buffy did it though.


        Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
        How the hell could you have watched that and not known why he had a bunch of tech implanted in his body mate!? I can only imagine you did one of my tricks of watching TV too late and dozing off while it's on. If you have the opportunity to re-watch it then do so. If not then post here and I'll fill you in (with spoiler tags of course).
        Cheers mate. I presumed that I had just missed the explanation as I always watch it on my laptop in bed.

        That musical episode was just nonsense though. Was there anything in there ralated to the story arc?
        Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


          Fringe season 3 will air in the states on 23rd September. This season all the odd numbered episodes will take place 'over there' and all the even ones on 'our side'. Can't wait!
          Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


            It has begun! Tis on Ep2 in states and started on Sky 1 yesterday, so only 1 week behind just like last time. Can watch it in HD too finally as Virgin have Sky HD now WOOP.
            Crazy scenes so far, I am liking the idea of

            1 episode over there 1 episode over here, the transition at the end of the episode was cool.
            Walternate is evil stuff, feeding aternate Olivia's memories into Olivia actually turning her into evil alternate Olivia. What are the chances that she is pretending to be the alternate Olivia to get to the bottom of it all and return home? OR she has actually become alternate Olivia, what is the REAL alternate Olivia going to do knowing she has been replaced over there?
            Oh I have gone cross eyed!

            I feel good times are ahead, a cool story arc that could have some good twists and turns, fingers crossed.


              There is definitely some kind of mind **** that will come of this.


                Accidentally watched episode 3, that was an amazing episode. Probably one of my favourites


                  I agree. I love how they can have a different Fringe case every week and continue to unravel the the bigger picture as the series progresses. I'm relieved that they are continuing to do this with everything that happened at the end of series two.

                  The Olivia swap was a really smart idea and the little touches in the alternate universe (from character differences to little things like the extinct biro) are fascinating. Unlike Lost it doesn't seem to be dragging its heels and the story seems to know where its going at all times.

                  Better than The X-Files, there, I said it


                    SMB: It's up there, I personally love it, (plus Estacado is back!!!), but it's not quite there. Almost (I'm not the JJ man others are) but not quite IMO. But, it's baw hair close. Mind you, what do I know, I'm currently sitting through a repeat viewing of Due South and Space AAB so my opinion might not count for much.


                      I got into this recently and destroyed the first two seasons in a month. I have started season 3 now and I think about it pretty much all the time now. About to watch episode 3 of season 3. It's bloody good, eh!


                        It's so good, I haven't seen something I enjoy this much since perhaps the first series of Heroes, apart from this makes that look Rubbish.

                        As someone else said, I'm glad they kept the format of a case a week going, I was worried it was just going to turn into a constant To Be Continued type thing


                          just watched ep6 on Sky, it was making me laugh. I remember hearing someone tell me the ending of Lost last year just after I'd finished Assasins Creed 2 and it sounded kinda similar but Lost just sounded rubbish.

                          A year on and it seems like Fringe is heading the same direction as the end of AC2 aswell, which is amusing as It kinda seemed like Fringe was the Sci Fi story that JJ Abraams wanted Lost to be.


                            I'm enjoying this but every episode is the same hah. It goes: Oh noes a problem > Investigate it > Oh wow I just realised that the dimensional cortex of the wave emitter is jamming the signal of the giga flux capacitor therefor my coffee tastes like this instead of this and gave me this idea that I think will help us solve the case > solve the case. Also, every time the phone rings, it's Broils Good stuff though!


                              I love saying his name


                              It does go through little waves of predictability


                                Ooh God!! Playing massive catch-up with Season 3. Just started ep 2 and have up to 7 so a nice afternoon ahead!

