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I aint gettin on no plane (The A Team Movie!!)

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    Funnily enough I picked this up on BR today, 5 films for ?30

    It's a great little film. It's crazy, tongue in cheek stuff. It's what The Expendables wanted to be - actors hanging out on set, playing off each other in character, ad-lib banter. Sure it could be better, but I don't have a problem with it because it never tries to take itself seriously. Any nostalgia I have towards the show was scuppered when I watched an episode or two not too long ago - it's horrible, lol.


      just watched this on sky.

      being a chap of a certain age didn't think I'd like it as the original holds such a special nostalgic place in my heart but I thought it was fantastic.

      watched so many po-faced stupid hollywood popcorn movies recently and none of them hold a candle to this, maybe its the nicely done nostalgia that simply won me over but I thought it was light hearted, amusing and just really well done.

      not once did I find myself comparing any of the leads unfavourably to the originals, whcih again surprised me.

      last few seconds before the credits gave me goosebumps - but really think you have to be 40 to get that reaction. right I'm off out on my bike to see who wants to play A-Team in the street.

      I want a sequel.

