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    Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
    Watched 30 Days of Night over the weekend; not bad PQ-wise, but found the film utterly boring, fell asleep halfway through it and woke up near the end witnessing the

    piss-poor mock Blade 2 ending
    Um 30 days of night came first .....


      Rather 30 Days than that then, tbh mate.

      I'm desperately waiting on both the Hitman/No Country For Old Men Blu-Ray at the moment, checking my usual haunts daily since I enjoyed both first time round.


        Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
        Um 30 days of night came first .....
        Was it a remake then? Didn't know that, still, boring film all the same.


          Its a Graphic Novel and the best Gn to film translation I have ever seen


            Anyone know if Blade been picked up for a Blu-Ray release yet? 1&2 only though, 3 was/is a crime against film-making.


              Watched 30 days of Night this evening, seen it at the cinema but damn is this one of my fave BD discs ever. Blood & pretty!!

              Got Beowulf HD-DVD to watch now!

              BTW, Hitman and No country BD's available from the usual place on Monday!! Enjoy!


                Originally posted by GODZOOKI View Post
                Watched 30 days of Night this evening, seen it at the cinema but damn is this one of my fave BD discs ever. Blood & pretty!!
                Tempted to pick it up actually. I like what I've seen of it (Trailers and a couple of reviews I've read) and I haven't watched a horror type film on BD yet (Still need to get Pans Labyrinth too).

                Spidey boxset arrived this morning, hopefully I'll get a chance to check at least one of them out over the weekend.


                  Originally posted by GODZOOKI View Post
                  Watched 30 days of Night this evening, seen it at the cinema but damn is this one of my fave BD discs ever. Blood & pretty!!

                  Got Beowulf HD-DVD to watch now!

                  BTW, Hitman and No country BD's available from the usual place on Monday!! Enjoy!
                  Where's that? Movietyme have it listed for 11/3


                    movietyme tend to get stuff in a good week or two before the official release normally. I just got Beowulf through and i don't think it's officially out until the 28th


             -- more expensive than MT, but you get next-day delivery with them.

                      Bought my Hitman from their ebay store yesterday.


                        Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
               -- more expensive than MT, but you get next-day delivery with them.

                        Bought my Hitman from their ebay store yesterday.


                          If you'd seen Hitman you wouldn't buy it. Trust me, avoid!


                            I have, and I quite enjoyed it.

                            Watched Michael Clayton on BD and the film itself was excellent, the authoring on my particular one was ****. Every now and then, I'd get a distorted/pixellated picture occur. Initially, I thought it was the PS3, but playing District 13 the following morning revealed no problems with the PS3, so I assume it's the disc.


                              Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
                     -- more expensive than MT, but you get next-day delivery with them.

                              Bought my Hitman from their ebay store yesterday.
                              wow, so if they're getting no country for old men on monday, i'd get it by wednesday at the latest?


                                Yeah you should, my copies of 3:10 to Yuma and Jesse James arrived next day.

