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    Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
    There's a new clip 'ere, with the Robester taking on a couple of Eddie 209s.

    Updates on martial arts movies, action movies, and the latest on stunts and action directors who keep the action genre going.

    I've not seen the clip, but I love the new poster:

    That looks bloody awful .... If it was a videogame though .... .


      Went to see Robocop last night, it was alright but quite alot of it was pretty boring stuff, not alot of action really. Would say its worth seeing but don't expect anything great.


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        I just see CGI and leaping around like Yoda.
        The second I saw this in the trailer, I knew I could never watch this. CGI BendyMan crap.


          Why not watch this fill length scene for scene fan remake of Robocop instead?


            Mark kermode liked it but unsure if that's a good or a bad thing

            Either way it's robocop 'don't move creep'


              Love this summary
              Ben Walters: José Padilha's remake, like 2012's Total Recall and the planned Starship Troopers reboot, don't just miss the point of Paul Verhoeven's films. They embody the very things he satirised

              "The new RoboCop movie is, in part, about bad guys trying to remove the soul of their corporate property to make it a more reliable cash cow. I doubt it's deliberate but that part, at least, feels like satire."


                Great writer - eloquently summed up the reasons I refuse to watch any of these new versions.


                  Saw this this morning and to be honest I enjoyed it. It's not great but I can see what they were trying to do. Some of the nods to the original are clunky but the key ones they've kept they use in the right places.

                  I went in with the theory that it was clearly going to be a different beast from the original so that should be put aside. The second is that they might bastardise it's legacy but to be fair Robocop 2, 3, the TV Series, Animated Series and Direct to TV telemovies already pulled that trigger in spectacular style so there's no more damage to be done. The film I want to liken this most to is probably Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It takes its time to go through the philosophy behind how Robocop could exist and how the world might interpret him. Whereas the original made him then spat him on the streets to dispense justice the reboot spends most of its runtime focused on the months he's being turned into Robocop and how far Omnicorp are willing to bend the balance between man and machine.

                  That means the action count is lowered but what's here works. Don't get me wrong, Rise carries out this balance of depth/blockbuster better but by the end I felt fairly optimistic about this if it continues as a series as we're still to really see him do much policing or how other realistic aspects such as rival corps, criminals etc would respond to such an effective threat.

                  In short... not as good as it could be, but not as bad as some would wish it to be.


                    Well now you're only encouraging them.


                      Went and saw this tonight.

                      You know what, it was good. Haven't seen a Hollywood action film I've enjoyed this much in a long time.

                      Was really shocked to see the cinema packed with families and their 3 year old kids , there were some awkward noises in the cinema when Alex Murphy takes his wife top of and starts getting off with her on the bed. Thanks bbfc 12a!

                      The film itself shared next to nothing in common with the originals with the exception of the basic premise of what Robocop is and a few character names.

                      Tonally the film is a lot flatter than the originals., lacking in the 80s buddy movie esque components and the television satire.
                      The satire itself is provide by the CNN style show presented by Samuel L Jackson, but it is very subtle by comparison.

                      Going into it expecting another total recall style monstrosity certainly set my expectations low and now I've seen the film, it's interesting to see how the trailer riled so many people up , it's almost as if the trailer was designed to wind fans of the original up, but the film itself is certainly it's own thing and even if you have a modicum of interest in this , is recommend you go and see it, you might be pleasantly surprised.


                        I'll wait until I can download it illegally.


                          You wouldn't buy that for a dollar?



                              Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                              Robocop 2,
                              Have to pull you up there bro. Robocop 2 was so, so close. How can you compare with the pap that followed? Would the complete original Miller screenplay have been better? You bet your arse, BUT it had enough elements IMHO that made sure it was far, far above most sci fi/action fare of the time and a great addition to the first movie.


                                yeah i actually enjoyed robocop 2 i thought it had a very similar tone and some great moments like when they try to make other robocops

