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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    LOL, looking back at that post its quite a rant. I literally just brain splurged over my keyboard once the credits started rolling. There were a couple of bits that I liked the look and did catch a little hype when a burst of music kicked in. Its just overwhelmingly bad and lazy. I still cant over how good the first one was from a fan service perspective, it made me over look the horrible re-designs and confusing action and

    killing of Jazz


      The first one was great. Never seen any of the others more than once.

      This week:

      Joined Tsutaya so we've started renting films:

      Ted - great. Really funny bits and the CGI was fantastic. PoS rating: 50%
      Warm Bodies - great. And nothing like what I thought it would be. Also Nicholas Hoult is gorgeous. PoS rating: 70%
      The Man With The Iron Fists - gave up after about 20 minutes. The music is cool, though. And Russell Crowe looked like he was having fun. PoS rating: 0%
      World War Z - Jesus H, this film is good. It's calm for about 2 minutes and then just non-stop action. Easily the most frightening zombies I've seen in ages(although the way they throw themselves off things got a bit comedic after a while). It was actually exhausting to watch. PoS rating: 100%, which is a bit concerning
      Last edited by randombs; 01-10-2014, 06:04.


        Oh god, I forgot about The Man With The Iron Fists when listing the worst three films I've sat through.


          We had a pair of free tickets to see The Judge last night. Robert Downey jr and Robert Duvall father son bonding thing with some courtroom drama on top. It reminded of those 90's legal films especially down to the soundtrack but we really enjoyed it. Vera Farmiga as the love interest who have just seen in The Conjuring and Bates Motel. Don't rush to the cinema but a nice Sunday afternoon DVD when it comes out.


            One Day: Got depressing near the end. I quite liked it. PoS rating: 100%
            Moonrise Kingdom: Sideways. Lots of sideways. Cute story. Bill Murray threw his shoe at Edward Norton. PoS rating: 70%

            * PoS(Possibility of Sex) rating is the likelihood of post-film fun time depending on the contents of the film. I'm bad at doing film reviews so I'm testing this alternative rating system. The percentage is inversely proportional to how much effort was needed on my part to secure said fun time: 100% means no effort needed, pants off while the credits are still rolling; 0% means no chance in Hell tonight/forced to watch something else to reinstate libido.

            PoS ratings only apply to films we watch as a couple in the privacy of our own home. Cinema stuff won't have a PoS rating, nor will anything I watch alone or with mates.
            Last edited by randombs; 01-10-2014, 06:04.


              Coherence: The paradox of Schr?dinger's cat and all that. Utterly brilliant, low budget, thinking man's sci-fi.


                We were recently talking about Coherence in the Interstellar thread!

                Thanks for the review, I'll try and watch that!


                  The great thing about Coherence is that initially you're not certain who the lead character is/who's story it is, then there's the whole 'alternate' view of things, and then there's the moral question of how far would you go for the ideal life? Just wow!

                  Sorry for being cagey, but I want to be vague for those who intend to watch it...
                  Last edited by Spooky Mulder; 01-10-2014, 12:20.


                    To be fair the trailers dont sell it well but I'll check it out based on your words.


                      Edge of Tomorrow
                      Probably up until the slightly lacking finale I fairly enjoyed this, decent enough stuff for a one off

                      The Matrix
                      Been a long time since I last saw this and whilst I enjoyed it, it has... dare I say it, aged somewhat.


                        13th Warrior, its got some harsh reviews but I've always liked it.


                          Originally posted by The Moleman View Post
                          13th Warrior, its got some harsh reviews but I've always liked it.

                          Would have loved to see the full version rather then the hastily edited version it became


                            I remember watching it on the cinema being hyped and coming away thinking . . . . is that it?


                              Dug out 'Waterworld', another film that i like but was slated by critics. Pretty much killed Costners career...
                              Last edited by The Moleman; 04-10-2014, 05:38.


                                Originally posted by The Moleman View Post
                                Dug out 'Waterworld', another film that i like but was slated by critics. Pretty much killed Costners career...
                                It wasn't Waterworld that killed Costners career which has aged really well i might add, it was The Postman that killed his career.

