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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Sightseers - like the darkest episode of The Shuttleworths ever.


      Ha, yeah! It's pretty bonkers.

      I saw Coherence after we chatted about it in the Interstellar thread and Mulder said it's good.

      I liked it too and it's worth a watch. It's pretty low budget (it's filmed in the director's house), so don't expect any crazy special effects, but it's an interesting drama.

      I'd liken it to an Outer Limits or Twilight Zone episode where something strange is going on and you want to get to the bottom of it.

      I disliked the visual style of constantly changing focus. I'm sure it's to accentuate the intensity and confusion of the story, but it was making me go cross-eyed 😵!


        Just came back from the cinema after watching Lucy.

        I'm a bit underwhelmed, really. It doesn't really go anywhere. Pretty much all the good bits are in the trailer and there's not much more plot either, other than a preposterous conclusion.

        I'm really disappointed 😞


          I've just watched Gone Girl. My expectations were turned to eleven but I'm happy to say they were met and then some. Rosamund Pike is an amazing actress, I've liked her since I first saw her in The Libertine.


            The missus and boy went to see TMNT yesterday and came back raving about it which was a surprise. Said its funny, the action is good and they've built up the backstory about April and the turtles origins so you feel more engaged with the characters. As a yardstick, she liked Transformers 1, hated 2 and 3 and said this is better than 1


              Jack Ryan - Shadow Recruit - it had potential, thought Costner was pretty good, Chris Pine was ok. The plot had some big holes and the basic premise would not hold up to any particular scrutiny, but nonetheless I enjoyed various bits (skulling back the Haut-Brion!!), slightly above average. 6/10.


                Gone Girl never read the book, not really a Fincher fan but I enjoyed the brutal plot and conversations. Certainly an interesting take on the medias witch hunt mentality, the startup and breakdown of a marriage to name 2 themes running throughout. Some scenes border on the absurd but the performances and cast (already love Ben Affleck and Ms Pike) is really good and the cool tones and hues coupled with the Trent Reznor soundtrack is just irresistible.

                Interesting to watch it at the cinema which was packed out, some scenes you could cut the tension with a knife.



                  When art student Ben Willis is dumped by his girlfriend Suzy, he develops chronic insomnia after finding out how quickly she moved on. To pass the long hours of the night, he starts working the late night shift at the local supermarket. There he meets a colorful cast of characters, all of whom have their own 'art' in dealing with the boredom of an eight-hour-shift. Ben's art is that he imagines himself stopping time. This way, he can appreciate the artistic beauty of the frozen world and the people inside it - especially Sharon, the pretty and quiet checkout girl, who perhaps holds the answer to solving the problem of Ben's insomnia
                  Bit of a weird one, quite a bit of nudity at one point too.


                    Aye saw that a while ago

                    Isn't keeley (ex page 3 model) one of those naked girls


                      Possibly, all the women have perfect bodies, is never like that when I go to Sainsburys.....


                        Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                        Aye saw that a while ago

                        Isn't keeley (ex page 3 model) one of those naked girls
                        She's listed as 'Frozen Girl in Sainsbury's' on IMDB so, yes!

                        Looking at the IMDB comments - women seem to hate this film.


                          The Fast and The Furious (original)

                          Loved it, even though it's so cheesy. The bit at the end is brilliant:

                          My friend has just been shot so I'm going to drive my Dad's car really fast for a 1/4 mile.
                          Ok, I'll come with you.
                          There's a train coming but I'm not stopping.
                          Neither am I.
                          Oh no, I've crashed.
                          Here, take off in my car. Also, I love you Dom.

                          People go on about Top Gun but Maverick and Iceman had nothing on these two.


                            It truly is a beautiful moment.


                              LMAO, you analysed it waaaay too much. It completely falls apart when you do. I remember watching it at the cinema and not batting an eyelid :LOL:


                                Lucy... bit of a let down tbh..

