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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Originally posted by Guts View Post
    I don't know if you've noticed but you're a ginger
    Strawberry blonde, actually...


      We finally got round to watching the newly remastered blu-ray of Robocop last night. It looked stunning and worthy of what IS the best action movie ever made.


        The 6 worst movie explosions ever


          so re-watched The Raid on Sunday. Only it was the English dub and boy was it bad. The movie itself is still kool as fook but its almost like they deliberately did a bad dub in the famous tradition of ol skool chop socky. My fave line was when the cops are in the van on the way to the building and our hero asks why they're going in. The anooying hard ass 2nd in command just comes out with "why the **** not" in the most lazy slimy manner possible. We were bussing up for a good 5 mins after that.

          My original complaint still stands where by the time you see mad dog take on the 2 heros you're pretty exhausted/bored by what looks to be the same moves repeated. I know they arent REALLY the same moves but unless you're a proper Silat hard core nut it will start to blur into one. Anyway I cant complain too hard as it looks like my criticism has been addressed in part 2.

          ROLL ON SATURDAY NIGHT Woop W00p


            Winter Soldier.
            Was ok.



              Still love this film ... Stiller is a absolute genius (most of the time anyway).



                Totally bat****, dont go into this thinking its going to be "realistic" in anyway, this is a fantasy adventure with no place for historical or physical accuracy - let's not get into a convo about if the events were real or not, but some details are laughable, we were chuckling for at least 30 minutes after about some elements, so at very least it is enjoyable.


                  I'd love to see a historically accurate portrayal of the story of Noah.


                    Historically accurate as if it really happened




                        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                        Casino Royale one was mental and made zero sense.


                          I watched 'The Man From Nowhere' on Amazon prime. It is a South Korean film and I would describe it as a mix of Leon and Old boy with a mix of gun play knife fights and fisty cuffs. The fight scenes are quick and brutal.

                          Quite a good storyline and well acted throughout. The film has a slow pace about it but it never drags.


                            Still working my way through the Friday the 13ths. Watched New Beginning. Not great. I can see what they were going for but it just didn't have any power to it. That said, I did like the feel of the movie - it's quite nasty and dark. Kind of dirty in a way.

                            Jason Lives - now that is an excellent Friday movie. It's the first proper zombie Jason, which isn't necessarily a good thing in itself (I like the early ones) but this movie just brings so much fun that it's hard not to like it. Plenty of humour and in-jokes that just make it an easy watch. There's more action too so overall just more engaging,

                            New Blood - Part 7 and I really enjoyed this one too. Jason is messed up in it and he's excellent. He's very brutal in it, like an animal. The physic power girl is a bit Nightmare on Elm Street but it mixes things up and I thought they handled it really well. Not quite as much fun as 6 but still very enjoyable.

                            Jason Takes Manhattan next...


                              Watched The Expendables 2, which I hadn't seen before. They took the ridiculous up a notch and it was better for it. The opening was very strong but it got weaker as it went on, not helped by twice having their asses saved by someone just turning up out of nowhere. It then descended into parody when they gave some big names their screen time at the expense of the main cast, who were good and deserved a better role in the ending. Some of the lines had me cringing. But they pulled it back at the end with a very tight last fight. Statham was excellent and was easily the strongest action presence there, which made me miss Jet Li all the more. Why wasn't he in most of the movie?

                              Anyway, I enjoyed it in spite of the weaknesses. Missed Mickey Rourke's character from the first and would have preferred him to Schwarzenegger who is a running joke or Willis who hasn't looked like he actually wants to be in a movie in years,


                                I think its worse than the first. And did you notice how there actually isn't gore and blood? There wasn't in the Theater at least. Willis was fired, Stallone himself said Willis was a lazy git. As far as Stallone and Arnie go, I seriously liked Escape Plan.

                                Anyway, I watched Snowpiercer. It was pretty good. Liked where it went and the train was a good setting. I usually don't rate him that highly, but Evans was fairly solid.

                                'Happy New Year!!'

