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    Animation,School Rumble OVA,DVD listed at CDJapan! Get it delivered safely by SAL, EMS, FedEx and save with CDJapan Rewards!

    Found this link. It definitely seems like the OVAs for School Rumble are coming. From what I gathered in my limited google search there are two episodes with new content released on DVD on the 22nd.

    Just seen Shuffle 19 and Canvas2 ep9 back to back.

    Shuffle 19 -

    was great especially for one of the darker episodes. Seems that every girl in the series has some sort of mental disorder or health related problem. Is there something in Rin that attracts these types of girls? Didn't know whether to hate or feel sorry for Kaede. The treatment she gave Rin as a kid was just wrong especially that knife scene, which was really disturbing. Don't know why she had to take it out on poor old Asa though.

    Canvas2 seems to be like a faster paced version of Shuffle/Da Capo. I mean it's at episode 9 and the main guys already made up his mind on who he likes at the moment(something we didn't really get to until ep17-18 of Shuffle). Having said that there were only really two main choices so it might have been easier for the main character to decide. There's more focus on the relationship side of things in the earlier episodes compared to Shuffle which IMO was more focused on the comedy. There was even a "Kaede" moment in ep9 although a lot less disturbing, which came from the "losing" girl who I now like to refer to as Kaede mkII, she seems to have similar sorts of problems. Thankfully though there's less mental patients in this at the moment.

    Still need to check out Angel Heart ep2, GPO ep2 and Shakugan no Shana ep9.
    Last edited by Zapp$ter; 06-12-2005, 19:35.


      Angel heart 2, continues to be good, old school art as strong as ever, not clue where they wanna take the story if they meet each other in the next few eps.

      Shakugan no Shana ep9 ? relationship filler, but the good kind of filler.


        Suzuka ep22 ?

        well it pretty much out of surprises now and it just has to run the course, at least its still enjoyable for me, Yamato will always be an idiot, Honoka will always be a fool, an Suzuka an angsty bitch. 3 or 4 more eps to go it see if he gets in her Knickers.

        GPO ep2 ?

        I really hate the selfishness of the new class, they don?t seem to realise there being paid to do the job of saving people, not complaining about risking there lives to save 2 people from a fire, at least it makes you feel sorry for the new commander having to put with that crapness.


          Agreed about both. I couldn't stop laughing at the end credits for Orchestra when they listed "Hardboiled Penguin" as a character!

          With Suzuka, I'm kinda rooting for Miki now, everybody else has had their chance but she's feeling all left out. Come on Yamato, see some sense. She's the best of both worlds, not quite as feisty as Suzuka and not quite as submissive as Honoka!


            Don't forget the biggest chest.


              Originally posted by Tobal
              Don't forget the biggest chest.
              Hell yes.

              Anybody catch the latest episode of One Piece? Usopp's tale of the Going Merry made me cry like a little girl...


                New as in 240+ eps? If so, nope, my one piece setup is Anime = KF?s ep165, Manga Null?s 390

                Has the anime reached Water7/Enis Lobby story arc then? Cos if so it absolutely ace, so much happens and Luffy gains a new level of badass.

                Manga ? 390

                that bit there the crew finally reunite after the charge into the Lobby, to line up against CP9, and that pick of Robin biting her bottom lip and tears in a eyes at the sight of them, welled me up a bit.


                  Yep, I'm with Gerusama's HDTV One Piece fansubs. They've been in Water 7 for a while now, and have just found out who the CP9 really are. I've filled in the gap between Kaizoku's fansubs and Gerusama's by reading the manga but that's all I've read. I refuse to read beyond the current episode since I've spoilt too many series in the past by doing so (Monster and Yakitate Japan to name a few).


                    Oh dear, looks like Shinsen have been asked to stop subbing Solty Rei and Tsubasa Chronicle. Was really enjoying Solty too...


                      One piece is excellent and Tobal i agree with you on that scene in the manga. cant wait

                      Taka where are you getting the latest anime releases?? ive been getting the kaizoku FS as their quality are good but have also downloaded some crappy quality HK english subs to fill the hole of the skypia arc.

                      got any links?


                        Kaizoku are only up to episode 165 I believe. started at 220, the beginning of a new arc which leads into the Water 7 arc. If you've read the manga then you'll have no trouble plot wise since you'll know all about the Davy Back Fights. It's worth checking out just for the new intro sequence and the animation quality is sooo good now that it's in HD.


                          hmmm time for some batch downloads i think

                          thanks Taka


                            From what I've been reading about the Shinsen Subs incident it seems Black Cat may also have been the subject of Cease and Desist letters from Funimation. Apparently one group has stopped subbing Black Cat already, no idea which one though. Oyasumi still seem to be doing it as they had ep9 out yesterday, don't know what they're stance on licensing is though.


                              Watched Shuffle ep20 now,

                              Kaede certainly gone in the head and its Rin?s fault for not noticing the blatant crazy signs and after her jumping in his bed, he?s taking it on himself to move out instead of working things out with her, which is something you probably wouldn?t do a mentally unstable person you?ve helped to create. It?s looking pear shaped for Rin now, Asa knockin on death?s door I wouldn?t be surprised if the 2 forgotten girls now use magic to help her (something along those lines) and Kaede either going to attempt to Kill herself or someone being her soul reason for living is forgiveness from Rin after she did those terrible things to him and the added reason she?s fell for him hard. We still don?t know he reason why he looks out for her in the first place (seems to have been hinted about in this ep, I wouldn?t be surprise if it a ?promise? type thing)

                              Not to fused about Solty Rei as it pretty average and quite forgettable watch, Black Cats bound to be sub like Gundam was.


                                Karas ep1 has finally been released by Anime-Kraze who always put out quality subs IMO. Definitely be going for there version.

                                Also it seems like Oyasumi will continue subbing Black Cat until they are officially contacted by Funimation, or until they hear an official announcement of it's licensing. So for the time being it'll still be subbed.

