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    Where the hell is Da Capo2 going, ep14-16

    Seems they've made the biggest contender to the crown, kotori give up on everything saying nothing to him and fobbed us off with 'she's happy with that' angle, Bah! i was fan of Nemu in the 1st season but this time she got 3 large strikes against her,

    1. She's no longer the underdog
    2. Not being bullied/attacked
    3. Thinks she can just waltz in after 2 years and take Jun'ichi back with out a fight

    I really hope the Kotori thing heats up again as i want her to be the winner this time round and hope they forget that Asisa stuff we already had that last season with Sakura. Theres only 2 things i want now, Kotori to win and Jun'ichi to find out about Yoriko(cat girl).


      Mai-Otome ep10 -

      With Midori up that just leaves the 2 main characters of Hime to go, it seems the Cryborgs will be playing the Hime esk roll, with Mecha Summons which is pretty cool as Midori got her Chariot horse thing from Hime, seems her voice actors changed though, i don't remember her sounds so rough.

      Gundam Seed Destiny 46-50final, ep i finally watched the ending in one lump after ep50 from release a good while after others subbers from TTHH,

      it had we really good ending up until the final moments where we didn't get a single bit of afters to rap it up, none the crews meeting each other(Deakka and his bird, the Hawke Sisters to name some) which ticked me off and put a damper on things. Other all it a nice return to Seed Universe even if it wasn't as good as Season1. Wonder if it'll go a 3rd season, or we'll get a new Gundam universe!


        Originally posted by Tobal
        Mai-Otome ep10 -

        With Midori up that just leaves the 2 main characters of Hime to go, it seems the Cryborgs will be playing the Hime esk roll, with Mecha Summons which is pretty cool as Midori got her Chariot horse thing from Hime, seems her voice actors changed though, i don't remember her sounds so rough.

        Gundam Seed Destiny 46-50final, ep i finally watched the ending in one lump after ep50 from release a good while after others subbers from TTHH,

        it had we really good ending up until the final moments where we didn't get a single bit of afters to rap it up, none the crews meeting each other(Deakka and his bird, the Hawke Sisters to name some) which ticked me off and put a damper on things. Other all it a nice return to Seed Universe even if it wasn't as good as Season1. Wonder if it'll go a 3rd season, or we'll get a new Gundam universe!

        About Mai-Otome:

        Midori's voice actress is still the same one. She's actually quite a diverse VA if you check her credits.

        They're doing a similar thing with Destiny as they did with SEED in that they're gonna release an OAV of some sort to wrap it all up.


          they did an OVA for Seed??? it totally passed me by, dvd extra or something? anyone subbed it? I'll look forward to destiny's OVA then.


            I had no idea about the Seed OVA myself. Just checking anidb though and it seems as though there was a two parter tv special. Also seems anime-kraze subbed it but there's no GS stuff on there site. And the GSD ova is apparently a 40 minute compilation with an "after episode" epilogue, to be released/aired 25/12/2005. All from anidb, not sure how accurate this stuff is. So from the sounds of it, it will probably be a recap of the entire series with some additional footage thrown in as well. Still got to get through GSD myself, only just finished getting harotori's version.


              SEED's OAV is called "Between the Stars". It's really just a 5 minute epilogue which does tail off the series beautifully (especially the Ramius and Mwu scene). If you guys are having trouble finding it, gimme a shout and I'll see what I can do.


                Originally posted by Taka
                SEED's OAV is called "Between the Stars". It's really just a 5 minute epilogue which does tail off the series beautifully (especially the Ramius and Mwu scene). If you guys are having trouble finding it, gimme a shout and I'll see what I can do.
                Interesting. Then I take it this isn't what you were talking about and something else entirely.


                  From the description that sounds like a recap movie of the last quarter of Seed, since it involves the Arkangel vs Dominion.


                    That's one of the Gundam SEED movies. Seeing how successful the Universal Century movies were, Bandai decided to go and commission several SEED movies which compact and compress the story into 3 volumes I think.

                    Movie 1 is the most interesting of the bunch since it has a much heavier Zaft slant and shows quite a lot of new footage of them before they sneak in and attack ORB. Rusty in particular has a lot more screen time than he did in the first episode of SEED. The rest of the movies are pretty lacklustre; one of the "selling points" for movie 2 is the fact that they've added scenes of Cagalli and Athrun in the shower (not together). Only for real hardcore completists in my opinion, since it definitely shouldn't be an alternative way to watch SEED.
                    Last edited by Taka; 14-12-2005, 13:57. Reason: Wrong number of volumes


                      just read the latest chapter in the one piece manga ( ch393) and also just watched some recent gerusama onepiece releases and have just realised something.

                      Is the giant, Hagwall D Saulo, Monkey D Luffy's grandad? the reason i say this is because the 1st time luffy fights against Ao Kiji (ep 227-228 of anime) he mentions that he once fought against his grandad in the past who caused him alot of trouble. In the latest manga we see a younger Ao Kiji as a vice admiral who is about to embark on the island where Hagwall D Saulo is. Maybe i'm thinking too much... but why not :P


                        stilling waiting on null to do 392, let alone 393.

                        also came across this, made me laugh.


                          Currently got I''s Pure on my list. It shall be watched soon.

                          Also the scanlations of the suzuka manga are strting to come quickly. Chapter 10 is leading upto around episode 6/7 in Anime terms. Suzuka feels less bitchy than her anime version.

                          Loving the slow pace of Aria. No story at all, but makes me happy just watching it.

                          I've lost track of which episode of Noein/Blood+ I was on though.

                          Lately I've been on an artbook buying spree with 7 artbooks bought in the last week.


                            I like Aria alot to, it just so easy going and all the characters play well of each other, will we ever get to Orange planet's super undine?

                            I"s i remember watching that years ago, was it that short OVA with some stabbings on a railway track somwhere in it(from a past event). I don't think i ever kept them cd either.

                            Shuffle ep21 -

                            winding down now, i'm just expecting Asa to get really sick now to cap the story off for the last few episodes, with kaede other coming her Rin addiction(a bit).

                            Suzuka ep23 -

                            Suzuka really needs social lessons another wind down, but its been enjoyable getting there, just as case of seeing it out now.

                            Yakitate japan 48/49 -

                            NNNNNNooooooooooooooo the King of France!!! for such a funny show to make me actually care about the King dying, brilliant!


                              Originally posted by Tobal

                              I"s i remember watching that years ago, was it that short OVA with some stabbings on a railway track somwhere in it(from a past event). I don't think i ever kept them cd either.
                              Well the OAV was just a completely unrelated side story, whilst this new version seems to be a heavily adapted version of the manga. Quite how they plan to compress 15 volumes of manga down to 6 episodes is beyond me.

                              I got this Aria related artbook. It's lush.


                                Looking forward to I''s Pure. It's one of the few manga I've read through to the end and very enjoyable it was too. Got to agree with Stelvia though, not entirely sure how they're going to manage to fit all the story into 6 episodes.

                                As for Aria, again got to agree with everything that's been said so far. It makes for a nice change of pace to some other stuff I'm watching and if it wasn't for one or two other shows(Paradise Kiss being one) it would probably be my favourite of the fall season of anime.

                                Mainly I've been watching Mai Hime and it's fantastic. It's got just the right mix of action/drama/comedy that drew me to animes like Naruto and One Piece. It's a little unfair to compare them at this stage but from what I've seen of Otome(up to ep6) and the first few eps of Mai Hime, I prefer Hime. This could well change when I watch more of Otome but it's going to have be something special to change my mind. Mai Hime just seems to get better with every passing episode (currently up to episode 19).

