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    Originally posted by Tobal View Post
    World Destruction ep13 - Stuff
    Pretty much agree. The last episode was pretty neat with

    Kirie going mental

    and it's a shame they didn't do more with that other than a single episode. Bit hard to have a serious minded plot with cutsey, furry midgets running around though.

    Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu Final: Why did I watch this? So ridiculously average it was almost on the scale of Da Capo for mehness filled with ridiculous fan-wank dreams. The very last scene made no sense whatsoever either:

    She pushes him over in a light-hearted manner then all of a sudden he's on top of her going to have sex when they've not even kissed? And everyone including the parents wants to listen to them doing it? Freaky. The red-haired girl made no sense either. She gets put in presumabely as another love rival and nothing happens.

    Avoid like plague.

    Also just finished the first Tower of Druaga series. Surprisingly interesting by the end. Definitely up for the next series.

    Edit: Also with the lack of Macross F love. Too much silly drama with the love triangle and only two good episodes with mech/plane action.

    Getting excited for the subs for the new season! gg are doing Toradora so should see subs for it quickish.
    Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 02-10-2008, 00:03.


      Well that was quick. Toradora ep 1 out now. Perfect timing too, I was just getting to my viewing time.


        d-gray 103 - seems an odd place to end the series, just as there getting into the really good stuff. Unless they're going to do a new series "Naruto: Shippunden" style.


          Toradora ep 1 - Pretty nice first ep. Production quality was higher than I thought it'd be. I somehow doubt they'll keep it up but it's nice to dream. Pretty much is exactly what it says on the tin and what I was expecting from reading the summaries. I'm not expecting many surprises but an enjoyable if maybe unspectacular romantic comedy will do me fine. I'll be keeping this one for the time being. Should make for a more than decent replacement for Itazura Na Kiss


            Originally posted by Orgun View Post
            d-gray 103 - seems an odd place to end the series, just as there getting into the really good stuff. Unless they're going to do a new series "Naruto: Shippunden" style.
            I'm not entirely sure it's completely ended (although if the episode gave a conclusion maybe it did?) but I seem to recall that Bleach is having to take it's timespot so it could just be that they're simply using this change and the fact that they're reasonably close to the manga to take a break while more material is written up?

            Edit: Toradora ep 1 - Impressed. Suprisingly faithful to the source material so far and Rie managed to change her voice from Shana/Louise enough for it not to be a clone. Liking it! Animation's not that bad either considering the wails about J.C Staff doing it. Some of the stupid sound-effects were a bit annoying though. Minor quibble.
            Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 02-10-2008, 23:28.


              In an interview in today's Famitsu, Kawamori Shoji seemed to confirm a Macross F movie.


                More subbed stuff impressions:
                Eve no Jikan 2 - Another interesting 15 minutes. It really does remind me of a more adult version of Chobits with the whole "how do you treat androids if they have their own indviduality?". Be interesting to see how they finally finish it. Another 2 months to the next episode now. Sigh.

                Hyakko - Not overly impressed. Aniamtion and music is nice but for a first episode, not a lot really happened. Kind of like Manabi Straight. I'm not liking Hirano Aya in this. The voice just doesn't really work with the character. Almost wish they fell back on someone more stereotypical like Kafuka from SZS's VA. I'll stick with it for a bit longer see if it picks up.

                Akane Iro ni Somaru Saku - First thoughts of this when I saw the OP were "Oh look, another love-triangle game conversion with someone trying to shoehorn a plot in" and I'm not entirely sure I'm wrong. It had the typical transfer-student-moves-in-likes-the-main-guy routine but it has a few bits of genuine comedic moments and the sister

                doesn't seem to be going the "how dare this new girl take my brother away, I'm so jealous" route from what I can see even though she's setup like that in the OP animation.

                Not expecting much from this but it seems watchable enough. Yet another character I don't think Hirano Aya fits though.
                Edit: Maybe it's not her. Might be the dialog. Just seemed kind of emotionless.

                Edit 2: Kurogane no Linebarrel - Watched this via stream since I'm impatient. Hmmm. Bit of a wierd one. The lead guy is a rather unpleasent mix of Shinji and arrogance - not very likeable but that's probably the point. Usual art style as expected of the person that did Gundam SEED. Might get better.
                Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 03-10-2008, 23:11.


                  Toradora ep1 - i liked this to much like Jeff did, its close to the light novels and the characters look great, especially the facial expressions. Also glad Rie's has dropped the squeaky Shana/Louise tone and instead choose a deeper voice which just about suits Tiaga(also i got pretty damn sick of Louise and the mess that's been ZnT since season2, with season3 just beeing a total turn off). Looking forward to more and hope the animation keeps up to. (Also expected Ryuuji's mum to be dark haired...)

                  next up Hyakko and Clannad After!


                    Just watched Clannad After myself; Not a bad start to the series. Good episode for reminding about everyone and their personalities with some great humour. The Op's very nice, not as keen on the Ed though.

                    Casshern Sins - This is looking to be awesome. Not a lot of explanation storywise but the animation for it was awesome. Keep expecting Casshern to add "-kuma" at the end of his sentences though.


                      Clannad After Story ep 1 - Very nice start. Good to revisit these characters again. I'm already sort of wishing it would have a higher ep count. I guess we'll see what I think about that as we progress. I also forgot how fun an episode of it can be. This reminded me of some of the great scenes with Sunohara in the previous series.

                      Loved the Yuusuke speech bit during the match and what he did second time round too

                      . I hope it carries on as per this episode.

                      Casshern Sins ep 1 - Old school art, reminded me of the Go Nagai style which of course brings back fond memories for me. Very nice animation, very cryptic with story details and I can't wait to see more. First big surprise so far for me. I might have mentioned this already here but for some reason I had this down as a gonzo production (it isn't, it's Madhouse which increased my interest levels) so wasn't really looking forward to it much plus I had no experience of the older show or the live action which I had heard mixed things about. Suffice to say I'm impressed.

                      Good start so far for the new stuff, 3 keepers out of 3 shows watched with Casshern probably top of the bunch for me. On to Hyakko and Akane iro...


                        Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
                        Clannad After Story ep 1 - I'm already sort of wishing it would have a higher ep count.
                        There's various thoughts about whether it'll be 13 or 24 episodes. Originally, I thought it was going to 13 but it apparently there's 8 volumes of it going up on so more and more people have put it down for 24 now. It'd make more sense if it was 24 episode really since considering the ammount they still have to get through, I can't see them wasting an episode like that and still pulling off a respectable conversion of the series.

                        Also saw the OP for Kannagi earlier. It's very catchy and well done! Interest in this has soared a bit. Wasn't entirely thrilled by the little manga of it I'd read but they might be able to make this quite good. Just nee to wait for the episode to be subbed.


                          Well that certainly is good news if true. But it could also just be a case of them milking the series. Aria the origination iirc collected or (will collect since I don't think the final volume is out) 13 eps or so in 7 volumes. It could just depend on the companies involved. Here's to hoping anyway, and that they maintain the quality of course.

                          edit: another one was haruhi which had like 14 episodes in 9 volumes iirc
                          Last edited by Zapp$ter; 04-10-2008, 21:31.


                            Apparently its pretty common practice to get screwed over for anime dvd's in Japan, with each vol only have a couple of eps each at most. With Bandai aparantly being the worst offender. Talking of Aria tho the first season is out in the US now, they released it as a full box set straight of the bat, its only like ?25ish which makes it a very tempting buy.

                            anyways time for some new season impressions;

                            Toradora:Art and animation were pretty nice, but its still to be seen if its maintained for the duration of the series.There was quite a few amusing scenes and on the whole shows some decent promise. Pretty decent watch overall. Not much more to really add that others haven't already covered. Rei must be getting sick of being constantly cast as a loli tsundere now tho.

                            Akane-Iro: Was suprisingly enjoyable and entertaining although nothing groundbreaking. Despite being an adaptation from a H-Game, it managed to break just enough away from the generic formula to make it an enjoyable enough to watch without feeling too tired and repetitive. Ill agree with Jeff tho Hirano Aya sounded very out of place.

                            Clannad After Story: Back with more of the lighthearted comedy that made the original series so enjoyable. Was a nice start to the series and a nice reintroduction to the main cast.There were some brilliant Sunohara sections, as well as some general good comedic moments. If it carries on as the first series did, this should turn out a great watch too.

                            Casshern Sins: Loved the first ep. Loved the cool old school art style, and had some brilliant animation to go with it, especially some of the action scenes, really liked the way the handled those. Also quite liked the section on the beach with Ringo. I havent seen any of the previous stuff so its all new to me, but so far its looking to be a great series, and im looking forward to how it develops.


                              Apparently its pretty common practice to get screwed over for anime dvd's in Japan, with each vol only have a couple of eps each at most.
                              That's why I import British releases.


                                Originally posted by Zapp$ter View Post
                                Well that certainly is good news if true. But it could also just be a case of them milking the series. Aria the origination iirc collected or (will collect since I don't think the final volume is out) 13 eps or so in 7 volumes. It could just depend on the companies involved. Here's to hoping anyway, and that they maintain the quality of course.

                                edit: another one was haruhi which had like 14 episodes in 9 volumes iirc
                                Had a quick look on the site myself and it has down that the first 2 volumes are 72 minutes for volume 1 and 2 which isn't boosted by extras. Some maths from an english anime dvd puts the normal length of an episode at roughly 22 and a bit minutes so there'll be 3 episodes on the first two volumes.

                                Unless they did 1 episode per disc for the next 6 volumes, they'd never make a 13 episode series so it's more likely they'll continue doing 3 eps per disc with 8 volumes for a 24 episode series.

                                My maths degree in action!

                                Edit: Did I really just work that out? What have I become?
                                Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 05-10-2008, 01:51.

