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    Instead of watching all the new stuff... i decided on watching Da Capo IF. Had no idea they decided to make a different ending to the original Da Capo early this year so went of on a mission to get both episodes(that was you get for making an OVA to something that finished in 2004). We get a Kotori end this time(the one i wanted wayyyy back, i'll have see what i wrote about it in this thread) with all the old characters,

    baring Nemu and Catgirl. I going to assume Nemu died from Sakura subconscious wish to get Nemu way from Asakura and being the Tree is dead, cat girl can't exist with out the magic to feed it(but then why is Robot-Banana girl still around).

    The story itself it a bit stupid, plenty of "gggaaaaaahhhh JUST DO IT ALREADY" moments but then that is Da Capo thing, it uses all the old tunes and VA's and is vastly superior to the crappy follow up DaCapoII. Makes me want to go dig my cd's out and watch those crazy short stories tacked on to the end of most of the episodes.

    Now to watch the new stuff.


      Couple more new subs out:

      FMA 01: Liking the new style. Tad heavy handed on dropping hints for the plot but considering almost everyone's seen the previous series I guess they feel they could get away with it. Mustang's voice makes me sad because I preferrd the original. Overall, not looking too bad. Keep with the manga storyline and all will be well.

      Asura Cryin' 01: Was expecting this to be some kind of rom/com/angst series with a twist having a ghost girl floating about but it seems there's some kind of storyline as well going on. Looks quite interesting though. Plus, the ghost girl doesn't seem to have annoying personality like "Stop looking at me even though I'm a ghost! Idiot!".
      Overall; Wouldn't say it was fantastic but it certainly interests me.


        Yeah Asura Cryin had potential. Depends if it changes into generic shonen/mecha though.

        The To Love Ru OVA was far superior to the TV series. Followed the manga and had excellent fanservice (which is pretty much all the series is about). Still brainless fanservice but you should know what to expect with this kind of show.

        I can't get the K-on op out of my head and the single doesn't come out for another couple of weeks which sucks.


          Just watched eps 26 of Tytania, the whole serise was a bit "meh" and it pales in comparison to what its trying to be (Legend of Galactic Heroes). Duke Jouslain and Bal were about the only characters I liked.

          Edit: Also just started watching Gokusen, highly amusing Can't believe I missed it.
          Last edited by Orgun; 05-04-2009, 18:53.


            Tytania ep25/26 - pretty much a total comedy ending, Zarlish "Heroics" had me laughing all the way through. From the promise of the 1st episode battle we've had diddly squat space battles, even if this leads on to some more epic for future installments it has to do better than this. 5/10

            Akikan ep11/12 - another finished show, went bit Shounen at the end but it all held together by the main guys personality which is just enough for me. 6/10

            K-on - like the rest of you i like it to, main girls abit to retarded even on the Fuuko scale for me, but i'll deal with it if the animation and other characters hold up. ED > OP for me.

            FMA'09 - Never read the manga so it be mostly new to me, looks like it'll be just has good as the original, not much else to say apart from i like the OP.

            Asura Cryin - Felt it had a crap ton of cuts in it where the story just jumped around(its also fairly stupid) to introduce the Mecha at the end, gonna give it a chance as hopefully the fighting between the Robots might be good.

            Queens Blade - i love it, totally over the top 90's style anime with nipples everywhere and Mai-otome'esk Haircuts. Reminds me a bit of Shadow Skill if people remember that.

            edit*** bit more

            Maria x Holic ep12 - Finished as well, great, great show which i hope shaft does a 2nd season for, this time Lesbo tries to make to the swiming lessons and the personality disorder correction tape makes a welcome return .

            xxxHolic Shummuki ep1 - im at a loss, to much interconnecting stuff with the rubbish Tsubasa starting to creep through now. Anyone want to explain whats happened in tsubasa as of the current events of this episode?
            Last edited by Tobal; 05-04-2009, 21:59.


              Originally posted by Tobal View Post
              xxxHolic Shummuki ep1 - im at a loss, to much interconnecting stuff with the rubbish Tsubasa starting to creep through now. Anyone want to explain whats happened in tsubasa as of the current events of this episode?
              There's not too much to explain to link them both together at this stage.

              It pretty much follows on from the end of the second holic series. The part where we see Syaoran appear at Yuuko's was a flashback to an earlier point of time(and coincidentily refers to the Tokyo revelations ova) where the price he paid was to partly help Watanuki where he fell from a window because of Himawari. The whole mysterious hinting about his growth part is a reference to him also being part of the Syaoran versus Fei Wong Reed somehow.

              Currently the events of the 'holic ova are happening at a time roughly a bit after the Tokyo Revelations ova. Probably at the time of the new tsubasa ova which I haven't seen.

              Essentially, they're trying to shoehorn in the Tsubasa references all at once in the ova because they couldn't do it in the tv series. There's more info about the connection in the manga but it's a bit confusing and I haven't been following it for a few months.

              Edit: Shin Mazinger something something 01: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.
              Last edited by Mr.Jeff; 05-04-2009, 23:55.


                K-On! ep1 - agreed with people so far. Looks to be a keeper and perhaps like Lucky Star I'll grow to really like it after being ambivalent about during the first couple of episodes.

                FMA2 ep1 - Oh man. That was so nostalgic. Lovely to be going back to these characters after so long. It must have been one of the first fansubbed shows I completed all that time ago when I first got seriosuly into it. Shame about some of the VA changes but it didn't bother me too much in the first ep which is unusual, perhaps due to me not watching the series since the movie which was 2 years ago now?. It all looks lovely, seems like they've got a fair budget to splash around. I miss the Melissa OP from Porno Graffiti though. Still, liking what I saw alot and if it sticks to the manga should be better than the previous one by all accounts. Also with the subbers on it we should be getting them regularly each week. If nothing else I shall try to keep up with this show weekly at the least.


                  watching FMA now and i have to giggle when he gets upset abut being called small, tiny or a dwarf

                  is a complete re-telling it or is it going to be different, so so i know to get the hankies ready when

                  Colonel Hughes gets killed

                  and its wont be that much of a OMG!!!!!!

                  when you find out bradley is a very bad man and a human transmutation

                  i love lust as well
                  Last edited by buster_broon; 06-04-2009, 00:38.


                    Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                    watching FMA now and i have to giggle when he gets upset abut being called small, tiny or a dwarf

                    is a complete retelling it or is it going to be different, so so i know to get the hankies ready when

                    Colonel Hughes gets killed

                    Oh man,that bit got me like it did in the movie. Seeing him up and running around again (as strange as that may sound).


                      its nice so far that you find out some back stories to other Alchemists

                      the Crimson alchemist featured alot in the previous FMA (can turn almost everything into a bomb) but i dont think the Ice Alchemist was in teh original

                      my favourite character was the strong arm alchemist, just ace
                      Last edited by buster_broon; 06-04-2009, 00:31.


                        Originally posted by Mr.Jeff View Post
                        Edit: Shin Mazinger something something 01: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.
                        Haha. You weren't wrong here. Jesus. I was talking to someone about it and they reminded me of Touka Gettan. That's exactly what this felt like, total confusion after that first ep. It just seems like a mish mash of scenes slapped together from loads of totally different unrelated shows. And here I was hoping that this show would have a straight forward plot but lots of GAR action. I'll stick with it for now in the hopes that it all gets explained.


                          Subs are flying out for stuff. Wonder how long it'll continue for.

                          Hidamari EX: extra ep from the 7th x365 dvd. Usual Hidamari fun that you've come to expect. Cheers me up no end. Needs a 3rd series with the new tenants!

                          Sengoku Basara: Bit lost with what's going on as there's lots of names and places floating around but that might just be me. At the same time as being a bit complicated, it's also awesomely stupid and silly. Over the top attacks and some ridiculous banter(OYAKATA-SAMA!) reminds me a bit of TTGL. Overall; looking very good for a bit of fun.

                          Pandora Hearts; Bit of a wierd first episode. Semi interesting RPG-esque plot seems to be coming but not entirely sure about the main lead although I guess it'll depend what happens to him. Nothing overly impressive but watchable enough I guess.

                          Still got Valkyria Chronicles, Saki and Basquash to watch. Some Guin and non garbage Hayate and Shangrila subs would be nice as well.


                            Valkyria Chronicles ep1 - Really good, better than i expected from the preview pics doing the rounds, turns out that baby faced partol is just Jean and Miguel the young teens that turn up mid way through the game. There using the brush stroke filter and the exact music from the game, can't tell if the VA are the same famous ones they used though, sound close at least. Story is similar so far which is what i wanted as an exact copy wouldn't be that entertaining, still it gonna suffer FMA's Hughes Syndrome for me when you know certain deaths are coming.

                            Only other nit pic is no Jane or the Skies of Arcadia trio, but we get Eddy and the lone Wolf sniper going onthe OP and ED.


                              For what it's worth I watched the Horriblesubs version of Shangri-la. Good enough to watch I thought. The video wasn't the best and audio was kind of patchy in parts but the subs themselves were fine (since they rip them from crunchyroll or w/e). Not something I'd archive unless there was no other option though. Perfectly watchable unless you absolutely must have translations/romaji/karaoke for the OP/ED. They also had a version out of Hayate season 2 ep 1. I'd imagine that would be similar quality to this.

                              The show itself was quite interesting. It looks nice (seems like most of it went towards the OP) and the premise intrigued me from the start. Early days but it hasn't turned me off nor wowed me either. I'll be sticking around to see where it's headed. Also weird to see George Nakata playing that type of role, but I'm sure I remember him playing a similar one before just can't quite remember it.

                              edit: Well SS-Eclipse have just release their version of Hayate season 2 so I guess don't need to bother with horriblesubs version from now on \o/
                              Last edited by Zapp$ter; 06-04-2009, 20:32.


                                If anybody has been downloading Blade of the immortal it finished at number 13, if you see number 14 dont bother downloading it, i did and its full of dirty stuff

                                anyway Vipers creed also finished and it turned out to be pretty decent, smashing storyline and the animation/3d modelling was pretty good

                                i would love a manoeuvre roid

