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All EBAY/PayPal related posts here please

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    Get in touch with eBay immediately to make them aware that your account has been hijacked. Do it now!

    Send an email but you might also be able to use livehelp to contact them:


      Oh and if you have a paypal account with the same password - change it now!


        Scanning your PC for viruses/trojans wouldn't go amiss either.


          ahh thanks fellas
          i have contacted them,i havent got a paypal account so thats ok
          i usually just pay with a cheque or postal order.
          I've got a sneaking suspicion that it is from a work computer that it's happened.
          what other security issues would the hijack of my account pose do you think?


            well, someone would then put up pretend goods for sale and you'd get the negative feedback and/or an ebay ban, etc


              Anyone noticed how much World of Warcraft (standard editions) is selling for on eBay. It's gone nuts - 60 to 70 pound for used copies of the game.

              Makes the 17.99 I paid when it was released seem like a bargain.


                People copy and pasting your ebay auctions!

                I just noticed someone put up an auction that's identical to mine. Used the same layout and my own description. To top it off it's at higher price than mine. Cheeky bastid!

                ...and theres nowt you can do about this is there?

                edit: just noticed, this should maybe be in the ebay thread.
                Last edited by megatron; 31-03-2005, 14:34.


                  it's always gonna happen, your sales blurb cannot be copyrighted unfortunately, just something you have to put up with, got the links of yours and the other auction ?


                    worst thing is if someone uses pics on your webspace in their ebay auction .... happened to us once (thankfully the guy who did it paid the extra costs we incurred that month)


                      that was a bit of a extreme, rare case thought JB wasn't it, that guys collection for sale link got posted everywhere.

                      The odd pic doesn't do any harm unless your auction gets tens of thousands of hits.


                        Ie had that happen to an item of mine. Same description and picture.

                        I notified eBay and they removed the link. I dont want to bid for somithing that looks great in the picture and claims that what you see is what you get, then the item comes through the post and it's crap!

                        Report them and eBay should stop the bid.


                          Thanks master chief, it's a bit petty but I've reported him for 'image and description' theft.

                          Didn't know you could do that.


                            Originally posted by John Beaulieu
                            worst thing is if someone uses pics on your webspace in their ebay auction .... happened to us once (thankfully the guy who did it paid the extra costs we incurred that month)
                            Please, tell me you managed to replace the image file with that of something disparaging first. A childishly poor felt-tip mockup of the actual box would be a must, surely?


                              I often save pictures from other peoples auctions (and rehost them with ebay), but only if they represent the state of the item im selling, not much point getting my camera out to take photo's of mint games if someone has already taken a photo of the same mint game.

                              As for descriptions, I dont see the harm, I wouldnt be too botherd if someone stole the layout I use for my items, as long as they change it to suite their auction.


                                Originally posted by John Beaulieu
                                worst thing is if someone uses pics on your webspace in their ebay auction .... happened to us once (thankfully the guy who did it paid the extra costs we incurred that month)
                                No he (Shou) didnt, he only ever paid half of the costs we incurred, I paid for the remaining ?70 odd quid myself ft:

