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    I'm a morning exerciser too, get there for 630 each morning, haven't missed a day in about 3 months now, it does become part of your routine after a while


      Originally posted by marcus
      luckily for me we have a gym onsite which I can visit during the lunch hour.
      Now that is my idea of heaven.


        I've been getting back into keeping fit recently. I'm 6ft 3 and used to be always hover around 11.5st and could never put on weight, no matter what I ate. Thesedays I'm 13.5st and want to keep in check since I'm sat down at work for most of the day.

        I play 5-a-side once a week, and have a rowing machine at home which I do 25-30 minutes on every other day which is a right energy drainer. I'm also going to start running again (I used to do a 3 mile route regularly) before work once the autumn and winter sets in. Thing is, my weight doesn't change.

        I don't drink anything like my mates and usually have water or lucozade sport (still stuff) during the day. I'm picky about eating and only have chicken and tuna on brown bread when at work and salad sandwiches at home. And I love pasta and peppers. I guess the cheese I have with it isn't so good though. And the crisps are definitely going. For breakfast or at other times during the day I'll eat a few bananas and that's about it. I don't eat after 10pm either (eating within 2 hours of sleeping is bad I've been told).

        Do you guys do crunches of full situps? I used to do full situps (head to the knees) but it caused pain in my lower back so I stopped. I'd still like to exercise my stomach though but don't want to cause any damage.


          Just crunches. If you do them right you don't need to move much at all.


            Last edited by nightstalker100; 13-08-2005, 17:25.


              Strictly speaking sit ups don't target the abdomis rectis as well as other exercies. They stress mainly the muscles whose job is to raise the hips and legs towards the chest. Crunches on the other hand despite only a short range of motion stress the abs tremendously by exercising them through their intended range of motion, ie, pulling the rib cage downwards towards the hips. The key to effective and safe ab training is selecting exercises that target your abs whilst protecting your lower back, in which case crunches fit the bill.

              Bottom line: 3-4 sets 20-25 reps of crunches will suffice and when combined with effective dieting and reduction of bodyfat will give you the results your after, ie, washboard abs.


                At the beginning of year I was 6ft 1 and 17 stones as I didn't have enough excerise and eating wrong food. I have lost 1/2 stones then I got a job as postman about 3.5 months ago. By working hard and doing lot of work I have lost 2 more stones and I am down to 14.5 stones. I have cut out cakes, chocolate, sausages, cheese in my diet.

                I am feeling a lot fitter now, but I am still getting tired especially after Thursday-Saturday. I also do a bit of cycling and walking with my dogs (not good enough excerise due to slow small dog)

                I have signed up to join Fitness first gym next Wednesday as I got 5 free days pass.

                I am aiming to go down to 12.5 stones and see if this is enough or not. I am hoping to get very very fit and be able to do triathon eventually. I am going to gym to see what they can have to offer and any advice and find out how good is my fitness ? and to find any suitable excerise for me to burn the fat off the belly and chest and not to use my legs too much (as I will be tired from walking for 3-4 hours). I want to be fitter so I can work quicker and not get tired.

                I will give up diet coke as well as it have lot of calories in it. I mean a can have 330ml of diet coke. it is 0.4 kilocalories for every 100ml that mean it is 1300 calories in each can and this mean 3,900 calories a day for 3 cans. I am shocked to read this as I assumed it is safe to drink it.
                Last edited by Salsa Party Animal; 13-08-2005, 17:44.


                  Originally posted by rumbletum
                  My progress is going along nicely finally, never really got going when this thread was originally about, but I've lost almost 2.5st since mid-May now.

                  Ive been really getting into running again, that's helped no end.

                  Where abouts in Wolverhampton do you recommend for running?


                    Originally posted by Legendary
                    I will give up diet coke as well as it have lot of calories in it. I mean a can have 330ml of diet coke. it is 0.4 kilocalories for every 100ml that mean it is 1300 calories in each can and this mean 3,900 calories a day for 3 cans. I am shocked to read this as I assumed it is safe to drink it.
                    Fella , that works out to less than 2 calories per bottle


                      are we suppose to stick to 3,000 calories a day to lose weight or was it 3,000 kilocalories.


                        Approx 2500 a day to maintain your current weight .

                        Between 1500 to 2000 calories a day to loose weight .

                        Kilocalorie is just another name for a calorie


                          Yeah, strictly speaking 1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories. But because 1 calorie is such a small unit, when talking about food people use the term calorie to mean kilocalorie. So:
                          1 can of diet coke = 2 (kilo)calories
                          an adult male needs to eat about 2500 (kilo)calories per day.


                            What is the best way to find out how much calories you eat and drink and burn off.

                            I mean I saw a calories counter in JJB Sport, but how do that work I mean I have to do a lot of carrying postman's mailbag at my job and will it count the calories burned off, or when I go to sleep or have a shower or whatever.

                            For food how do I know how much calories I ate say sweet and sour chicken and pasta for example. I don't have the time to weigh everything up.


                              Originally posted by dr_manhattan
                              Where abouts in Wolverhampton do you recommend for running?
                              I only do one outdoor run a week, the rest I do on a treadmill. But on those outdoor runs, I tend to run the real glamorous routes around the Willenhall Road, Bilston Road, All Saints etc Some interesting sights around there first thing on a Sunday morning you know


                                Originally posted by Legendary
                                What is the best way to find out how much calories you eat and drink and burn off.

                                Take a look at theres some useful tools on there

