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The Photography Thread

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    Originally posted by Ian(not Ian) View Post
    What branches?
    Haha. Thats cheating

    I'm like Malc and don't want to edit my pictures too much, but you did do a good job.

    Originally posted by Malc
    Love the reflections in that shot Demon!

    Nice shot Drunken_Monkey. I miss having a cat around the house since I moved out my parents.


      Nice shot Demon, looks like the forth if thats the wallace monument in the background. Dont think the branches affect the picture, they help frame it.

      It arrived:


        Originally posted by winky View Post
        Nice shot Demon, looks like the forth if thats the wallace monument in the background. Dont think the branches affect the picture, they help frame it.

        It arrived:
        Cheers, yeah its the Forth. Tbh its just that one branch that over the bottom of the monument.

        I've been wanting the lens that comes with that camera for a while, although if I can get my bonus this year I may get both. Can't wait to see some shots with it.


          Originally posted by winky View Post

          It arrived:

          My 50d turned up today too Hurrah for new kit turning up in time for the long weekend!


            It seems we've all been getting new cameras this week.

            Hopefully the standard of photography in this thread will improve.


              Haven't been shooting much this week since I'm now working 50 hours a week, no time for fun!

              Done these today though in the garden, nothing special really this time just wanted to shoot something. For the daddy long legs though, I chucked 4 macro filters all on top of each other so I could get a bit closer. ISO was a extremely high though at 3200 hence the noise, must have forgot to change it back down from something else I was doing before and didn't notice at the time! Pink flowers are also done with the 4 filters stacked.

              Last edited by Rossco; 22-05-2009, 19:51.


                Haven't posted in here for quite some time, but I have been lurking

                Originally posted by winky View Post
                It arrived
                Nice - make the most of it

                My camera addiction continues with a purchase of an Olympus OM-1, Nikon F5, Canon EOS 5, Nikon F80 and Canon G5. I need to stop.

                I have actually been taking photos, but much of my stuff of late hasn't impressed me that much - this shot I took early morning on the trip to the NEC Bike show - the light pleases me.

                Nice to see this thread get bigger and bigger and bigger, and seeing people getting better and better
                Last edited by MartyG; 23-05-2009, 07:53.


                  Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                  My camera addiction continues with a purchase of an Olympus OM-1, Nikon F5, Canon EOS 3, Nikon F80 and Canon G5. I need to stop.
                  Classics! Oh, and the 5D MKII's not bad, Winky


                    The F5 is a nice camera, the focusing is so amazingly quick - 8 AA batteries though, and it doesn't like re-chargables (you need to mod the housing to add a 9th) I bagged it for under £200, which considering how much these beasts cost new is a bargain.

                    The EOS 5 with the grip cost just £30, the OM-1 £20 - mind, the cost of film processing has increased quite a lot in the last year, some places are charging £30 to process B&W stuff ( cheaper to DIY ) - but there's something great about shooting film that I don't quite get with digital.

                    I'm now on the look out for a Nikon F4s at a sub £200 price.
                    Last edited by MartyG; 23-05-2009, 07:53.


                      Marty thats a fine shot. Good to see your still aquiring cameras. Do you have a favorite out of all your bodies?


                        That's a difficult question to answer, that's like choosing your favourite game or console.

                        I like the simplicity of the OM-1 and Practika MTL-50, I like the solidity of the Nikon F5, I like the immediacy of the Nikon D80 and the magnificent colours it produces, I like how the Canon 10D sits in my hands and I like the speed of the Canon 20D.

                        If I had to pick one out of the dozens of cameras I own, it'd probably be the D80, but the Nikon F90X, which has been a work horse camera of mine for the last 12 years wouldn't be far behind.


                          Good to see you posting again Marty

                          Although I've used one before I'm loving the 50D, it's such a massive step up from my 350d. It's not just the size of it which is so much chunkier, but the speed is incredible. Kinda wish I purchased a new lens to go with it but then I wouldn't have any money to eat, so I guess that's alright.


                            Starting to realise how hard photography is with a DLSR. I guess I thought in the back of my mind that paying a lot of money would automatically improve my pictures. But obviously it hasn't.

                            Can someone please give me some help or explanation of how I go about taking good landscape pictures? My Sony a200 has a setting for landscapes, but i'd rather learn what settings I should be using for those kinds of photos, so I would be using one of the P, A, S, M modes.

                            The problem I find is that I have no idea how to make the whole landscape, from objects close by me, to the far distance in focus. As well as not knowing how to get the sky into the picture, as normally it's either the ground that comes out fine but the sky area of the photo is complete white, or vice versa (the sky comes out perfect, but the ground is almost a silhouete).

                            Any help would be greatly appreciated from you Pro's in here (bearing in mind I know almost nothing about photography)
                            Last edited by Malc; 23-05-2009, 13:40.


                              Malc, you need to read up on hyperfocal focusing for maximising depth of field in landscape photography - big f numbers help, as do wide angle lenses, but the trick is understanding hyperfocal - give that a google.

                              It is tricky getting the exposure for sky and ground right, a graduated ND filter can help there (another thing to read up on) - or you could cheat by using HDR techniques.
                              Last edited by MartyG; 23-05-2009, 16:27.


                                Few from a visit to a lovely village in Essex today..

