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The Photography Thread

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    The top and bottom photos are more of the standard I'd expect from a phone camera. Not knocking your ability of course, but in my experience, a phone could have like a 32mp sensor or some other random number and it would still produce photos that are lacking shall we say.

    I'm quite surprised I managed quite a good photo from mine at the end of the day, now if only I could take photos like that as easily with my Canon 450D.


      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
      The 650D uses the DIGIC 5 which will give you some improvements over DIGIC 4, though you might well be better off getting some L glass instead (or waiting to see what replaces the Canon 7D).
      Well I shoot in raw, so the processor makes little difference to that from what I can gather.


        Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
        that's a pretty nice photo you have right there. So gloomy yet interesting. Was there much post-production work done on it?
        Sorry, I haven't posted in this thread for a while so missed this question ! No, not much processing really - I used a 10 stop ND filter that allowed me a very long exposure time, flattening the sea out. As it was a sunny day, the water looked a nice blue colour for a change !

        With regards to mobile phone photography, here are a few from my Galaxy S2 - taken and processed in camera..

        Repeat by GarySmith70, on Flickr

        Monster by GarySmith70, on Flickr

        Deeper by GarySmith70, on Flickr

        and one from the zoo the other day (not taken with my phone...)

        5 Miles by GarySmith70, on Flickr


          Originally posted by Daragon View Post
          The top and bottom photos are more of the standard I'd expect from a phone camera. Not knocking your ability of course, but in my experience, a phone could have like a 32mp sensor or some other random number and it would still produce photos that are lacking shall we say.
          Oh I agree. cameras on phones will never replace real cameras or not for another 10 years at least. They just don't have the sensor size or quality of a good camera. Still, with the right settings you can get good shots from a top end phone these days. The two night time shots just go to show that. This phone has no flash either ! Not a problem though since phone flashes are pathetic anyway.


            The camera phones are pretty impressive nowadays, especially for digital viewing. The Nokia phones have a ZEISS Tessar design multi element glass lens in them, so the actual quality of the optics is outstanding.

            The 41 megapixel Nokia cleverly downscales the image to average out the noise too, so the actual image noise is reduced quite significantly, which is typically where those smaller sensor suffer (along with the dynamic range as evident in that first image)


              Absolutely. But the same tech is going to go into the larger sensors in DSLRs eventually too, so they will always be one step ahead and the glass absolutely makes a difference.

              However, if you're just putting stuff on facebook, then my 12 year old Olympus C2040Z works as well - it really does still take cracking shots. Most of my kit shots are from that camera because the B&W is fab from that sensor, I think because it's quite IR sensitive.
              Last edited by MartyG; 08-08-2012, 19:35.


                Anyone thinking about the new eos m when it comes out? lovely whopping great sensor, small body and compatible with canons current range of lenses, sounds like a winner to me


                  It needs a ?130 adapter to attach the EF lenses as it has a new EF-M mount. It looks nice, but at around ?800 it's a touch on the pricey side for what it is.


                    I thought it looked cool and wondered about getting one to use with my ef-s lenses, but when I saw it could take 230 photos from 1 charge , which in real life could easily be half of that, I was a bit put off.

                    Also, what's the point of having a tiny tiny body if you then are going to attach a huge lens to it anyway.


                      Not all EF lenses are fat Quite tempted to get one of these.


                        Pancake. Maaaan that is pricey, there can't even be that much inside it!


                          I popped down to the mens Triathlon at Hyde Park on Tuesday, a few shots were taken.......


                            Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                            It needs a ?130 adapter to attach the EF lenses as it has a new EF-M mount. It looks nice, but at around ?800 it's a touch on the pricey side for what it is.

                            When you put it in that perspective it actually sounds pretty crap. Can get a 7d body for the price of one of these and an adapter.


                              Just discovered my lenses are EF mount, so will fit on a 5d............


                                If you're thinking about jumping on a 5D Mk3 because of this, I'd also seriously consider picking up a used Mk2, the differences are slim and you'll save a grand while still getting that noise reduction you're looking for given they're both full frame sensors. Spend the difference on some L.

