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    I saw Jamie Oliver and his missus at the O2 centre Safeways in Swiss Cottage, London.


      Originally posted by EvilBoris
      Bernard Hill AKA King Theodin from LOTR used to go into the games shop i worked in and buy stuff for his sons. He wanted some of those racing wheel frames, so we directed him to another Indie about 15 miles away.
      Later on in the day we had a call from the Indie saying they just had him in demanding ?500 worth of free racing frames because........"EA give me their games for free"
      Lol. I was on a plane with Hugo Weaving once (Agent Smith / Elrond). I say 'with' but he was in first class a few rows in front. Anyhow, he is just Agent Smith all the time, even when he's Elrond or asking for a bag of peanuts on a plane.



        Originally posted by seany1979
        Josh Homme once gave me a packet of fags when I went to see the Screaming Trees and he was their touring guitarist.
        Reminds me, I rubbed Nick Oliveri's head and pulled his beard. He declined joining us for a drink though, can't think why when we greeted him so nicely.

        There's another one that's so ridiculous I'm not even sure I believe it myself, but it's apparently true. My best mate used to go out with a girl whose stepdad was a bit of a cad in his younger days and he knew he had a daughter with an American woman. He managed to track her down and it turns out his long-lost daughter is Brody Dalle from the Distillers.


          OMG, I just remembered that I've got all the autographs of the Red Arrows!

          Circa 1984 or something. And there are 10 signatures because they keep a spare pilot in case one crashes. Which I also saw once! Exciting stuff.


            Said hello to David Bellamy on a train once.

            Told one of the Housemartins to get off his lazy arse and right some music again (about 3 years ago in a pub just off Charlotte Street)

            Got Renee and Renate's autograph in a restaurant called Froggies in Hull. When I was about 7.


              Saw Peter Duncan of Blue Peter fame at Syon House, Isleworth, about 20 years ago.


                Tbh though I don't take much notice of celebrities and who's supposed to be one so the vast majority of them if I ever saw them I wouldn't recognise them and in 99% of cases if I didn't recognise them I wouldn't care coz most people who are the UK media's definition of celebrities are usually just talentless tits.
                I find it unbelievable that Jade Goody's still being given airtime, for example, and that Jonathan Ross has her on on Friday.


                  When I went to see The Zutons at Shepherds Bush Empire last year (I think) we stopped in KFC in Shepherds Bush to get something to eat and The Music were in there having chicken burgers and whatnot as well!

                  I had no idea that celebs ate the same stuff as us mere mortals! I thought they only ate space-age tofu from toothpaste-type tubes?! Oh well, ya lives an' learns


                    I'm sure I've mentioned these before on here but some of mine are:

                    I sat on the same desk to sit my theory driving test as Maureen Rees from BBC's Driving School (desk No. 13 if you're that interested).

                    I was forced to undertake weather girl Sian Lloyd on the M4 as she was hogging the middle lane in her Metro.

                    A mate of mine's father is still best friends with David Prowse.

                    Another mate of mine almost got run over by Daddy G of Massive Attack on Gloucester Road in Bristol (it was his fault as he stepped out on to the road in front of him).

                    Kylie Minogue's family comes from my hometown (her gran still lives there)

                    (one for Babs) A mate of mine played on stage with Hawkwind

                    Stephen Bailey who used to write for Official Xbox Mag and appeared on that Bravo show hosted by Violet Berlin (and was called "an Elephantine Lard Arse" in the pages of Mean Machines) was a year above me in school.

                    Alice Beer who used to work on Watchdog once scowled at me through the window of her 4x4 as she was parked up at the side of the road and ranting at someone down the phone.

                    One of my girlfriends workmates used to live next to The Lost Profits.


                      My mate is the cousin of the singer from Lostprophets.



                        Friend of mine claims to have slept with two of the Spice Girls - on different ocassions I add (Mel B & the Sporty one) in their rented shared house in Maidenhead three months before they became famous. Do I believe him, yes.


                          I met Cedric Bixler-Zavala from the Mars Volta while hanging outside the Manchester Academy in 2003 (got his signature and a photo, then spent 15 minutes discussing Doctor Who).
                          John Frusciante walked past me while I was waiting to a Vincent Gallo show in London and I stupidly stood still, Frozen in awe (regret that big time).
                          Saw Ikey Owens (Mars Volta) but was queuing for the show, so I sent my girlfriend to grab a sig.
                          Also, my brother also saw Harrison Ford at LLangollen (isn't that weird?) and I knew a guy from school whose cousin is that Buckland fella in Coldplay.


                            Footballers Darren Huckerby, Gordon Strachan, Gary McAllister (Whom I also saw buying an Ipod for his daughter at a local dixons recently), and Gold Medallist Steve Backley all lived a couple of roads away in the small town of mine.

                            Also I see Paula Radcliffe running around the streets once every couple of days.


                              my friend had quite a long affair with dwight york while he was with jordan. The story made the news of the world newspaper, which made us guys (her friends) laugh are asses off.


                                I don't suppose these count cos they aren't tenuous enough but:
                                I've been to the pub a couple of times with Ricky Gervaise (my Grandad married his Gran recently). Probably going to see him again at Christmas.
                                My Sister used to hang out with other It Girls like Tara Palmer P and co until she moved to Bristol recently.
                                My Dad seems to be James Bond or something. He just got back from a UN conference in Vienna (went straight from the airport to Glynebourne for the opera ) and spends most of his time at the HP and advising top MPs and occasionaly meeting the Queen and the PM. Supposedly he's retired.... yeah right.

