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    The first couple go back a "few" years!

    Was playing with a band I was in and in the audience was Mick Abrams (ex of Jethro Tull and later Blodwyn Pig). We did get to meet him after the gig.

    I was in Oxford with a friend from that band to see a Strawbs concert. We were going to the theatre and there was a guy walking by a car park. My friend say's "Thats John Hawken" (Strawbs keyboard player at the time). I wasn't convinced. We went to speak to him and it was him. At least we got to go backstage after the show.

    When I was with a later band we got to meet John Ottway as we were on the same bill a couple of times. That was before he had any hits. The closest we got to fame was with that band and was a call to be on a Darts tour (anyone remember them). Unfortunately our line up had changed!

    My local church organized a Rick Wakeman concert a few years ago and a few of us got to do our "roadie" impressions. We even got to eat a meal with him before the concert.
    Last edited by Bassman; 27-10-2005, 13:22.


      Originally posted by endo
      The brother of a bloke at work plays first-team rugby for Northampton. I'm just a non-celeb magnet.
      my dad knows alot of major players from the team, he regulary goes out on benders with them.


        before elton john was famous, he used to play little piano gigs around the country, and whilst at redruth (we are talking about 30 years ago.) my late grandfather poored a pint of ale down his head and said he was ****. *true story*

        thomas sorensen (spelling) the sunderland goalkeeper opened our school gym back in the day !

        i met and got a picture taken with colin caulderwood, at the nickleson testomonial (tottenham match.)

        a group that have just come onto kerrang called save ourselves, i met them a few months ago whilst touring with inme, at the northampton soundhaus, i had a pint with the lead singer.

        met random northampton rugby players.

        met the undertaker, yokozuna and bret the hitman heart when the flew into heathrow.

        i called colin murray a c**t at leeds festival this year, cos he wouldent shut up, he replied ha ha ha very funny, and i replied just piss off your ****.

        oh and i met that guy, who was lead singer of spandet ballet, the krays and eastenders (i think his name is martin kemp.)

        i think thats about it for now.


          Er ... once beat the lead singer bloke from 90's punk/pop band The Sultans Of Ping FC (later The Sultans of Ping (later The Sultans)) at pool ... and that's it. Crap, eh?


            I goosed Pink with my pool cue at the Elbow Rooms on my birthday around 4 years ago (when she was still sexy too). Amazingly she didn't kick the **** out of me.


              My mates dad used to fix Darth Vader's Mini (The Prowse that is!)


                Whilst I was hitch hiking in America a guy picked me me and he said he had coached the womens wimbledon champion of 77 (Virginia Wade) hehe that was a random trip lol


                  My dad's a Taxi Driver and he once picked up Andi Peters from BBC Television Centre!


                    I remembered a good (if sinister) one. Someone I know was mates with Harold Shipman's son at school. Apparently when it all kicked off no-one knew what to say to him, after much silence on the bus home he eventually said in a cheerful tone, "So... What do you reckon about my dad, then?"

                    Talk about an awkward conversation.


                      When I worked at HMV in leicester I ordered the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack for Emile Heskey's dad.


                        Wow - Peeveen and Yorath's have upped the bar! Especially Yoraths - pissed me bleedin' self when I read that one!

                        Classics!!! Exactly what I originally intended for the thread. Well done!!!


                          Originally posted by mr_fantazmo
                          Why would you need to undertake if she is in the middle lane??
                          Someone else was also pootling alongside in the fast lane (they were both doing around 50 miles per hour)


                            The Osbornes used to own the house across the way from me behind the trees. This would be the infamous house they occupied during the time Ozzy tried to kill his wife and the police were called? Sharon and the kids were regulars in the local video shop at the time. Now they have a place a few miles away but Sharon frequents the local pet shop that I go to, and I know someone bumped into Ozzy not long back in a local shop fuelling his obsession with liquorice of all things.

                            The house they had across from me is now owned by??. Robert Kilroy Silk. Never seen him myself, but my dogs were taken out for a walk a couple of years ago and he was in the field and apparently went up to them? They now know better and are now trained to attack at first sight. I'll give him one thing mind you... He puts on a good fireworks display which I can sit and view from the comfort of my bedroom like clockwork come the 5th of November each year.

                            My brother in law knows Howard Jones well.

                            Leo Sayer also lives up the road from me. I see him often at the local Petrol Station and in Tesco. Very nice fellow he is too actually. Still has the big hair.

                            I was in Miami when I was about eight and my dad was talking to Elton John. I just sat wondering how long it would take to drive to Orlando and get to Disneyworld?

                            At the tender age of five, after witnessing his stirring performance as Buttons in Cinderella, I got to meet TVs Ian Beale of Eastenders fame after the show.

                            When I was about five or six I got to meet Newsround God John Craven at an outdoor old motor show event.

                            Met Noel Edmonds when I was about ten years old? Awkward silence after he asked what shows of his I liked and I said I didn?t really care for any of them. I was quickly whisked away by my father.

                            A few years ago my dad was at The Dorchester in London in the bar and a fellow leant over to him and said ?I like your suit??. Turned out to be Sylvester Stallone who was there celebrating his wedding. Ey, yo!

                            Earlier in the year I was browsing the soundtrack/film score section in Oxford Street's HMV and happened to notice Bill Oddie beside me having a flick through the titles in the TV Music section. I saw Simon Day of Fast Show fame in there most recently, and a year or two ago as I was walking in to the store Richard Wilson stormed out looking rather miffed, hiding himself as best he could beneath a flat cap.

                            Firmly away from the lame pile is when I was invited out to Skywalker Ranch three years ago. I was quietly admiring the vineyard outside the Skywalker Sound building and happened to bump into filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson and sound mixing supremo Gary Rydstrom.


                              I shook Captain Sensible's hand last night.
                              Also last night a bloke stopped me and my mate asking for directions. Once he'd left we realised it was Kirk Brandon (ex Spear of Destiny) who was on his way to play the gig where we met the Sensible one.

                              That's rubbish though, compared to.......

                              A couple of years ago I got into a taxi which stank of perfume and fish. 'Sorry about the smell in the car mate' the taxi driver said.........
                              'Just dropped of the Atomic Kittens around the corner'.


                                oh gonna be giggling at that all day.


