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NTSC-uk Photowall

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    Originally posted by Pacman555

    PS I can add tho, in a last minute revelation, I'm NOT spherical and yellow.
    Sorry mate, until you post a picture we're not going to believe you


      Originally posted by tokyochojin
      This tshirt is quit infamous in Tokyo! for the guys who have been to the hell whole that is Roppongi, you will know the score!
      NO I DON'T WANT ANOTHER DRINK I HAVE ONE IN MY HAND SEE? SEE?? *drowned out by six year old HipHop*


        Found a better pic of me, this is me during my tour of Europe!

        I'm the one who looks asleep, wearing a black t-shirt, long black hair, with a rolling stones wrist band, sitting in the middle of the person wearing a green T-shirt, and the person wearing the yellow top.

        Whadaa think?
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by darkangel
          Found a better pic of me, this is me during my tour of Europe!

          I'm the one who looks asleep, wearing a black t-shirt, long black hair, with a rolling stones wrist band, sitting in the middle of the person wearing a green T-shirt, and the person wearing the yellow top.

          Whadaa think?
          Get a haircut, you look like some throw back to every genric American yoof with a bad attitude/good up bringing look about you.

          With those hot chics around I thought you could at least look interested. A thread alone me thinks........


            i posted mine earlier. taking a quick look through at some pics.... im obviously the scally of the thread.


              Looking very much like Laurence Fishbourne in that second pic there Speakerboxxx

              Maybe its the angle your at


                Dunno if there are any pics of me on the site. Maybe from a meet many moons ago or summink....

                Here are mine.

                As you can see, the first couple are messing around with the colour flash thingy on my new GX30, pretty cool.
                The last one is me getting ready to do some serious Xbox Live gaming! lol
                Attached Files


                  Hey, D.S. Cheers man I take that as a compliment!

                  And about the hot chicks thing, we had just got off a 16 hour coach journey and hadnt any sleep. So you can't really blame me!


                    Some recent pics, for your photoshopping pleasure ...
                    Attached Files


                      Ah. Thinking it would be handy to post before turning up at Marcus's tomorrow, I went to my web stuff.

                      All I found was this...

                      Oh well.


                        mid - that t-shirt is stunning


                          I was really surprised, actually. "Top Man in Good T-Shirt Shocker! Game at 11".


                            Funniest thing i've seen in ages Mr Charlesr. hehe. I take me hat off to thee...

                            *takes of hat?* (is actually wearing a hat because cant be arsed to gel/wax hair?)

                            Hopefully i'll have a little passport photo to include here soon... bet you all cant wait *sigh*

                            heh. I always think its funny to see what people look like in reality... tho sometimes its scary how different people are compared to the images u conjure up in your head. And then... scarier still, is when you actually meet them... and they act completely different to how you imagined they would due to their appearance!


                            ----Member since April 2002




                              Many thanks to Mr Ginza sir. He very kindly uploaded my pic for me (as well as my new drawing...)

                              Thank you again buddy, really appriciate your help.

                              Anyhoo... please excuse the rather pants photo. Here i am:

                              ----Member since April 2002


