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iOS recommended games and applications

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    They aren't out in Europe yet I thought?


      Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
      They aren't out in Europe yet I thought?
      I know but we do have a few US users and people on here do love to import!

      I would have bought one but I opted for a dog instead. Much more interactive.


        Is it possible to download Japanese apps onto my UK account?

        I've been trying to figure it out for the last half an hour and all i've managed to do is delete all my music =_=

        I've been trying to sync it, so i can transfer the niconico app, but it's not transferring...

        Edit: (Ah nevermind, figured it out)
        Last edited by KusoGaki; 06-04-2010, 15:49.


          Is it wrong that ESPGaluda II is the sole and only reason i've upgraded to a 3GS?

          I have a couple more months until my contract ends but I got a 3GS anyway. :S


            My goodness, I'm going to need an iPad.

            Also, does anyone know how the 16gb version will be in the UK?

            We need an iPad thread.


              Thats brilliant...

              I'm more interested in the iPhone 4G though. I've skipped on the 3GS in favour of my current jailbroken (and modded to the hilt) 3G version so I am just about to be out of contract and in a prime position to upgrade.

              I just hope that with all the new competition in the smartphone market Apple are going to make a more significant jump in hardware than what they did with the 3GS last year... which was essentially a faster device with a slightly better camera (video) and battery.

              I want a 720p HD screen, larger storage, front facing camera... the works. Couple that with firmware 4.0 with multi-tasking and all the goodness we've seen through Jailbreaking and I will happily put down my 3GS and not look bad.

              I just hope they are going to do it. If it's just a 3GS with a 5 megapixel camera and bigger HDD then I'll be disappointed.


                Looks like OpenFeint et al will be obsolete pretty soon. OS4 includes an Apple solution for achievements and all that.

                Apple LIVE, if you will.


                  Shame really, as OpenFeint is pretty ace.

                  No multitasking for 3G iphones


                    Originally posted by ChrisField View Post

                    No multitasking for 3G iphones
                    I think the lack of RAM in the 2G and 3G models is the problem there. The older models only have 128MB vs the 256MB in the 3GS and iPad.


                      It'll be a shame to see OpenFeint go but I suppose a unified approach is better in the long run. Has there been any mention of charges for using the Game Centre stuff?

                      Forget about that though, it's a minor things but I'm really glad that they're finally adding folders to the iPhone.


                        Originally posted by CMcK View Post
                        I think the lack of RAM in the 2G and 3G models is the problem there. The older models only have 128MB vs the 256MB in the 3GS and iPad.
                        That's not surprising I guess. It's a shame though but it had to happen I suppose.


                          If you want multi-tasking on a 3G phone then just jailbreak it now...

                          Kirikae and Backgrounder are all you need.


                            I did try that once. It bought my iphone to a grinding halt and just didn't work in the slightest. Lasted all of 10 minutes before I un-jailbroke it again.


                              Really? Because I have a 3G with both installed and it hasnt dropped a beat.

                              I broke mine with BlackRa1n on FW3.1 if that helps. I've never looked back... perhaps try it again now and it would be more stable. Apparently having these apps running in the background sap more battery to be honest I've never even found that an issue.


                                I jailbroke mine and it's just awful now! So slow. Forever waiting for things to load. Sometimes it just locks up completely and has to restart. All sorts of random crap. I'm really thinking of going back to normal although I will miss backgrounding Spotify and using all the quick SMS features.

