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    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
    Do they let you reduce tarriffs now? They never used to
    Yeah, because it's 4 months remaining of an 18 month I can reduce it - at least that's what the girl in the Orange shop said - no charge, no resigning of a new contract.


      The O2 assistants instore are pretty useless. Phoned up my local and asked if they were upgrading instore, and he said if its from the old iPhone then you wouldnt be able to do it instore on Friday, only 3 months after its release - I was like wtf are you on about, and asked to speak to the manager, who said that they were doing upgrades on Friday and would open at 8.02am.

      Then just to see what was going on, went into the shop and asked them in there, and they confirmed what the manager said. Then asked if theyd have the white ones in stock, and the lady said that the new one would only be in black, as the old iPhone was white, which I told her was wrong as there would be two new colours, and that the old iPhone was silver and not white.

      Youd have thought that with this being a major release for the company, that theyd at least tell the staff what was what. The mind boggles!


        It may be of benefit to us if they've been handing out the wrong info saying you can't upgrade instore. Several websites are reporting that there'll only be "a few dozen" at each branch so demand will be feverish. Gonna have to pack a folding chair and thermos of coffee for a long one on Friday me thinks...


          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
          Yeah, because it's 4 months remaining of an 18 month I can reduce it - at least that's what the girl in the Orange shop said - no charge, no resigning of a new contract.
          That's exactly what I did a month or so back

          Got a call off o2 yesterday saying they wont release the iPhone to me until I've given them a PAC code (requirement of the tarif apparently). No problem thought me, give Orange a call and get it... So I did.... Except now they don't seem to give PAC codes out over the phone, or SMS you them, but instead post them to you So now I have to wait for it to arrive by post before my order can continue with o2. Apparently Orange changed it a while back because they had shops rining up (Phones4U!) pretending to be customers and changing their tarifs/contracts etc...

          Had to put up with a 5 minute long speech off the guy at Orange retentions telling me how crap the iPhone is.

          So yeah, if you need a PAC code off Orange, definitely get the ball moving sooner rather than later!


            Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
            Got a call off o2 yesterday saying they wont release the iPhone to me until I've given them a PAC code (requirement of the tarif apparently).
            Are they sure about that? As its always been that you have 28 days or so after you sign up to a contract that they allow you to migrate your old number over. Thats what I did with the old iPhone as I hadnt received my PAC code when activating it - just called them up when I got it in the post and they did it no problem.


              Yeah, they told me 28 days when I asked in an O2 shop and it even says on the website that you can do it after receiving and activating the phone.


                That's certainly what they told me over the phone, twice (although it was the same woman, so...). Don't know if it's because it's a business tarif or what. Will find out Friday I guess. I may give them a call tomorrow and check again.


                  Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                  That's exactly what I did a month or so back

                  Got a call off o2 yesterday saying they wont release the iPhone to me until I've given them a PAC code (requirement of the tarif apparently). No problem thought me, give Orange a call and get it... So I did.... Except now they don't seem to give PAC codes out over the phone, or SMS you them, but instead post them to you So now I have to wait for it to arrive by post before my order can continue with o2. Apparently Orange changed it a while back because they had shops rining up (Phones4U!) pretending to be customers and changing their tarifs/contracts etc...

                  Had to put up with a 5 minute long speech off the guy at Orange retentions telling me how crap the iPhone is.

                  So yeah, if you need a PAC code off Orange, definitely get the ball moving sooner rather than later!
                  I'm not too bothered about keeping my old number. There's only around a dozen people who call me on a regular basis so It's not like I'll be losing a whole bunch of contacts.

                  The O2 stores are a bit useless. I asked the question about the white one and was told it doesn't exist! None of the stores I went to were opening at 8.02 only because they are all in shopping centres! Boo!


                    I'm not entirely sure what's happening with the white one. I don't remember an option for it when I ordered mine, which doesn't bother me too much because I wanted a black one, but it's still weird.

                    O2 have charged my card, so it looks like I'm safe


                      No white iPhones for the UK it seems. The U.S. likely got the full shipment for launch.


                        Originally posted by Fei Fong Wong View Post
                        No white iPhones for the UK it seems. The U.S. likely got the full shipment for launch.
                        Ah man thats ****. I wanted a white one


                          So gutted. Im an existing o2 customer. I was told a few weeks ago I could have an early upgrade to the iphone as long as I took out a new iphone tarrif, which is now problem.

                          Now I called o2 today and was told only existing "iphone" customers are eligible for an early Iphone 3g upgrade! I mean wtf!

                          She lady at o2 said that these were the orders from above and that they were getting new information everyday! So basically for me to get the new iphone I will have to either take out a whole new 18 month contract or wait until next year for my upgrade.

                          Although she did say to keep checking the site as they keep changing the rules as to who can have one!


                            Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                            That's certainly what they told me over the phone, twice (although it was the same woman, so...). Don't know if it's because it's a business tarif or what. Will find out Friday I guess. I may give them a call tomorrow and check again.
                            Just checked the o2 website and it does say I need my PAC before they'll post the phone..

                            If you choose a business tariff, you'll need your PAC code when you purchase your iPhone 3G and your existing number will normally be transferred within 5 working days.


                              The App Store is now accessible if you have iTunes 7.7, albeit not directly. Get downloading in advance of 2.0 coming out

                              I've got NetNewsWire, which will sync with the verson on my MBP

                              The $9.99 apps in the States are £5.99 here, which isn't bad ($9.99 = £5.06). I'll be buying the premium version of Exposure for that much when I get home.
                              Last edited by NekoFever; 10-07-2008, 10:45.


                                My local O2 store opens at 9am (normal opening hours) tomorrow, so methinks I'll be heading down there an hour or two earlier to try and snag me a Black 16Gb iPhone 3G.

                                Funny thing is, a Carphone Warehouse is in the same shopping centre as the O2 store, so maybe I have a choice...
                                Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 10-07-2008, 13:48.

