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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by JP View Post

    Group hug for John.


      How supermarkets can get away with offer trickery annoys me, actually... trying to make you think you're getting a good deal, when in reality you're buying more stuff than you should be at prices they would normally go for.

      'HALF PRICE!!!' - except at the original price not even Harrods would have sold any.

      'BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!' - except they've effectively doubled the single unit price before providing this amazing deal.

      Oh, and those Kenco coffee refill packs - considerably less packaging, yet costs nearly a quid more than the same weight in the usual jar form - what the hell? I won't be taken for a mug, thanks (no pun intended).


        Originally posted by JP View Post
        I hate everything about shops! I hate the whole shopping experience, the lights give me a headache, the staff often wind me up and I have no understand of those strange shopping rules. Even after years of shopping, they make no damn sense to me.
        Same here mate. I hate going into shops. Shop lights give me a headache too cos they're so bloody bright. Other customers are selfish f**kers & prod or push you around or are rude. Staff are creepy little buggers most of the time who just dont leave you alone of make u feel like a thief. I also feel like a complete dick when I walk into a shop.

        But fair do's JP you had a really bad 1 there mate.

        Originally posted by Hohum View Post
        How supermarkets can get away with offer trickery annoys me,
        WH Smith are buggers for that too. You buy something, then they ask if you wanna buy a bar of chocolate/haribo's cos they say they're on offer for half price, only to find that they cost MORE than most other places sell them for.



          "Half price!!!*"

          *As sold at outer hebrides store for at least 3 months prior to this offer to make it legal.

          Remember those shops that opened in Bluewater and were immediately "70% off!"? Same thing.


            I think the worst thing about the shopping experience is slow movers, I can't abide people who move at the pace of a snail or suddenly decide they don't have a clue where they are going stop dead so you have to do some timely maneuvering to dodge them!


              I've got around 100 GBA games and all of a sudden, one specific game I want to play... The cart has gone awol! Searched the flat and it's not here, so no idea where it could be.

              Quite irked now!


                Collections eh!

                Just got Red/Blue/Yellow in Nintendo cart cases on my shelf with a GBC handy should I need to play..


                  "'ve...been...playing.. ..on....X-box?"

                  Any insurance advert but especially the new one.
                  Last edited by NW2013; 24-12-2010, 18:40.


                    Originally posted by JP View Post
                    Shop Person:You got one for the price of one when we sold them for that much but now you get five for the price of...more.
                    That one line made my year.

                    Sorry about your hassle. I feel for you, mate. But seriously, that's pure gold.


                      Ellie Goulding. Torture for the ears. How about you go write your own hit instead of ruining a classic? Oh wait, your 'career' was going nowhere so you had no choice?


                        My favourite pizza place being shut Christmas Eve.

                        2nd favourite was open though. YAY!


                          Mmmm, pizza. What toppings?


                            Went for four seasons, as the other place don't do it.


                              Who is Ellie Goulding?


                                Google her, you'll like her, she's rubbish. Four seasons? That choice irks me.

