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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Yeh that's what I suspect it may just turn into which is no bad thing really but just annoying when you wanted and expected more.

    Love hurts! Not that this is love... Shouldn't say that too soon knowing me though! I'd fall in love with an orange if it smiled at me.


      How you doin'?



          Rossco, i have been in a very similar situation. I was seeing a gal for about 3 months, all ticking along. She said she didn't want a relationship at the start but i thought after 3 months i'd ask if it was getting serious. She flipped her top and flat out refused to see me...about a month after that she changes her status on FB to say she was in a relatioship with some doosh!
          Thank god im in a proper relationship now. My experience, if you have to ask if its getting serious, it probably isn't.


            She was probably skint and didn't want to buy you a big Xmas prezzie. You don't buy for casual lays.


              Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez View Post
              She was probably skint and didn't want to buy you a big Xmas prezzie. You don't buy for casual lays.


                Pffft sounds a pain dude. I wasn't after anything serious myself anyway as I completely lost trust in people in general never mind the female population as a whole after the girl I was planning my life with and aiming to propose to in 2011 lied compulsively to me about everything and is now in love with the guy she was sneaking around with just 3 months after she left me. How do you trust people again after the person you have been closest and most honest with for years does the dirty on you!

                But having thought about it more today she did say she still wants to do what we've been doing which I'm happy with. That's how my ex and I got together, about 6 months of casual sex until we realised we loved each other!

                Also means I can still play the field without feeling guilty, booya! That's something to go in the 'makes you smile' thread!

                Women, eh!?

                On the money about the present business by the way! She actually mentioned that a while ago but silly me got her something, that'll be a laugh giving it to her with the lovey dovey card I've already wrote!
                Last edited by Rossco; 23-12-2010, 17:00.


                  Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                  On the money about the present business by the way! She actually mentioned that a while ago but silly me got her something, that'll be a laugh giving it to her with the lovey dovey card I've already wrote!
                  If its an expensive gift I'd take it back for a refund & get her something less personnal or a bottle of perfume, & I'd bin the card & give her a bog standard card with a friendly message inside .

                  Spend the rest of it on yourself cos u never know when she's gonna cut n run


                    Spontanious people always wanting to do stuff spur of the moment, never giving me any advanced notice, I need notice damnit.


                      Those bloody Boots ads are really irking me, not only because of 'that song' which they dont seem to have gotten rid of for over a yr, but also the way they portay men as stupid or weak.

                      Boots ad 1 - No he didnt hear that you wanted a bottle of perfume because he was busy using YOUR noisy & crap hairdryer .

                      Boots ad 2 - No I have never been imobilised by so called 'man flu', which is what seems to be suggested by the 2 super women who have to do everything while they are suffering from colds .

                      Is it me or is this so called man flu a load of old bollox, because I have never been so ill with a cold/flu as to act like a big baby about it. I just get on with life as usual. In fact from past relationships its always been my ex's that have been whiney babies over a 'bad cold'.

                      1. I'm super healthy (not likely),
                      2. Was tested on as a baby & am a super immune genetic mutation (possible ),
                      3. Men are just big whiney babies,
                      or 4. Man flu is a load of female concocted rubbish


                        Here come the girls!

                        ffs how many years now


                          I laughed when Boots still used 'that song' on a hearing aid ad. Only seen it once unfortunately.


                            I honestly have no idea what you lot are talking about re: Boots ads.

                            That's the beauty of getting all my telly from iPlayer.

                            Although iPlayer would be a pretty big irk in and of itself.


                              Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
                              If its an expensive gift I'd take it back for a refund & get her something less personnal or a bottle of perfume, & I'd bin the card & give her a bog standard card with a friendly message inside .

                              Spend the rest of it on yourself cos u never know when she's gonna cut n run
                              Yeah good idea, I'll ditch the card. Still give her the present though.

                              What I didn't mention was that this is the present:


                              Agreed on the man flu stuff by the way, never understood that myself!


                                OK, before I complain I need to explain a bit of a back story to qualify my complaint...

                                I hate everything about shops! I hate the whole shopping experience, the lights give me a headache, the staff often wind me up and I have no understand of those strange shopping rules. Even after years of shopping, they make no damn sense to me.

                                Actually, thinking about it:
                                1. Example 1
                                2. Example 2
                                3. Example 3

                                If there was any way to avoid it then I would have but I had to visit not just a shop but one of those damned Christmas card shops today.

                                I just needed a little tiny bit of wrapping paper to finish off the Christmas stuff and I though I'll do it properly and get paper that matched the other stuff we have.

                                Easy enough to find and I picked up one of those bottle container things too so I queued for the till to be greeted by some woman who appeared to still have some sort of breakfast material in her hair. I knew instantly that it wouldn't go well but I wasn't expecting to be told that I couldn't buy what I had and the incident went along these lines:
                                Shop Person: I can't really sell you those like that, really sorry...
                                Me: I'm sorry, there's a what now?
                                Shop Person: The wrappings, you can't buy on their own.
                                Me: What, I haven't, I've bought this one with this one. These are more than one.
                                Shop Person: No, you can't just buy one roll of paper and one bottle bag. I can only sell you sets of them.
                                Me: Sets of...them?
                                Shop Person: Yes, you must buy five rolls and three bottle bags.
                                Me: Five? It's a tiny little present, I'm not wanting to redecorate my bloody living room with tiny little father Christmas faces and reindeer arses. I didn't buy five last time.
                                Shop Person: But you have to buy five now, it's the only way.
                                Me: Have you ever thought of being an estate agent?
                                Shop Person: Pardon?
                                Me: Doesn't matter, how much is it for five?
                                Shop Person: It's actually cheaper to buy five, it's ?1:00 for five.
                                Me: Cheaper? I bought one last week and it was 59p for one, ?1:00 doesn't feel any cheaper at the moment.
                                Shop Person: It is when you think about really. You got one for the price of one when we sold them for that much but now you get five for the price of...more.
                                Me: What? I'd really rather have none that I want than five that I don't want. If I buy five for 59p...
                                Shop Person: It's five for ?1:00...
                                Me: OK, I'm there now. If I buy five for ?1:00 can I just leave four of them where they are now? Everybody wins, I get them cheaper than I would have if I'd bought when they cost less and you can sell them to somebody else?
                                Shop Person: It's not really allowed because you can't leave your property in our shop.

                                By this time I was exactly how I said I always am in shops when I started this post. I was wanting to kill people, I was also starting to think about how the food on that woman's head would taste like.

                                I had a brain wave and asked if anybody in the shop would like four rolls of this paper as a Christmas present as they would just end up in the recycling if I was forced to take them like some immigrant paper trafficker.

                                People seemed a bit nervous but yes, they would take the damn paper off my hands...

                                Shop Person: You can't really do that as you're stealing out customers when you do that.
                                Me: OK, sell me however many rolls of paper I'm legally obliged to buy, sell me however many bottle bags I have to buy and I have to leave as I'm starting to go insane.
                                Shop Person: It's different with the bottle bags, I can sell you three but it is cheaper if you buy five.
                                Me: Cheaperasincostsmoreorcheaperasincostsless???
                                Shop Person: More...
                                Me: Five of these, three of those and I will pay ?10 if you promise never to sell me anything ever again.

                                So I ended up buying enough wrapping paper to redecorate my entire house and another load of bottle bags...and gave them to people as I walked out!!

                                I hate shops!! I'm just not designed for this whole shopping experience, my brain doesn't seem to have a shopping mode and it really aches after I've been in one. Give me a bow and arrow and point me up the mountains and I can do my bloody shopping that way, it's simpler, it makes sense to me.

                                Whenever I go into town on my lunch and return to work, people can just sense it and somebody always ask with a smile if I've been into a shop again. I always just say that I don't want to talk about it and spend the afternoon running through every single detail in my head again and again.

                                And...I'm still wondering right now what the hell that woman had for breakfast and how it ended up in her hair!

