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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by eastyy View Post
    irk of mine is how useless my dad is with computers.....not the fact he knows very little its more the fact he doesent even try to learn

    i downloaded a audio converter for him....he trys it out....and he phones me up asking how do i add files ? ....and there is a massive ADD FILE link at the top
    My dad cant even be bothered to learn how to use the video recorder or dvd player properly. He cant even use the remote on his digisat properly & always expects someoen else to do it for him.

    Well, at least my mum is trying to learn how to use her pc, fairplay on her. She is 75


      Sounds exactly like my parents, my mother is by far the more tech savvy
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        Supermarkets having too many 'pickers' wheeling those big trolleys about for home delivery at peak times. Always getting in the way, stopping right by where you need to get to, three or four of them in the same aisle at one. They should do more of them overnight when it's empty!


          Yes you gormless ****. Just because I'm walking down the same street as you and I'm catching you due to you walking tediously slowly it's okay for you to constantly look back at me. I must want to rape you and your handbag that is larger that your torso.


            Bort : that situation gets even worse when the woman in question is walking in a way where you don't have enough room to pass her so you either have to slow down and match her pace or walk up close and hope she gets the hint before you have to actually ask her to move out of the way.



              This happens to me every few mornings as I walk to work alongside the river, & its always this dodgy looking guy who looks like he's looking for a George Micheal style fumble (I have seen some dodgy things down there, so it happens occasionally).

              I always either have to slow down my wlaking, making me late for work, or I have to speed up & try to pass him before he gets to the footpath. Maybe he's just hoping that I'll eventually just bum, sorry, 'bump' into him


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                Bort : that situation gets even worse when the woman in question is walking in a way where you don't have enough room to pass her so you either have to slow down and match her pace or walk up close and hope she gets the hint before you have to actually ask her to move out of the way.

                Yep, at least that one was actually capable of walking in a straight line (when she wasn't diving into her bag).


                  Originally posted by Bort View Post
                  Yes you gormless ****. Just because I'm walking down the same street as you and I'm catching you due to you walking tediously slowly it's okay for you to constantly look back at me. I must want to rape you and your handbag that is larger that your torso.
                  In this situation, when she turns around, just catch her eye and wink at her.

                  She'll either speed up, cross the road, or you'll pull. It's a win either way.


                    Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                    In this situation, when she turns around, just catch her eye and wink at her.

                    She'll either speed up, cross the road, or you'll pull. It's a win either way.

                    .....or phone the busy's


                      Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
                      .....or phone the busy's
                      She won't get her phone out, Bort might nick it!

                      I guess she could have pepper spray or something though, that probably wouldn't be a win.


                        My one and only wisdom tooth. It has been growing at an angle for the last 7 or so years and now it appears to be scratching the inside of my mouth.
                        No comfortable and I would imagine very painful to have removed.


                          Buying insurance. Grrrrr.


                            Originally posted by koopatroopa90 View Post
                            Buying insurance. Grrrrr.
                            Same. Every year for the car now I have to change companies to get the best deal as they only give them to new customers. There is no point staying loyal to any company it seems. I'm back with Aviva now and I was last with them when I started driving 8 years ago!


                              Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                              My one and only wisdom tooth. It has been growing at an angle for the last 7 or so years and now it appears to be scratching the inside of my mouth.
                              No comfortable and I would imagine very painful to have removed.
                              Ouch... sorry to hear that. My brother's wisdoms occasionally make him grumble too. I had mine surgically removed when I was 13 as the dentist predicted I'd have trouble with them later in life. Might have to bite the bullet on that one; I had mine done under general so I didn't feel a thing until I woke up...
                              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                                Next door cooking some rank smelling cabbage dish and the smell wafting into my place. The joy of flats.

